You don’t know wtf you are talking about as usual.
AG Barr commented on both
Immunity decision did not make it moot, because Trump WAS NOT A SITTING PRESIDENT at the time he committed crimes outlined in the documents case.
FBI, Kevon Clinesmith falsified evidence to get a FISA warrant
FBI, Elvis Chan threatened Twitter and FB to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story
FBI, Strzok, Page, "guaranteed Trump would not be elected" via Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Operation Crossfire Razor.
FBI arrested the "Sisters of the Poor" for praying in front of an abortion clinic
FBI investigated Catholics as "domestic extremists" for opposing abortions
FBI threatened parents who spoke up at School Board meetings against boys in girls' locker rooms.
Fixing the FBI is more important. 100,000 fentanyl deaths a year says the FBI is focusing on the wrong "crimes"
Immunity decision has nothing to do with the classified documents case given all the illegal conduct takes place after Trump left office.
Presidential immunity only applies to presidents.
And there ya go.
I know these people.
If they were appointed with disregard for the Constitution it doesn't matter?
Constitutional rights don't apply to Trump?
So it could be on the way to getting Trump, they may have not followed the law......
But that's ok.
Let us ALL be a little real here for once, and ask yourselves a question------------->during the Biden Administrations 4 years, how many of the people now in Trumps cabinet did they mess with?
We know what they did to Trump, but during the 1st Trump Administration, they messed with Patel and had him under surveillance. During the Biden Administration, they messed with Tulsi, they totally bad mouthed Noem, and I believe they put the squeeze on Bondi.
The Left cast their lot when they did this stuff. All I can figure is they decided to take down a bunch of GOPers at the same time. If it was you, now that you are in power, what would you think? I mean seriously, you can be prosecuted (it is 100% true) for tearing that information ticket off of a mattress, so it is not like they have to search very hard for something to prosecute for, especially when pertaining to Pelosi. Even IF you want to brush the lawfare aside, they impeached him for what? (they did it to bring his administration down, just used impeachment as the vehicle to do it)
Were it me, I would prosecute the hell out of Pelosi, Waters, and a couple of the others, then tie them all to those who got the pardons, and bring the whole Democratic party down, and it really looks like it is doable.
If they do not do it, they are better and more forgiving than most everyone on this board. And if the don't, it is because Trump is NOT a politician. 99% of the politicians in this country would do it. Doubt me? Look at what the Democrats have done over the last 8 years, then tell me how 99% of the sitting politicians wouldn't get retribution, when the only reason the Democrats did what they did in the 1st place, was because Trump beat Hillary.