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King David - A man after God's Own Heart


Just for you, Jeremiah------uhm-----a vague disjointed account-----about david I consider david to be just as
interesting a character as JEREMIAH (the pessimist)
David is described as good looking,-----nice talent in poetry
and harp playing.-----and a good singer.
A real charmer. But he did lots of sins----the Bathsheba thing----the Uriah thing----the --uhm JOAB thing------etc

There is a story out of the midrash which hubby told me----
he is asleep now........so I will give you a very messed up version. "SIN" according to jewish ethos ---shortens one's life David sinned----but he was such a nice guy and did
such lovely poetry------that everyone, living and dead----loved
him. Since his life was threatened by too much sin------several greats came to his aid by DONATING a few years to him. According to a MIDRASHIC thing-----which I never
actually read-----hubby told me ------a whole bunch of heavenly characters DONATED a few years of their own lives to David to save him from an early death--
---MOSES was one of the people who made a donation-------a few others but I forgot. It was a charming story the way hubby told me. No doubt he heard it from his father------like a bedtime thing. Such is the nature of the MIDRASH----
a kind of semi bedtime story mystical thing -----really fascinating stuff. Sheherazade has NOTHING on the
midrash. The word Midrash----means something like a
method of instruction---- like with allegories and examples----I think
Rosie. That is not why David didn't die. David didn't die because he was a man after Gods' own heart. God kept David. Was he perfect? No, he made a few mistakes. I still say he was God's finest servant. It got messy but David held tightly to God all the days of his life. David was not treated well by his own family. You can see this when Samuel came to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king of Israel. He was an afterthought. His family didn't even take him seriously. He kept his confidence in God when facing Goliath. When being ridiculed by his brother who was jealous of him.

Think about what he went through with Saul. Being the object of that sort of jealousy is no picnic. That entire trial was a nightmare. 15 yrs running from someone who wants to kill you - and you won't touch him because you say I will not touch God's anointed?

Then Saul gave his wife to another man. Saul tried to use Jonathan against him - David's best friend. Running, hiding in caves, having to act insane to escape from the enemy - the humiliation he suffered - all he suffered - a preparation for his future to lead Israel. So David went through it and then some. Yes, David was human and fell into a few sins. It is not for us to judge another mans servant though. In God's eyes? David is a man after His heart. Why? Because God saw Davids heart. David was going to keep him word to God, Rosie. He was a grateful man and worshiped God with his entire being. David got God's attention and he kept it by honoring God and putting God first in his life. He wanted to bring Glory to God by his actions and he did.
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Listen to this, Rosie. This man is playing a Hebrew song called Micha Mocha which is a song of Moses after leading the Jews across the red sea by foot - the english definition of Micha Mocha is, "Who is like you". Now he plays this in an empty church called Christ Church - located in Jerusalem, Israel because he wanted to hear the acoustics - the echo - and it sounds quite lovely. Just music. No words needed.

Rosie if I could meet any servant of the LORD in the bible and spend the day asking questions, king David, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Paul, John the Baptist, James, John, Peter, Mark, Luke, Timothy, Esther, Elijah.......... it would have to be king David. If I had a second choice it would definitely be Elijah. David and Elijah would be the two I'd want to meet and talk to while I am still here. If I could pick three Isaiah would be the third.
No, Jeri: your Word of God is very clear that David was a murderer, an adulterer, a child abuser.

God disagrees with you.
Ashatara says:
In the name of God, Buddha, Allah, and the great Mikael Akerfeldt, what in the Cosmos are you talking about?! Satan "losing his powers at the cross"? Jesus going to Hell aka the Harrowing of Christ is not in the Bible at all, I always viewed it as a Catholic myth, like Purgatory, derived from interpretations based on scripture, but not actually derived from scripture itself- kind of like how everybody calls inaccurately calls Satan "Lucifer".
What is all this about Satan taking keys obtained through Adam's sin and then Jesus pulling a Dante's Inferno to get the keys back?
Speak, Jeremiah.

Point one is established in Colossians 1:15

Having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the the body of Christ.

