Keeping filthy immigrants out of the UK.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.
Fair enough

its your country and Brits have a right to decide who they allow in

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.

You certainly have the right to bar any foreigner from entering your nation, but I'm surprised that you are not worried that the motive was Evil Racism.

After all, the woman in question was ethically "asian" and I know that you are very concerned about any hint of racism towards those people.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.

You certainly have the right to bar any foreigner from entering your nation, but I'm surprised that you are not worried that the motive was Evil Racism.

After all, the woman in question was ethically "asian" and I know that you are very concerned about any hint of racism towards those people.
.....damn good call..I think TT is changing...he narc'd
on his BLACK neighbor the other day
You guys are so dumb. Build that wall !!!!

What's dumb about pointing out the possible racism? YOu do it all the time.

I mean, I don't want to bring up that time that people like you so intimidated the cops and social workers, that they let "asians" rape literally thousands of white children.

So, what happened to your concerns about racism?

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.
i can understand not wanting to import the US-American virus.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.
Maybe you should take another look at the Mudslimes while you're at it, since their habit of wiping their asses with their hands isn't exactly sanitary....
Barrister says move to bar mother visiting pregnant daughter for birth could be unlawful

You guys have this ass-backwards.

Whats gnu?
Jolly Old England has a right to determine who should be allowed in their country, and who shouldn't. Unfortunately, here in America, immigrants are considered to be literally Sacred Cows and the libs will fight for the rights of the illegals to stay.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.
i can understand not wanting to import the US-American virus.
Normally I would have sympathy with someone fleeing a disease ravaged country run by a crazed madman.
But this Bitch would have signed on the dole and applied for a council house as well.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.
i can understand not wanting to import the US-American virus.
Normally I would have sympathy with someone fleeing a disease ravaged country run by a crazed madman.
But this Bitch would have signed on the dole and applied for a council house as well.
Does that mean you're going to give any new goatfuckers that try to enter your country a ticket home for the Ramadamadingaling Bombathon (instead of signing them up for the dole and giving THEM free housing)???

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.
i can understand not wanting to import the US-American virus.
Normally I would have sympathy with someone fleeing a disease ravaged country run by a crazed madman.
But this Bitch would have signed on the dole and applied for a council house as well.
yeah. chain migration is a problem.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.


It's not like you guys aren't already dying in droves.

Your country is squeaky clean.

The last I checked World O had zero dea.......


You have 1/2 the deaths we do with 1/5th the population.

Sounds like we need to make sure you fuckers don't come over here.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.

BTW: Real compassionate on your part. I find you to be a very shallow asshole.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.

BTW: Real compassionate on your part. I find you to be a very shallow asshole.

He is a soulless monster.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.

BTW: Real compassionate on your part. I find you to be a very shallow asshole.
yeah, we all know how compassionate USMBposters are.

An American woman who travelled to the UK to help her heavily pregnant daughter has claimed she was told to go back to the US by border officials at Heathrow on the grounds that her journey was not “essential”.

The 63-year-old woman, who had flown in from Washington DC on Monday, said she was reduced to tears by the hostile experience at passport control.

Dont bring your filthy diseases over here.
i can understand not wanting to import the US-American virus.
Normally I would have sympathy with someone fleeing a disease ravaged country run by a crazed madman.
But this Bitch would have signed on the dole and applied for a council house as well.
UK: over 200 deaths per million; US about 100 dpm.

Looks like you are the disease ravaged one on steroids...very sad you use such metrics to disparage another country, shitferbrains!!!

I feel very sad for the Old Dart; I loved living there.


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