Kohain and Levite "genes" are a myth

The original Jews were the Ethiopians. All it takes is a little common sense to figure this out. The present day Palestinians nor the white jews from Europe are the original inhabitants of Israel.

If Judaism had never accepted proselytes, who the "original" Jews were 3500 years ago might be relevant today as other than mere curiosity. It's difficult to trace back *before* any recorded history.

The archaeological and genetic information indicates that you are wrong in making the identification with (ONLY) 'Ethiopians' - the 'original' as in 'pre-Kingdom' Jews seem to have been a combination of about 4 different groups.

The 'mixed multitude' who went up from Egypt were ALL given the choice to accept the Covenant at Sinai: those who chose to became part of the Jewish people. Certainly some Ethiopians did.

We have never claimed to be all 'genetic' descendants of Abraham and Sarah - although each proselyte is given their 'name in Israel' as though they were the actual child of Abraham and Sarah.

This whole thread is based on the OP's false representation of Judaism. I will assume that he is simply very ignorant and didn't understand the many errors which he has made.
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Actually they are not. You just dont get to see them on TV

Do you know why the Land of Canaan was called the Land of Canaan?

Because thats where the descendants of Canaan settled.

As a land bordering the Mediterranean the Land was always eyed by Empires for conquest...charging taxes for transport.
As such, the Land was NEVER devoid of various peoples from non-Israel descendants.
The Land was also never devoid of Israel's descendants.
Do you know why the Land of Canaan was called the Land of Canaan?

Because thats where the descendants of Canaan settled.

As a land bordering the Mediterranean the Land was always eyed by Empires for conquest...charging taxes for transport.
As such, the Land was NEVER devoid of various peoples from non-Israel descendants.
The Land was also never devoid of Israel's descendants.

That part is not entirely true and misleading. The people of Israel were nomads and did not have a country. That is if you believe the Bible is accurate.
Because thats where the descendants of Canaan settled.

As a land bordering the Mediterranean the Land was always eyed by Empires for conquest...charging taxes for transport.
As such, the Land was NEVER devoid of various peoples from non-Israel descendants.
The Land was also never devoid of Israel's descendants.

That part is not entirely true and misleading. The people of Israel were nomads and did not have a country. That is if you believe the Bible is accurate.

Show me the verse.
As a land bordering the Mediterranean the Land was always eyed by Empires for conquest...charging taxes for transport.
As such, the Land was NEVER devoid of various peoples from non-Israel descendants.
The Land was also never devoid of Israel's descendants.

That part is not entirely true and misleading. The people of Israel were nomads and did not have a country. That is if you believe the Bible is accurate.

Show me the verse.

Here you go. Before that the only real evidence of the descendants of Shem are in Mesopotamia.

Genesis 15:13
Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years.
That part is not entirely true and misleading. The people of Israel were nomads and did not have a country. That is if you believe the Bible is accurate.

Show me the verse.

Here you go. Before that the only real evidence of the descendants of Shem are in Mesopotamia.

Genesis 15:13
Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years.

If you take this as a historical fact then you also accept the fact that since Yehoshua conquered the Land of Canaan the Land belonged to the descendants of Israel.
And ever since that conquest by Yehoshua , the Land has never been devoid of the descendants of Israel.
In fact, you also take as a fact that the Land of Israel was given by God to the nation that would accept the Torah.

Ok...I'm glad we agree.
Show me the verse.

Here you go. Before that the only real evidence of the descendants of Shem are in Mesopotamia.

Genesis 15:13
Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years.

If you take this as a historical fact then you also accept the fact that since Yehoshua conquered the Land of Canaan the Land belonged to the descendants of Israel.
And ever since that conquest by Yehoshua , the Land has never been devoid of the descendants of Israel.
In fact, you also take as a fact that the Land of Israel was given by God to the nation that would accept the Torah.

Ok...I'm glad we agree.

Regardless of whether I take it as historical fact or not, it shows that the land was not the Israelites originally. Just because they say god told them it was theirs doesn't remove the claim of the people that were originally there. Sounds more like a way to disenfranchise the original land owners with an indisputable, unprovable claim all in the name of religion. I'm glad you now understand that the Israelites were nomads and not the original inhabitants of Israel.
Regardless of whether I take it as historical fact or not, it shows that the land was not the Israelites originally. Just because they say god told them it was theirs doesn't remove the claim of the people that were originally there. Sounds more like a way to disenfranchise the original land owners with an indisputable, unprovable claim all in the name of religion. I'm glad you now understand that the Israelites were nomads and not the original inhabitants of Israel.

