Killer Heist: Christian Tragedy [GQ]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-omen I've been thinking about for quite some time now, and now that there're all these 'ethics-fantasy' comics-adapted films like The Dark Knight and Wonder Woman, I couldn't resist posting it.

It's a capitalism-omen, and I have no 'ill-will' against capitalism/civilization, which is why I chose to post it 'generically' in the General Discussion section of USMB rather than in the Writing section.

Nevertheless, I hope you'll consider why it represents some of the tangible 'fortune/capital obsessiveness' of our arguably capitalism-hypnotizing TrumpUSA.




A young man would always watch cartoons/anime featuring characters signifying very malicious evil and insidiousness. This young man, an American lad named Thomas, loved comic books, GQ men's magazine, and Apple computers. Thomas started daydreaming about doing something very outrageous after he became a born-again Christian on his 21st birthday in 2018.


Thomas became fascinated with classic film-making golden-era beauties including Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, and Sophia Loren. Thomas decided that these women were 'angels of God' and must be honored with some valiant act of craziness, so he reasoned he could 'supernaturally impress' these women with a daring 'Christian heist.' Thomas kept a photo of Bardot holding a camera in his locket as his inspiration.


Thomas gave himself the alias 'Brady' since Tom Brady had sort of the same first-name as him in the national/media spotlight. Tom Brady had won 5 Super Bowls in the new millennium, and Thomas (aka, 'Brady') felt he could 'don' the mantle of Tom Brady with his 'daring Christian heist' meant to offer up a 'spiritual message' about the thrill of human deeds. "Brady" was now like the AntiChrist.


"Brady" traveled to England where he planned a heist of the magical Crown Jewels on Halloween. "Brady" wore an eerie old-warlock mask and white-wig and was part of at Crown Jewels tour on Halloween Eve. When "Brady" gained admittance into the inner-chamber/room where the precious English monarch jewels were held (in a secured glass box), he pulled out a miniature home-made working plastic gun (with real bullets!) hidden in his shoe and demanded that he complete his 'Christian mission' or he'd kill the tourists. "Brady" managed to steal the Crown Jewels that Halloween Eve.


When "Brady" returned to America, he had become a 'celebrity.' The press said that a 'miracle-man' of real thievery had pulled off the impossible by stealing the Crown Jewels. Soon, a number of copycat-criminals came to prominence, modeling themselves after the 'daring escapade' of "Brady" in England. The most prominent was a hockey-mask wearing gang of bandits in L.A. who robbed only armored trucks filled with money.


Another copycat-criminal was a stage-magician who performed woman saw-cutting illusions, but secretly recruited prostitutes to serve as his female models. This deranged magician would actually kill the prostitutes who served as performance-models for his saw-cutting act, killing them for real while they were drugged and unconscious (seeming like they were 'sleeping beauties'), and the audience had no idea. Later, their sawed bodies would turn up in dumpsters. This magician also 'worshiped' "Brady."


Yet another copycat was an associate of dishonored African-American boxer Mike Tyson who was traveling in Africa. This Tyson-associate decided to murder a number of wildlife poachers in the African prairie, declaring himself to be the 'real Lion King.' This Tyson-associate was inspired by the 'spiritual bravado' of "Brady" who had managed to fool everyone into realizing that civilization 'treasures' such as the Crown Jewels were, in fact, items of primitive vanity.


Finally, "Brady" was arrested by FBI and Scotland Yard agents working together who had tracked the master-thief to a place in Spain where "Brady" was vacationing (watching a bull-fight). In a post-arrest interview, "Brady" said he was inspired by the classic model-celebrity Brigitte Bardot to commit his cunning Crown Jewels heist. Even though "Brady" was behind bars now, people continued to 'ogle' him and 'deify' him, and one video-game tournament in the USA even mentioned "Brady" as the inspiration for the warrior-avatar Jason Voorhees (a hockey-mask wearing zombie) from the combat-game Mortal Kombat, as Jason fought the female warrior-avatar Kitana (a princess) in the semi-final match.


However, one Christian evangelist, a woman named Carmen, was not 'impressed' by the 'daring Christian heist' of "Brady" and decided to write a culture-exposition novel titled Brady: Making of a Caesar. In the novel, Carmen declared that the media-fascination with "Brady" indicated a modern civilization obsession with fortune and vanity (e.g., Versace-assassination, Enron, Vegas-shooting horror, etc.). Carmen won the Pulitzer Prize for her novel, and Hollywood (USA) super-celebrity Tom Cruise mentioned her in one of his Scientology ads, declaring her to be the new age Margaret Mead.


CIA: Do you understand the sensitive nature of your work?
CARMEN: Yes, that's why you wanted this secret meeting, right?
CIA: Did you know "Brady" was a big fan of GQ magazine?
CARMEN: That's what he mentioned in an interview.
CIA: He was also a self-proclaimed 'Christian messenger.'
CARMEN: I know...
CIA: Your work 'detangled' some of the social 'mystique' of his heist.
CARMEN: Yes, when I read about that 'Lion King' incident, I was stirred.
CIA: That's what finally pushed you to write your novel?
CARMEN: Yes, and I was honored when I won the Pulitzer!
CIA: Well, Carmen, we want you to write editorials for the Post.
CARMEN: The Washington Post? Why?
CIA: We know anti-capitalist terrorists are eyeing you and "Brady."
CARMEN: Did you receive some communique from ISIS or something?
CIA: We got a 'warning-note' from a new Algerian group called Cobra.
CARMEN: What does Cobra have to do with me?
CIA: We want you to be our special/secret 'media-diplomat.'
CARMEN: I see, so this modern age of media requires some 'mechanics.'
CIA: Exactly; we know you won't refuse this patriot-mission, Carmen!
CARMEN: No, I'll gladly do it...but I want federal/special protection.
CIA: Oh, yes, we'll set you up.
CARMEN: All this 'fortune-crusade' stuff is ironically...eerie.




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