Kamalla Harris 2019 on so-called "assault weapons “We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program,”


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Feb 22, 2013
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Why on earth would ANYONE believe that this woman has changed?! Five years ago she said this, and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that she felt this way after this conference!

What has changed Kamalla? Do you see incidents involving semi-automatic guns going down? Only a fucking idiot would be stupid enough to believe this woman has "changed".

As I've said in other threads, this woman and her team are racing to erase her past positions, because they know, that in America, at a national election leftists are LOSERS!!!

This woman is now too chicken-shit to reveal herself PUBLICLY!!! It is up to us, to educate those who are so-called independents, and other fence-sitters.

Harris: ‘I support a mandatory buyback program’​

Harris reiterated her support for the mandatory buyback of assault weapons, joining Beto O’Rourke and fellow Sen. Cory Booker in backing the approach from the forum stage.

“We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program,” she said. “It’s got to be smart, we got to do it the right way. But there are 5 million [assault weapons] at least, some estimate as many as 10 million, and we’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets, but doing it the right way.”

Why on earth would ANYONE believe that this woman has changed?! Five years ago she said this, and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that she felt this way after this conference!

What has changed Kamalla? Do you see incidents involving semi-automatic guns going down? Only a fucking idiot would be stupid enough to believe this woman has "changed".

As I've said in other threads, this woman and her team are racing to erase her past positions, because they know, that in America, at a national election leftists are LOSERS!!!

This woman is now too chicken-shit to reveal herself PUBLICLY!!! It is up to us, to educate those who are so-called independents, and other fence-sitters.

Harris: ‘I support a mandatory buyback program’​

So how can the bitch, or the feds, buyback something they've never owned in the first place? These people are fucking crazy. Also they can't pass an ex post facto law to make what I own illegal.

So how can the bitch, or the feds, buyback something they've never owned in the first place? These people are fucking crazy. Also they can't pass an ex post facto law to make what I own illegal.

So how can the bitch, or the feds, buyback something they've never owned in the first place? These people are fucking crazy. Also they can't pass an ex post facto law to make what I own illegal.


From stories I've seen in the past, you take the gun with a receipt to some designated government facility, and they take the gun and give you whatever the amount on the receipt says. That's fine if you voluntarily do it, but 'mandatory' should send chills down your back.
From stories I've seen in the past, you take the gun with a receipt to some designated government facility, and they take the gun and give you whatever the amount on the receipt says. That's fine if you voluntarily do it, but 'mandatory' should send chills down your back.

All I can say is from my cold dead hands. But honestly I don't see SCOTUS allowing that crap. They could try banning new sales but under Heller, I don't see that flying either.

Piss on FKH....Send bachelors or Tunnels to Towers will be needing $25.00 a month to get ATF agent's kids through college.

Remember, any hill you choose to die on has a view. ;)
All I can say is from my cold dead hands. But honestly I don't see SCOTUS allowing that crap. They could try banning new sales but under Heller, I don't see that flying either.


It's important to know however, that going forward, her side will be working behind the scenes to make it harder and harder for gun ownership.
It's important to know however, that going forward, her side will be working behind the scenes to make it harder and harder for gun ownership.

That what commie do, vigilance is the key.

'Mandatory' buyback. I wonder what they would do if a person simply said, my gun is NOT for sale?
Think they would go away?
Why on earth would ANYONE believe that this woman has changed?! Five years ago she said this, and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that she felt this way after this conference!

What has changed Kamalla? Do you see incidents involving semi-automatic guns going down? Only a fucking idiot would be stupid enough to believe this woman has "changed".

As I've said in other threads, this woman and her team are racing to erase her past positions, because they know, that in America, at a national election leftists are LOSERS!!!

This woman is now too chicken-shit to reveal herself PUBLICLY!!! It is up to us, to educate those who are so-called independents, and other fence-sitters.

Harris: ‘I support a mandatory buyback program’​

Jesus. The left are so stupid. First you say you are going to confiscate everyone's guns, causing flocks of people to actually buy guns, and then you offer a buyback program to buy them back and add more money onto the national debt. Rinse and repeat.
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