Now on the matter of the place called paradise which was where Abraham was prior to the cross and Christ's descending into hell and the grave - taking the keys of hell and death which I did give you the entire story in Revelation 1: 9 - 20 earlier - right above this post you will see it, then we come to the next part of your post which references the myth of pergatory - which the Catholics teach and you are correct - it is a myth because even Avila who had a vision of hell as John Bunyan also had visions of heaven and hell which I shall post here for you, Ashtara because I want you to know the truth - yes Avila had a vision of hell and there was no pergatory - only hell - yet these type teachings persisted for the teaching of indulgences was that you could pay and get your loved one out of that place of torment for a certain amount of money is what I was told about it - I could not be sure about the details as I never considered it anything but nonsense and I am glad to see you were not taken in by such a silly teaching - but as you can see they misinterpreted scripture which is what happens when the Holy Spirit is not the teacher. He is my teacher and it is all so very plain and clear to me what happened - Christ had not yet gone to the Cross - I am sure Isaiah, Samuel and the prophets were delighted to behold Christ when he preached to them - that they received it with great joy and they are seated even now in heaven with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! As for your final comment, Satan is called the Force, Lucifer, Satan, the devil, the dragon, Lucifer was his name before he was cast out of heaven. Why does that bother you? Do you not realize these are all the same one? Satan is a deceiver, Ashtara. Why would you expect him to tell the truth? He is called the Father of lies. Did you know this? It is the truth. Listen to this, Ash. Click the video and hear John Bunyan's testimony of what he saw in his vision of heaven and of hell. You deserve to know the truth about what is really going on down there.

These are some of my favorite threads - I do not know if they are the favorites of other people but they are mine! So I am finding them and bringing them back up for those members who are new and have not seen them before! I hope others enjoy them as much as I did posting them!
Jake, writing the Word of God, speaking the Word of God, declaring the Word of God is leaning on the LORD. King David was a chosen servant of the LORD. He was also anointed King of Israel. I know of no greater example than the writer of Psalms for a man with a heart after God. David loved the LORD. I am in great company to read his prayers and pray them as my own! It is a true blessing to be able to read King David's Psalms and also to post them here on this board for others to read!
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Ashatara says:
In the name of God, Buddha, Allah, and the great Mikael Akerfeldt, what in the Cosmos are you talking about?! Satan "losing his powers at the cross"? Jesus going to Hell aka the Harrowing of Christ is not in the Bible at all, I always viewed it as a Catholic myth, like Purgatory, derived from interpretations based on scripture, but not actually derived from scripture itself- kind of like how everybody calls inaccurately calls Satan "Lucifer".
What is all this about Satan taking keys obtained through Adam's sin and then Jesus pulling a Dante's Inferno to get the keys back?
Speak, Jeremiah.

Point one is established in Colossians 1:15

Having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the the body of Christ.

Now on the matter of the place called paradise which was where Abraham was prior to the cross and Christ's descending into hell and the grave - taking the keys of hell and death which I did give you the entire story in Revelation 1: 9 - 20 earlier - right above this post you will see it, then we come to the next part of your post which references the myth of pergatory - which the Catholics teach and you are correct - it is a myth because even Avila who had a vision of hell as John Bunyan also had visions of heaven and hell which I shall post here for you, Ashtara because I want you to know the truth - yes Avila had a vision of hell and there was no pergatory - only hell - yet these type teachings persisted for the teaching of indulgences was that you could pay and get your loved one out of that place of torment for a certain amount of money is what I was told about it - I could not be sure about the details as I never considered it anything but nonsense and I am glad to see you were not taken in by such a silly teaching - but as you can see they misinterpreted scripture which is what happens when the Holy Spirit is not the teacher. He is my teacher and it is all so very plain and clear to me what happened - Christ had not yet gone to the Cross - I am sure Isaiah, Samuel and the prophets were delighted to behold Christ when he preached to them - that they received it with great joy and they are seated even now in heaven with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! As for your final comment, Satan is called the Force, Lucifer, Satan, the devil, the dragon, Lucifer was his name before he was cast out of heaven. Why does that bother you? Do you not realize these are all the same one? Satan is a deceiver, Ashtara. Why would you expect him to tell the truth? He is called the Father of lies. Did you know this? It is the truth. Listen to this, Ash. Click the video and hear John Bunyan's testimony of what he saw in his vision of heaven and of hell. You deserve to know the truth about what is really going on down there.

These are some of my favorite threads - I do not know if they are the favorites of other people but they are mine! So I am finding them and bringing them back up for those members who are new and have not seen them before! I hope others enjoy them as much as I did posting them!

well Jeremiah------I read the DIVINE COMEDY ---when I was 14. The SOCIAL StUDIES teacher put it on a list of "optionals"------one could use it as a "book report".
She was damned impressed that I actually read it------probably the first student she had
dumb enough to choose it. She asked me questions about the book and was
UBER IMPRESSED that I could actually answer the questions. -------ok ok I admit---
the INFERNO was my fave part--------but-----but------but----well---I know that Dante was
a superb and brilliant scholar of religion------but MUST I BELIEVE IT???. I like this stuff-------but it is kinda more like an intellectual game. I am still scratching my head over Dante's LOVE OF BEATRICE. LUCIFER? was that the first name he got-----I really enjoyed your description of SATAN as ****DECEIVER***** that is the Hebrew model of that pitchfork character. well---Lucifer does imply deceit----
a kinda good looking guy. getting back to david as a divine fave-------I find that
idea interesting------it is the traditional thing for jews-----a real big time fave guy-----but certainly VERY FLAWED <<<<<that's the art------the POETRY of the story
Well, no one compares to King David to me, Rosie. Not in the Old or New Testament - I have to believe that King David was the favorite of Jesus too because Jesus mentions King David over and over again.

