‘King’s Counsel’ is the controversial title awarded to Caroline Mulroney and other Doug Ford allies. What exactly does it mean?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
To all those Florida and NY cops on here who let the Ontario police tail wag the dog (you know who you are), since you enjoy taking a knee to the oppressive covert masters up North, you can at least take solace in knowing that you are in some cases, being formal in the presence of a king.

This is how our system functions. The cults that you support are enforcing it, well done, your efforts may be rewarded in the afterlife. Nepotism and grand titles arbitrarily created and bestowed upon a political ally. In this case, though not the fault of the recipient; given only three days after being called to the bar.

So many some of you *cough* "American" gentleman continue kneeling, you're making someone proud...

Doug Ford’s government is staring down another controversy this week after quietly reinstating a special designation for lawyers and bestowing it on numerous Tory politicians, staffers and loyalists.

The provincial government issued a press release late Friday afternoon, just before the Canada Day long weekend, noting it was reviving the honorary title of “King’s Counsel” and awarding it to some 91 appointees, many of whom members of Ford’s government or closely associated with it.
I hate to break it to you but nobody really cares about what some obscure Hoser title is bestowed upon someone in America's Hat.
I hate to break it to you but nobody really cares about what some obscure Hoser title is bestowed upon someone in America's Hat.
We aren't your hat to some of your agents. Some of our cult members tell you to jump and the ask "how high?" Then they wnder why U. S freedoms are under attack in some circles....they need to look in the mirror...
We aren't your hat to some of your agents. Some of our cult members tell you to jump and the ask "how high?" Then they wnder why U. S freedoms are under attack in some circles....they need to look in the mirror...
Odd, nobody has come by the house telling me to "pick-up that can", much less jump.
Odd, nobody has come by the house telling me to "pick-up that can", much less jump.
You have plenty of Canadians in Florida, I'm sure they aren't our best per se. As it were, the close erotic bond between the Toronto Police Services and Florida Police for instance, is very real. You can bet that isn't good for your Constitution.
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You have plenty of Canadians in Florida, I'm sure they aren't our best per se. As it were, the close erotic bond between the Toronto Police Services and Florida Police for instance, is very real.
Yeah, the guy from FL that used to come to hunt camp every year complained about the surly Quebecker snow-birds, everyone hated them, shitty tippers, and they run in packs.

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