KKK hit by cyber attacks

KKK is insignificant, down to about 5,000 members, if that. Hell, there are more faggots in San Francisco then the whole nationwide KKK.
But they're a necessary convenience for lefties who want to justify and perpetuate black neosegregationist racism for political opportunity.
replace lefties with conservatives and your statement WOULD BE CORRECT.
Lefties and conservatives is redundant. Democrats are the new conservatives. And are the champions of racism.
says the conservative android if you had an original thought I'd shit my pants.
You can't refute the substance. You help make the case. You democrats are stuck in the 1960's.
I read about this earlier it's pretty funny. Anonymous also took over the twitter account that the KKK made to let people know their account had been taken over! :rofl:

Stormfront and other KKK sites have also been down for extended periods. Bravo Anonymous :clap:

You do know that Anonymous is also racist and sexist at the same time it is anti-racist and and anti-sexist, right?

Also, NYPA.

Anonymous often get's it right. This is one of those times.

You really don't visit /b/ much, do ya?

Visiting /b/ is a level of internet lameness I don't want to ever be a part of. Hell even KNOWING what /b/ is makes me feel like a tool.

WTF is /b/?

An insanely nerdy thing that no one with any sense should know about
KKK is insignificant, down to about 5,000 members, if that. Hell, there are more faggots in San Francisco then the whole nationwide KKK.
But they're a necessary convenience for lefties who want to justify and perpetuate black neosegregationist racism for political opportunity.
replace lefties with conservatives and your statement WOULD BE CORRECT.
Lefties and conservatives is redundant. Democrats are the new conservatives. And are the champions of racism.
says the conservative android if you had an original thought I'd shit my pants.

Thanks for the warning.
KKK is insignificant, down to about 5,000 members, if that. Hell, there are more faggots in San Francisco then the whole nationwide KKK.
But they're a necessary convenience for lefties who want to justify and perpetuate black neosegregationist racism for political opportunity.
replace lefties with conservatives and your statement WOULD BE CORRECT.
Lefties and conservatives is redundant. Democrats are the new conservatives. And are the champions of racism.
says the conservative android if you had an original thought I'd shit my pants.
You can't refute the substance. You help make the case. You democrats are stuck in the 1960's.
you have no substance so there's nothing to refute..
what the fuck would you know about the 60's ?
you weren't even a wet dream in your daddy's eye.
even worse you come across as a rush Limbaugh sycophant
But they're a necessary convenience for lefties who want to justify and perpetuate black neosegregationist racism for political opportunity.
replace lefties with conservatives and your statement WOULD BE CORRECT.
Lefties and conservatives is redundant. Democrats are the new conservatives. And are the champions of racism.
says the conservative android if you had an original thought I'd shit my pants.
You can't refute the substance. You help make the case. You democrats are stuck in the 1960's.
you have no substance so there's nothing to refute..
what the fuck would you know about the 60's ?
you weren't even a wet dream in your daddy's eye.
even worse you come across as a rush Limbaugh sycophant
What do YOU know about the 60's?
FYI, my school was already integrated by 1960 and our local high school basketball team started four blacks before the Texas Western episode in 1966. Been there, done that. Democrats today just can't seem to move on (dot org). Lefties are the real neocons.
Amazing that some of you dumbshits openly applaud crime.

The KKK are scum, but they have a legal right not to have their computers hacked. I'm betting the FBI won't even look at this at all though.
imo any GROUP that advocates hate no matter what race, religion etc.
has no rights

Well, your opinion is wrong.
What even be more fun would be to get DNA samples for all the KKK people and the White Supremists. Bet there would be some suicides when the DNA information was made public.
Amazing that some of you dumbshits openly applaud crime.

The KKK are scum, but they have a legal right not to have their computers hacked. I'm betting the FBI won't even look at this at all though.
imo any GROUP that advocates hate no matter what race, religion etc.
has no rights

so Anon. hacked the NAACP website and Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's etc?
Amazing that some of you dumbshits openly applaud crime.

The KKK are scum, but they have a legal right not to have their computers hacked. I'm betting the FBI won't even look at this at all though.
imo any GROUP that advocates hate no matter what race, religion etc.
has no rights

so Anon. hacked the NAACP website and Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's etc?
The NAACP doesnt advocate killing whites. They advocate equality but nice try.
replace lefties with conservatives and your statement WOULD BE CORRECT.
Lefties and conservatives is redundant. Democrats are the new conservatives. And are the champions of racism.
says the conservative android if you had an original thought I'd shit my pants.
You can't refute the substance. You help make the case. You democrats are stuck in the 1960's.
you have no substance so there's nothing to refute..
what the fuck would you know about the 60's ?
you weren't even a wet dream in your daddy's eye.
even worse you come across as a rush Limbaugh sycophant
What do YOU know about the 60's?
FYI, my school was already integrated by 1960 and our local high school basketball team started four blacks before the Texas Western episode in 1966. Been there, done that. Democrats today just can't seem to move on (dot org). Lefties are the real neocons.
that's not what I ASK YOU !
Amazing that some of you dumbshits openly applaud crime.

The KKK are scum, but they have a legal right not to have their computers hacked. I'm betting the FBI won't even look at this at all though.
imo any GROUP that advocates hate no matter what race, religion etc.
has no rights

so Anon. hacked the NAACP website and Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's etc?
you left out religion ...

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