Karpinski sais she would testify Rummy odered torture

Give a list of the names so we can talk about how they were savaged?

Come on show me how they were treated so horriblely by the media?

wheres a list of the Clinton disgruntled employees?

Start of Bush list:

Paul Oniel

Richard Clarke

Sibel Edmons

David Kay

George Tennant

Come on Ive started lets see your list?
Give a list of the names so we can talk about how they were savaged?

Come on show me how they were treated so horriblely by the media?

wheres a list of the Clinton disgruntled employees?

Start of Bush list:

Paul Oniel

Richard Clarke

Sibel Edmons

David Kay

George Tennant

Come on Ive started lets see your list?

Paula Jones

Linda Tripp
Marcia Lewis (Lewinsky's Mother had ties to hiding the stained dress)
Lewinsky's friends accounts

Johnny Chung

Witnesses to the clearing of Vince Foster's office

Arkansas State Troopers

Secret Service Agent Reports

Buddhist Monks from the fundraising scandal

Howard Glicken on DNC fundraising abuses

David Hale on Whitewater

Charlie Trie

John Huang
Disgruntled Employees not just lists of scandals

If you want me to start a list of R scandals we can do that too?
Disgruntled Employees not just lists of scandals

If you want me to start a list of R scandals we can do that too?

When it comes to scandal nobody beats the Clintons

I hope you clowns go with Hillary

Please make her your choice in 08

Another Northeastern liberal who will be lose another national election
General Batiste

Mark Fitzpatrick

John Oniel

Russel Tice

David Iglesias

Jessic Lynch
oopppss your list is fucked up dude.

Babbit,Foster,Cisneros, Billy Dale never had any problem with Clinton.

Hale and Cabera never worked in the adim of Clinton.

That leave Aldrich who is pretty well only believed by right wing nut bags.

Care to look into any on my list?
oopppss your list is fucked up dude.

Babbit,Foster,Cisneros, Billy Dale never had any problem with Clinton.

Hale and Cabera never worked in the adim of Clinton.

That leave Aldrich who is pretty well only believed by right wing nut bags.

Care to look into any on my list?

When it came to scandal - nobody can out do the Clintons

Billy Dale was slimed by the Clintons in the Travel Office scandal

Again, I am all for the Clintons in 08. Give Hillary the nod ans please put Bill out there on the trail

Bill did such a great job from Dems in 2002 and 2004
Show me where Billy Dale was slimed by the Clintons and came out against them?
Show how he was slimed by the Clintons and how he came out against them?

Now go look at my list and lets talk about that
Show how he was slimed by the Clintons and how he came out against them?

Now go look at my list and lets talk about that

Billy Dale and White House Travel Office - remember Travelgate? Dale was wrongly fired, replaced by Clinton's relatives, and brought to trial on false embezzlement charges (later acquitted). Dale wrongly lost much of his savings to combat the false charges brought on by power abuse in the administration. Many have testified that it was Hillary who gave the order to fire Dale.
Show some facts to support your accusation that Clintons slimed him.

Yes he was indicted and acquited ,that is not the point of this thread.

Now even if you do you realise you have only come up with two dont you?

Go Check my list you will find they are all solid!
Show some facts to support your accusation that Clintons slimed him.

Yes he was indicted and acquited ,that is not the point of this thread.

Now even if you do you realise you have only come up with two dont you?

Go Check my list you will find they are all solid!

I just did

It is well know the Clinton and Co savaged the man - except to those like you who rewrite history to fit their views
No I do not KNOW IT!

Prove it?

It looks like to me you have two names and I have about a dozen so far and I am just warming up.
Mark Fitzpatrick

John Oniel

Russel Tice

David Iglesias

Jessic Lynch

Stephen R Kappes

Michael Scheuer

Valrie Plame

Joe Wilson

Paul Oniel

Richard Clarke

Sibel Edmons

David Kay

George Tennant

I just barely touched the DOJ scandal
Mark Fitzpatrick

John Oniel

Russel Tice

David Iglesias

Jessic Lynch

Stephen R Kappes

Michael Scheuer

Valrie Plame

Joe Wilson

Paul Oniel

Richard Clarke

Sibel Edmons

David Kay

George Tennant

I just barely touched the DOJ scandal

If you find a scandal let me know - I would love to hear about it

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