There were no "original" inhabitants of Israel.

Before the Canaanites there were others. And others before them.
Regardless of whether I take it as historical fact or not, it shows that the land was not the Israelites originally. Just because they say god told them it was theirs doesn't remove the claim of the people that were originally there. Sounds more like a way to disenfranchise the original land owners with an indisputable, unprovable claim all in the name of religion. I'm glad you now understand that the Israelites were nomads and not the original inhabitants of Israel.

There were no "original" inhabitants of Israel.

Before the Canaanites there were others. And others before them.

Like who?
Like who?

The earliest human remains in Palestine were found in Ubeidiya, some 3 km south of the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias), in the Jordan Rift Valley. The remains are dated to the Pleistocene, c. 1.5 million years ago. These are traces of the earliest migration of Homo erectus out of Africa. The site yielded hand axes of the Acheulean type.[5]

Wadi El Amud between Safed and the Sea of Galilee was the site of the first prehistoric dig in Palestine, in 1925. The discovery of Palestine Man in the Zuttiyeh Cave in Wadi Al-Amud near Safed in 1925 provided some clues to human development in the area.[6][7] Qafzeh is a paleoanthropological site south of Nazareth where eleven significant fossilised Homo sapiens skeletons have been found at the main rock shelter. These anatomically modern humans, both adult and infant, are now dated to about 90–100,000 years old, and many of the bones are stained with red ochre, which is conjectured to have been used in the burial process, a significant indicator of ritual behavior and thereby symbolic thought and intelligence. 71 pieces of unused red ochre also littered the site. Mount Carmel has yielded several important findings, among them Kebara Cave that was inhabited between 60,000–48,000 BP and where the most complete Neanderthal skeleton found to date. The Tabun cave was occupied intermittently during the Lower and Middle Paleolithic ages (500,000 to around 40,000 years ago). Excavations suggest that it features one of the longest sequences of human occupation in the Levant. In the nearby Es Skhul cave excavations revealed the first evidence of the late Epipalaeolithic Natufian culture, characterized by the presence of abundant microliths, human burials and ground stone tools. This also represents one area where Neanderthals—present in the region from 200,000 to 45,000 years ago—lived alongside modern humans dating to 100,000 years ago.[8] In the caves of Shuqba in Ramallah and Wadi Khareitun in Bethlehem, stone, wood and animal bone tools were found and attributed to the Natufian culture (c. 12,800–10,300 BCE). Other remains from this era have been found at Tel Abu Hureura, Ein Mallaha, Beidha and Jericho.[9]

Between 10,000 and 5000 BCE, agricultural communities were established. Evidence of such settlements were found at Tel es-Sultan in Jericho and consisted of a number of walls, a religious shrine, and a 23-foot (7.0 m) tower with an internal staircase[10][11] Jericho is believed to be one of the oldest continuously-inhabited cities in the world, with evidence of settlement dating back to 9000 BCE, providing important information about early human habitation in the Near East.[12] Along the Jericho–Dead Sea–Bir es-Saba–Gaza–Sinai route, a culture originating in Syria, marked by the use of copper and stone tools, brought new migrant groups to the region contributing to an increasingly urban fabric.[13][14][15]

History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Like who?

The earliest human remains in Palestine were found in Ubeidiya, some 3 km south of the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias), in the Jordan Rift Valley. The remains are dated to the Pleistocene, c. 1.5 million years ago. These are traces of the earliest migration of Homo erectus out of Africa. The site yielded hand axes of the Acheulean type.[5]

Wadi El Amud between Safed and the Sea of Galilee was the site of the first prehistoric dig in Palestine, in 1925. The discovery of Palestine Man in the Zuttiyeh Cave in Wadi Al-Amud near Safed in 1925 provided some clues to human development in the area.[6][7] Qafzeh is a paleoanthropological site south of Nazareth where eleven significant fossilised Homo sapiens skeletons have been found at the main rock shelter. These anatomically modern humans, both adult and infant, are now dated to about 90–100,000 years old, and many of the bones are stained with red ochre, which is conjectured to have been used in the burial process, a significant indicator of ritual behavior and thereby symbolic thought and intelligence. 71 pieces of unused red ochre also littered the site. Mount Carmel has yielded several important findings, among them Kebara Cave that was inhabited between 60,000–48,000 BP and where the most complete Neanderthal skeleton found to date. The Tabun cave was occupied intermittently during the Lower and Middle Paleolithic ages (500,000 to around 40,000 years ago). Excavations suggest that it features one of the longest sequences of human occupation in the Levant. In the nearby Es Skhul cave excavations revealed the first evidence of the late Epipalaeolithic Natufian culture, characterized by the presence of abundant microliths, human burials and ground stone tools. This also represents one area where Neanderthals—present in the region from 200,000 to 45,000 years ago—lived alongside modern humans dating to 100,000 years ago.[8] In the caves of Shuqba in Ramallah and Wadi Khareitun in Bethlehem, stone, wood and animal bone tools were found and attributed to the Natufian culture (c. 12,800–10,300 BCE). Other remains from this era have been found at Tel Abu Hureura, Ein Mallaha, Beidha and Jericho.[9]

