*Kari KerBoom!!!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,
1. This speaks volumes about USA politics.
2. All True.
3. And the immoral democrats are in favor of this BS.
4. LINK:

5. This should be shocking, but its meh, to the Democrats.
6. Then there's this:


Seeing the name “Joe ‘Bozo’ Biden” reminds me of an odd factoid that I mention every so often.

In the 1984 Presidential election, if you had written in “Bozo the Clown” for President, you would have been casting a valid vote for a genuine candidate.

His real name was Lawrence Weiss. As an actor, his stage name was “Larry Harmon”. He was best known for portraying the iconic Bozo the Clown.

And in 1984, he ran for President, jumped through whatever hoops he had to to be established as a qualified write-in candidate.

I was in charge of running a voting precinct that election, and among the documents that I had in that capacity was a list of qualified write-in candidates. Mr. Weiss was on that list, along with all the different variations and combinations of his different names that one could write in to cast a valid vote for him.
Sorry bout that,
1. This speaks volumes about USA politics.
2. All True.
3. And the immoral democrats are in favor of this BS.
4. LINK:

5. This should be shocking, but its meh, to the Democrats.
6. Then there's this:


She's starting to make Ted Bundy look sane.
Whack-a-doodle. She's goin nowhere.

Sorry bout that.
If they can change the definition of words...then so can I.

The only three pronouns to be used from this day forward are...
1- Pervert (boy)
2 - Pervette (girl)
3 - Perv (either/or)

Okay, Saul.

Looks like you got out of bed early to say that. It's like, set my alarm to go off whenever it's time to look gratuitously ignorant.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.


Another waste of bandwidth, while you dog my posts. I can do that too.

But it’s good of you to repeat my posts for those who missed them the first time.

And just in case you did miss it the first two times, here’s that link to the Forbes magazine piece about how pissed the Russians are on losing their propaganda mouthpiece. Proving that Carlson is a Russian asset, wittingly or unwittingly.

Carlson may be a traitor to his country, but he’s not stupid. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Another waste of bandwidth, while you dog my posts. I can do that too.

But it’s good of you to repeat my posts for those who missed them the first time.

And just in case you did miss it the first two times, here’s that link to the Forbes magazine piece about how pissed the Russians are on losing their propaganda mouthpiece. Proving that Carlson is a Russian asset, wittingly or unwittingly.

Carlson may be a traitor to his country, but he’s not stupid. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Wow. I'm impressed by how clever you thought you sounded saying all that.



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