Kerry calls for Rumsfeld's resignation after new 'bin Laden' tape


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Washington - US Senator John Kerry on Sunday called on Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to resign following the airing of a new recording attributed to fugitive al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Bin Laden slipped past US troops from his hideout in the Tora Bora area of Afghanistan in late 2001 because Rumsfeld had not committed enough troops to finding him, Kerry, the Democratic Party candidate in the 2004 presidential election, told ABC television.

The failure to catch the al-Qaeda head on that occasion was one of the biggest catastrophes in the war against terrorism, Kerry added.

The US military says it has no information on the exact whereabouts of bin Laden, but suspects he is hiding somewhere along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

In the voice recording aired Sunday by pan-Arab channel al- Jazeera, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden said that the West was waging a crusade against Islam, which their boycott of Hamas and their intervention in Sudan proved.

'Their [the West's] boycott of Hamas confirmed that it is a crusade Zionist war against Muslims,' bin Laden said.

The recording was the first appearance of bin Laden in the Arab media since al-Jazeera aired a voice recording on January 19 in which the al-Qaeda leader offered the West an armistice.

In Sunday's recording, bin Laden said that the rejection by the West of his armistice was proof that the West opposed dialogue. The West was insisting on continuing a crusade war against 'our nation.'

Pathetic! I think Kerry should RESIGN...
well Im calling for Senator Kerry's resignation over the fact that he never goes to work and when he does he suggests we give Iranians nuclear material and help them out with their nuclear program. Anyone who is that out of touch with reality shouldnt be in political office.
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Stephanie said:
Washington - US Senator John Kerry on Sunday called on Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to resign following the airing of a new recording attributed to fugitive al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Bin Laden slipped past US troops from his hideout in the Tora Bora area of Afghanistan in late 2001 because Rumsfeld had not committed enough troops to finding him, Kerry, the Democratic Party candidate in the 2004 presidential election, told ABC television.

The failure to catch the al-Qaeda head on that occasion was one of the biggest catastrophes in the war against terrorism, Kerry added.

The US military says it has no information on the exact whereabouts of bin Laden, but suspects he is hiding somewhere along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

In the voice recording aired Sunday by pan-Arab channel al- Jazeera, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden said that the West was waging a crusade against Islam, which their boycott of Hamas and their intervention in Sudan proved.

'Their [the West's] boycott of Hamas confirmed that it is a crusade Zionist war against Muslims,' bin Laden said.

The recording was the first appearance of bin Laden in the Arab media since al-Jazeera aired a voice recording on January 19 in which the al-Qaeda leader offered the West an armistice.

In Sunday's recording, bin Laden said that the rejection by the West of his armistice was proof that the West opposed dialogue. The West was insisting on continuing a crusade war against 'our nation.'

Pathetic! I think Kerry should RESIGN...
Just what is needed to get GW's poll numbers back up and people like me involved with the GOP again, good going JK.
Stephanie said:
Washington -...[t]he failure to catch the al-Qaeda head on that occasion was one of the biggest catastrophes in the war against terrorism, Kerry added.

I've got a novel concept for John Kerry: let's treat like cases alike. His pal and rescuer (see military discharge status), Bill Clinton, had this lunatic handed to him on a silver platter - and couldn't be bothered long enough to zip up his pants. By Kerry's yardstick, Clinton should be guilty of criminal complicity in every act Bin Laden has committed since.

Stephanie said:
In Sunday's recording, bin Laden said that the rejection by the West of his armistice was proof that the West opposed dialogue. The West was insisting on continuing a crusade war against 'our nation.'

Now there's an interesting choice of words.
just tell me this.............john kerry and ms. kerry....

if you can say he married for should listen to him
manu1959 said:
just tell me this.............john kerry and ms. kerry....

if you can say he married for should listen to him

She isn't Mrs. Kerry, she is "Heinz Kerry". But moreso just Heinz lol.
theHawk said:
She isn't Mrs. Kerry, she is "Heinz Kerry". But moreso just Heinz lol.

i wonder to you have to smack her on the bottom to get anything to come out?
I would have preferred Kerry as Pres, but it's time for him to let go....
Dr Grump said:
I would have preferred Kerry as Pres, but it's time for him to let go....

i agree he and his shiny pony said they had plans to fix everything.....

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