Katy Perry now has 100 million Twitter subscribers. This is actually very fascinating to think about


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
What does that say about the popularity of pop music and the stars themselves? Do you notice how most people you know never talk about liking pop music? But if you think about it, most of the people you know probably do like it. How could they not when a little less than 1/3 of the US population likes Katy Perry? Are most pop music listeners keeping their music preference a secret out of embarrassment? It's definitely not "cool" to like pop music. Corporate crap is not cool! It's not music!

Now sure not all of those Twitter subscribers necessarily like her music. There are other reasons people follow pop stars like Katy Perry. I mean she does seem like a cool chick.

As for me, I've never bought a pop album but I am guilty of downloading pop songs I like. I do listen to pop on the radio sometimes. I would never subscribe to a pop star's Twitter though. I mean that's going the extra mile.

Basically my question is that when we think of pop music fans, we think of teenage girls or younger adult women liking it, but is the truth that pop music fans are a big diverse group of people and they just don't openly admit they like pop music?
Those followers come from all over the world, not just the U.S. I guess her twitter must be at least somewhat entertaining.
Those followers come from all over the world, not just the U.S. I guess her twitter must be at least somewhat entertaining.
You're right lol. I'm embarrassed. This should have occurred to me. Damn it.

Okay, but still. My theory on pop music stands. I think many fans are in denial.
Those followers come from all over the world, not just the U.S. I guess her twitter must be at least somewhat entertaining.
You're right lol. I'm embarrassed. This should have occurred to me. Damn it.

Okay, but still. My theory on pop music stands. I think many fans are in denial.
I don't know about that. I think most pop music fans will happily admit to liking that music. I've played guitar since I was 12, and I love all kinds of obscure music. But Katy Perry's Firework? Roar? I'll admit to turning up the volume to that in the car.
Those followers come from all over the world, not just the U.S. I guess her twitter must be at least somewhat entertaining.
You're right lol. I'm embarrassed. This should have occurred to me. Damn it.

Okay, but still. My theory on pop music stands. I think many fans are in denial.
I don't know about that. I think most pop music fans will happily admit to liking that music. I've played guitar since I was 12, and I love all kinds of obscure music. But Katy Perry's Firework? Roar? I'll admit to turning up the volume to that in the car.
Okay you admitted here, but would you tell any of your guy friends this? I assume you're male.
Those followers come from all over the world, not just the U.S. I guess her twitter must be at least somewhat entertaining.
You're right lol. I'm embarrassed. This should have occurred to me. Damn it.

Okay, but still. My theory on pop music stands. I think many fans are in denial.
I don't know about that. I think most pop music fans will happily admit to liking that music. I've played guitar since I was 12, and I love all kinds of obscure music. But Katy Perry's Firework? Roar? I'll admit to turning up the volume to that in the car.
Okay you admitted here, but would you tell any of your guy friends this? I assume you're male.
I have told them lol. I mean, who cares? Good music is good music, and that should be good enough for anyone. - Brad Nowell
I can only speak for me and I have never once had any interest in her.

God bless you always!!!

What does that say about the popularity of pop music and the stars themselves? Do you notice how most people you know never talk about liking pop music? But if you think about it, most of the people you know probably do like it. How could they not when a little less than 1/3 of the US population likes Katy Perry? Are most pop music listeners keeping their music preference a secret out of embarrassment? It's definitely not "cool" to like pop music. Corporate crap is not cool! It's not music!

Now sure not all of those Twitter subscribers necessarily like her music. There are other reasons people follow pop stars like Katy Perry. I mean she does seem like a cool chick.

As for me, I've never bought a pop album but I am guilty of downloading pop songs I like. I do listen to pop on the radio sometimes. I would never subscribe to a pop star's Twitter though. I mean that's going the extra mile.

Basically my question is that when we think of pop music fans, we think of teenage girls or younger adult women liking it, but is the truth that pop music fans are a big diverse group of people and they just don't openly admit they like pop music?

It would be interesting to see the demographics of her Twitter with regard to this kind of discussion.

I'm thinking that close to half that numbers are teens and young adults who are easily swayed by pop culture. I mean, how else would you explain Justin Beiber? LOL

I'm not opposed to it. There are far worse things that teens could get wrapped up in and following a pop star isn't really an end of all things kind of deal.

I have to say, she's kind of blah to look at though.
I don't do twitter and have never got the fascination with it as for music I go more for the AC/DC, Iron Maiden type as well as some of the music of the 60s.

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