Kerry Tied With Jarret For 'Lie of the Year'?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Valerie Jarret recently declared Obama has had no scandals over his 8-year Presidency. While she clearly maintains the lead with this whopper, John Kerry just made a run at catching her:

Kerry: US More 'Secure, Respected, Engaged' Since Obama Took Office

“The United States is more secure, more respected, and more engaged in the world,” the glowing memo states, adding that, “President Obama laid a stronger foundation for American leadership in the world.”

“I can say with confidence that the United States is more deeply engaged, in more places simultaneously, on more critical issues, with greater consequence than ever before in our nation’s history,” Kerry said, closing his introduction to the fawning memo."

Hearing Barry and his minions talk the past week or so, it is necessary to have a laugh track in the background. Yesterday I saw a video of Barry addressing a military audience, talking about what a great Commander in Chief he had been.

Has he heard that reliable polling of military voters indicates that (a) Romney beat him by more than 2:1 among military voters in 2012, and (b) HRC trailed GARY FUCKING JOHNSON by double digits, garnering fewer than half of Trump's total?

How fucking tone deaf can they be? If they say this outrageous bullshit, they should at least say it in front of an audience that is willing to hear it. An SEIU convention or something.
Everyone in govt has always lied like this. Here's another one, you are an exceptional people and god has blessed america.
The liberals have barely gotten started lying in 2017.

Wait for the inevitable "Trump is a slave to Putin", "Trump is taking everyone's medical care away", "Trump is polluting the environment", "Trump is blowing a hole in the deficit" (a few of them have already used that that, apparently they remember using it on GHWB), "The wall won't have any effect on illegal aliens walking in", etc. etc.

The liberals are still in shock at the drubbing they got on Nov. 8, and they haven't yet figured out their next set of talking points yet. Especially since most of the lies they used for the last year, got shoved back in their faces on that day. Too bad, so sad.

Hard to imagine now, but many of the lies they will come up with over the next 12 months will greatly exceed the ones you mentioned by Jarret and Kerry.

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