Kim goes ballistic: North Korean dictator threatens Nuclear Justice


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un gleefully applauded as he watched a display of the country’s military might during the secretive state’s Day of the Sun – and his regime warned of an ‘annihilating strike’ if the US attacks.

Kim goes ballistic: North Korean dictator threatens ‘nuclear justice’
"If the United States wages reckless provocation against us, our revolutionary power will instantly counter with annihilating strike."

Oh what else is new fat boy soon nobody is going to pay attention to you spewing your bs.
Someone needs to tell him the weak and feckless Obama isn't in charge now......Trump wont be bullied or threatened by some gook in a crock cut
Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.

...TRUMP said that in 2013
Has anyone else noticed that everyone in the NK military appear to be the exact same height and shorter than Kim?

They look like clones. All same height
The world could be burning, and I would still smile every time I see Orange Bear Donald and his sexy hair!
Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.

...TRUMP said that in 2013

It is NOT HIM it is N. KOREA we never ended the war it was only a seize fire all these years.
So as China now calls for denuclearization talks on the Korean Peninsula, does not Trump look like a GENIUS?
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un gleefully applauded as he watched a display of the country’s military might during the secretive state’s Day of the Sun – and his regime warned of an ‘annihilating strike’ if the US attacks.

Kim goes ballistic: North Korean dictator threatens ‘nuclear justice’
"If the United States wages reckless provocation against us, our revolutionary power will instantly counter with annihilating strike."

Oh what else is new fat boy soon nobody is going to pay attention to you spewing your bs.

Their amazing discipline makes them the opposite of our porch monkeys.
"China is very much the economic lifeline to North Korea so, while nothing is easy, if they want to solve the North Korean problem, they will" - Trump
Asked about Kim Jong-un’s military capacity, Trump replies: “I’m not so sure he’s so strong like he says he is, I’m not so sure at all.”
Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.
..TRUMP said that in 2013

"small" chance ? I bet a very large chance. Matter of fact, a certainty.

The Globalist fully intend to use nukes to end the current world order. See Vatican's FAZZINI sculpture "Christ rising out of nuclear bomb blast"

The Globalist fully intend to turn ALL "sovereign" nations into FAILED STATES.
Then a bit later to be turned into provinces of the New World Order they have for decades been working to create.

By Tomahawk attack & MOAB dropping Trump threatened Korea. Kim Jong Un young & prone to be impulsive.

The conflict is NOT just Trump-USA versus DPRK.
Pope-led Globalist cabal, China & Russia all influence (maybe outright control) DPKR.

Globalist-CIA mouthpiece Washington Post encourages & justifies DPKR attack of carrier
by publishing article about prior American "war crimes" against DKPR.

Globalist are risking sacrifice of Korea in order to initiate nuke war & bring down "sovereign" USA.

US carrier close to DPKR will be in grave danger.
Trump being forced into "damned if you do & damned if you don't" position. IOW: right where the Globalist want him.

Trump made POTUS because the Globalist wanted a Christianish (perceived to be) Nationalist (perceived to be) Straight (perceived to be) White Male to be captain of the good ship USA when it sunk. And it's about to sink.

Recent Wash Post article about USA war crimes of Korean war was Globalist giving "green light" to Korea attacking the carrier.

Providing the spark to ignite the nukes.
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un gleefully applauded as he watched a display of the country’s military might during the secretive state’s Day of the Sun – and his regime warned of an ‘annihilating strike’ if the US attacks.

Kim goes ballistic: North Korean dictator threatens ‘nuclear justice’
"If the United States wages reckless provocation against us, our revolutionary power will instantly counter with annihilating strike."

Oh what else is new fat boy soon nobody is going to pay attention to you spewing your bs.

North Korea leader Kim Jong-un gleefully applauded as he watched a display of the country’s military might during the secretive state’s Day of the Sun – and his regime warned of an ‘annihilating strike’ if the US attacks.

Kim goes ballistic: North Korean dictator threatens ‘nuclear justice’
"If the United States wages reckless provocation against us, our revolutionary power will instantly counter with annihilating strike."

Oh what else is new fat boy soon nobody is going to pay attention to you spewing your bs.


What I read about the USA versus N.Korea affair convinces me most all are ignoring a VERY SIGNIFICAN factor.
Namely ignoring the fact that BOTH N.Korea and the Pope-led Globalist cabal desire the downfall of "sovereign" USA.

"sovereign" USA is about to be "gone with the wind" .... same for "sovereign" nations of Europe.

Goodbye to current world order. Hello violent chaos ... followed by New World Order.
US spy satellites can photograph the letters on a fucking license plate!
They followed the exact route these (cough) 'missiles' took to go from the large warehouse they were built in, a couple of miles from the parade square then photograph them being taken back to the warehouse where they are stored until the next parade.
The pervert will soon enjoy eating a whole MOAB by himself for lunch.
US spy satellites can photograph the letters on a fucking license plate!
They followed the exact route these (cough) 'missiles' took to go from the large warehouse they were built in, a couple of miles from the parade square then photograph them being taken back to the warehouse where they are stored until the next parade.The pervert will soon enjoy eating a whole MOAB by himself for lunch.

No doubt the Globalist hope Trump will drop a MOAB.
That move will lead to the elimination of ALL the "sovereign" nations. The end of the current world order.

DPKR is NOT the great power Trump and "sovereign" USA are up against.

Globalist [“elites”] are top level minions of Satan, the “god of this world.”

Globalist human kingpin is the pope

Globalist had POTUS minions for decades

Globalist have Trillions of $ with which to bribe

Globalist have files on everybody that is anybody

Globalist have death squads

Globalist have access to all kinds of weapons

Globalist have CIA minion.

Globalist have MSMedia minion

Globalist are creating the One World Government

Globalist One World Government is ordained to come to be.

Globalist have planned for decades

Globalist will bring down Trump and the Nationalist and end “sovereign” USA and end the “sovereign” nations of Europe.

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