I read a book by Keller called a Shepherds look at Psalm 23 - in which Keller describes his life after buying some 30 ewes and tending to them on his land. His life tending these sheep and caring for them is written about in great detail. It dawned on me that Psalm 23 is a divine work - right down to the number of verse - 12 verses - it all is a picture of the relationship between the sheep and their shepherd - it is a perfect picture of the LORD as shepherd. As King David was a shepherd that was fiercely protective over his fathers sheep - he was a most perfect selection by G-d to write that Psalm! He knew intimately what the relationship was about! He knew about the enemies the sheep were facing - he knew how to protect his sheep!
Well, no one compares to King David to me, Rosie. Not in the Old or New Testament - I have to believe that King David was the favorite of Jesus too because Jesus mentions King David over and over again.

I read a book by Keller called a Shepherds look at Psalm 23 - in which Keller describes his life after buying some 30 ewes and tending to them on his land. His life tending these sheep and caring for them is written about in great detail. It dawned on me that Psalm 23 is a divine work - right down to the number of verse - 12 verses - it all is a picture of the relationship between the sheep and their shepherd - it is a perfect picture of the LORD as shepherd. As King David was a shepherd that was fiercely protective over his fathers sheep - he was a most perfect selection by G-d to write that Psalm! He knew intimately what the relationship was about! He knew about the enemies the sheep were facing - he knew how to protect his sheep!

well----ok the poetry he wrote was certainly the SHEPHERD thing----but if you read
further along-----there is an admission right there in the bible that David LATER ON
fooled around with "vain fellows"--------sorta "good-for-nothing" types as a young man--------I get the feeling he was impressed with his own personal charm ---------
not at all a perfect man. As the story goes----he was so charming ----that even though his sins could have brought him an early death (the URIAH/ BATHSHEBA
scandal) somehow MOSES argued on his behalf-------I am not sure but I think
this concept shows up in the MIDRASH------another set of books----ancient things
I need chapter and verse, Rosie, King David made clear in Psalm 101 that he had nothing do with that type of people. Now his brother was jealous of him so perhaps that was a story someone else made up but certainly David did not keep company with good for nothing types - I have studied his writings and I see no sign of it.
Inspirational literature, yes; literal and divine, no.

You are in the same place as Muslims when it comes to holy literature.
Psalm 101 Commmitment to a Holy Life - A Psalm of David

I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing.

I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way, O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes, I hate the work of them that turn aside, it shall not cleave to me.

A froward heart shall depart from me, I will not know an evil wicked person.

Whoso privily slandereth his neighbor, him will I cut off, him that hath an high look and a proud heart I will not suffer.

Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they will dwell with me, he that walketh in a perfect way, shall serve me.

He that worketh deceit shall not dwell in my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.

I will early destroy all the wicked of the land, that I may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the LORD.

- Psalm 101

King David had a perfect heart towards God - King David had written this Psalm out of the commitment in his own heart to live holy unto the LORD. Did he never fail, never have a fall or a moment when he messed up? Of course he did. We cannot judge another mans servant even if we were tempted to do so. Also Psalm 17 could never have been written by King David if he had not experienced it. It is not possible for him to have written about his heart communing with the LORD upon his own bed unless he had experiences such a thing - his heart being awake? About the LORD visiting him in the night. He is speaking of deep things. Deep calls unto deep - another deep writing - King David could not possibly have written what he wrote about unless he had himself experienced it. I am certain of it. People tend to look upon the outward man - even actions do not always truly reveal who the person is - unless there were a pattern emerging - maybe - but with David - his heart was perfect towards God. There can be no question about it.
Inspirational literature, yes; literal and divine, no.

You are in the same place as Muslims when it comes to holy literature.

It is both literal and divine, Jake. You are mistaken. I am not in the same place with the Muslims on anything. In fact, what they believe is the very antithesis of what I know to be true.
David had the revelation from the LORD about this.
Psalm 32 2 Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.


[URL='http://biblehub.com/psalms/32.htm']Blessed is He who is Forgiven

1A Psalm of David. A Maskil. How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered! 2How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit! 3When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away Through my groaning all day long.…[/URL]

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