Killer Muslims Lay Siege on School in Pakistan


Gold Member
Feb 27, 2014
Breaking News - At least 4 dead with 700 Students in danger. Is it time for a modern day crusade? These savages have no morals.

No link, on CNN now
England, Spain, US, Australia, Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, ---

when are we going to figure it out?
England, Spain, US, Australia, Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, ---

when are we going to figure it out?
WE? I have already figured it one wants a total war against these assholes though. Like the Aussies...they want to start a peace campaign. WTF!
20 dead now! But if they killed their fellow muslims...meh.
84 children were killed? At least no one was water boarded to prevent this massacre...........right? Since these guys are such wonderful people............right?
What the fuck is wrong with these people? No other race/people do this shit anywhere on this planet yet we cannot call a spade a spade

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If this had happened in a western country, with this much carnage, I would say it's time to go to war with Islam.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? No other race/people do this shit anywhere on this planet yet we cannot call a spade a spade

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Cambodia, Sudan, Rwanda.......others do it, Alan. It is what happens when the US does nothing!! In Pakistan the taliban are emboldened because the US is withdrawing. It may be necessary to review it.

84 children were killed? At least no one was water boarded to prevent this massacre...........right? Since these guys are such wonderful people............right?

The problem is that it's hard to figure out which ones to torture first. We could randomly pick out ... say ... 100 of the meanest looking Muslims and torture them but the 100 that were missed will simply get pissed off and commit savage crimes to get revenge.

So which of these savages would you have tortured as a means to prevent the Pakistani massacre? Names please.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? No other race/people do this shit anywhere on this planet yet we cannot call a spade a spade

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Cambodia, Sudan, Rwanda.......others do it, Alan. It is what happens when the US does nothing!! In Pakistan the taliban are emboldened because the US is withdrawing. It may be necessary to review it.


The US government can't stop this crap and trying to do so, only makes matters worse for those nations they invade and most of the American people, who become targets and must incur the crushing debt caused by constant war.

War is the health of the state....which is why statists, the power elite, and those enriched by the massive military industrial complex love it.
No jews harmed the hair of the World Champion of Victims(c) ; the "palestinian," so its not that newsworthy or notable for the far left fake human rights groups like code pink and fair, the anti-Israel machine with stakes in europe and the ny times, or anti-jew forums across the web.

If Israel kills a terrorist, that's headline news across the globe; a muslim slaughters 150 muslims like this, and it hardly registers. If muslims could only grasp how despised they were by the far left propaganda machine that uses them, and applies the bigotry of low expectations against them...
Over 120 killed, in latest report. Over 150 injured. This is simply horrific. My thoughts and prayers to the families and friends.

Turns out this is the school for the Pakistan army staff, purposely picked.

They are saying they have killed all the attackers now.

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