Between 10,000 and 5000 BCE, agricultural communities were established. Evidence of such settlements were found at Tel es-Sultan in Jericho and consisted of a number of walls, a religious shrine, and a 23-foot (7.0 m) tower with an internal staircase[10][11] Jericho is believed to be one of the oldest continuously-inhabited cities in the world, with evidence of settlement dating back to 9000 BCE, providing important information about early human habitation in the Near East.[12] Along the Jericho–Dead Sea–Bir es-Saba–Gaza–Sinai route, a culture originating in Syria, marked by the use of copper and stone tools, brought new migrant groups to the region contributing to an increasingly urban fabric.[13][14][15]

History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How do we know the Natufian people are not the Canaanites? The reason I ask is because there is proof both the Natufian and the Canaanites were Black people.
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How do we know the Natufian people are not the Canaanites? The reason I ask is because there is proof both the Natufian and the Canaanites were Black people.

You have photos of the Canaanites proving they were black? Please show us.

Forget it, you're just spewing black Supremacist shit.
How do we know the Natufian people are not the Canaanites? The reason I ask is because there is proof both the Natufian and the Canaanites were Black people.

You have photos of the Canaanites proving they were black? Please show us.

Forget it, you're just spewing black Supremacist shit.

I have the bible saying that Canaan was the son of Ham. I have depictions of canaanites in Egyptian art showing them to be Black as well. Dont run from something you brought up because you dont like the truth. Still you never answered how you knew if the Natufian people are not the Canaanites.
I have the bible saying that Canaan was the son of Ham. I have depictions of canaanites in Egyptian art showing them to be Black as well. Dont run from something you brought up because you dont like the truth. Still you never answered how you knew if the Natufian people are not the Canaanites.

This discussion is about science and genetics.

The Bible is 100% irrelevent.
How do we know the Natufian people are not the Canaanites? The reason I ask is because there is proof both the Natufian and the Canaanites were Black people.

You have photos of the Canaanites proving they were black? Please show us.

Forget it, you're just spewing black Supremacist shit.

I have the bible saying that Canaan was the son of Ham. I have depictions of canaanites in Egyptian art showing them to be Black as well. Dont run from something you brought up because you dont like the truth. Still you never answered how you knew if the Natufian people are not the Canaanites.

As Vic has become irrelevant (become?) and dull, I will ask you where the Torah states Cham or his descendants were black?
I have the bible saying that Canaan was the son of Ham. I have depictions of canaanites in Egyptian art showing them to be Black as well. Dont run from something you brought up because you dont like the truth. Still you never answered how you knew if the Natufian people are not the Canaanites.

This discussion is about science and genetics.

The Bible is 100% irrelevent.

Scientifically how do we know the Natufian people are not the Canaanites? The Natufian have scientifically proven to be Africans.
Here you go. Before that the only real evidence of the descendants of Shem are in Mesopotamia.

If you take this as a historical fact then you also accept the fact that since Yehoshua conquered the Land of Canaan the Land belonged to the descendants of Israel.
And ever since that conquest by Yehoshua , the Land has never been devoid of the descendants of Israel.
In fact, you also take as a fact that the Land of Israel was given by God to the nation that would accept the Torah.

Ok...I'm glad we agree.

Regardless of whether I take it as historical fact or not, it shows that the land was not the Israelites originally. Just because they say god told them it was theirs doesn't remove the claim of the people that were originally there. Sounds more like a way to disenfranchise the original land owners with an indisputable, unprovable claim all in the name of religion. I'm glad you now understand that the Israelites were nomads and not the original inhabitants of Israel.

I will request that you decide upon which basis you decide to enter the Torah as evidence within this discussion.
Vic is honest enough to dismiss ANY non-pro Muslim history.

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