Why on earth would ANYONE believe that this woman has changed?! Five years ago she said this, and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that she felt this way after this conference!
What has changed Kamalla? Do you see incidents involving semi-automatic guns going down? Only a fucking idiot would be stupid enough to believe this woman has "changed".
As I've said in other threads, this woman and her team are racing to erase her past positions, because they know, that in America, at a national election leftists are LOSERS!!!
This woman is now too chicken-shit to reveal herself PUBLICLY!!! It is up to us, to educate those who are so-called independents, and other fence-sitters.
What has changed Kamalla? Do you see incidents involving semi-automatic guns going down? Only a fucking idiot would be stupid enough to believe this woman has "changed".
As I've said in other threads, this woman and her team are racing to erase her past positions, because they know, that in America, at a national election leftists are LOSERS!!!
This woman is now too chicken-shit to reveal herself PUBLICLY!!! It is up to us, to educate those who are so-called independents, and other fence-sitters.
Harris: ‘I support a mandatory buyback program’
Harris reiterated her support for the mandatory buyback of assault weapons, joining Beto O’Rourke and fellow Sen. Cory Booker in backing the approach from the forum stage.
“We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program,” she said. “It’s got to be smart, we got to do it the right way. But there are 5 million [assault weapons] at least, some estimate as many as 10 million, and we’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets, but doing it the right way.”

Gun Safety Forum: Live updates from Las Vegas
Live blog of the gun control forum being held in Las Vegas on October 2 featuring the 10 leading Democratic presidential candidates and moderated by MSNBC.