Krauthammer on Obama: He's 'More a Hugo Chavez Than He Is a Teddy Roosevelt' -video


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Krauthammer reacts to the president's speech in Osawatomie, Kansas where Teddy Roosevelt spoke a century ago. Charles really nails it here

Krauthammer: Obama's Speech 'Classic Example of How Little it Takes to Stir the Erogenous Zones of Liberals' | MRCTV

KRAUTHAMMER: He talked about how we got here. He gave a nice historical rundown except that he left out a critical three years – his presidency. It’s as if it didn’t exist. It’s as if we jumped from ’08 to today. This speech was intended to say that “Everything that’s happened in the last three years has nothing to do with my administration or its policies – economic stagnation, debt, high unemployment. It is a result of the malice of the rich,” and he talked about that at length.

This is a classic example of how little it takes to stir the erogenous zones of liberals. You give them a speech with social justice, a little bit of class war, you wrap it up in the patina of intellectualism in what is essentially a speech that exonerates anything he’s done and obviously not done and says all of our problems today are the result of the plutocrats. That’s why he’s more a Hugo Chavez than he is a Teddy Roosevelt in this speech

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He's more a George W Bush than he is a Hugo Chavez.

What a dumb comparison.
Krauthammer reacts to the president's speech in Osawatomie, Kansas where Teddy Roosevelt spoke a century ago. Charles really nails it here

Krauthammer: Obama's Speech 'Classic Example of How Little it Takes to Stir the Erogenous Zones of Liberals' | MRCTV

KRAUTHAMMER: He talked about how we got here. He gave a nice historical rundown except that he left out a critical three years – his presidency. It’s as if it didn’t exist. It’s as if we jumped from ’08 to today. This speech was intended to say that “Everything that’s happened in the last three years has nothing to do with my administration or its policies – economic stagnation, debt, high unemployment. It is a result of the malice of the rich,” and he talked about that at length.

This is a classic example of how little it takes to stir the erogenous zones of liberals. You give them a speech with social justice, a little bit of class war, you wrap it up in the patina of intellectualism in what is essentially a speech that exonerates anything he’s done and obviously not done and says all of our problems today are the result of the plutocrats. That’s why he’s more a Hugo Chavez than he is a Teddy Roosevelt in this speech

Kinda like Krauthammer&Sickle and his fellow GOP shills leave out the 8 Bush years and jump from 2001 to 2009 over the housing collapse.
What a hypocrite.
He doesn't have a choice really, Steph...

What's he going to do...admit that the whole "Hopey - Changey" thing was just a catchy campaign slogan with nothing behind it?

Admit that his "signature" piece of legislation in his first a cobbled together Frankenstein's monster of a bill created by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid that doesn't lower the cost of health care to most Americans, comes at such a high cost it will bankrupt the country, was unconstitutional and wasn't wanted by a majority of the populace anyways?

Admit that much of the trillion dollars that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid spent on the Obama Stimulus was wasted propping up public sector unions, green companies that have since gone bankrupt and sustaining unemployment benefits for the millions of private sector people his anti business rhetoric and policies first ignored and then KEPT unemployed?

Admit that his economic "agenda" was Larry Summers and Christina Romer's Keynesian spendfest and when that didn't fix the economy and both of his economic advisors "abandoned ship" he hasn't had a coherent plan since?

Admit that his only foreign policy coup was killing Osama bin Laden but that wouldn't have happened without the intel gathered by using Bush's enhanced interrogations?

Admit that he really doesn't have a clue what is happening in the Middle East...from Afghanistan...and that he's got a long seated dislike of Israel that he can't quite get over no matter how important that is with the Jewish vote here in the US?

Admit that he was the ultimate partisan politician when he held super majorities in the House and Senate, telling the Republicans that "elections have consequences"...but then choosing to ignore that little bromide following the 2010 mid-term elections when he was handed a stinging rebuke at the ballot box on his policies by the American people?
I agree with all of the above.

But unless the Republicans can field a "real" conservative; Not the current crop of has been's and RINO's.

We will have 4 more years of Obama. :doubt:
another opinion on the Hugo speech.


The United States of Unfair-ica
Derek Hunter

Dec 11, 2011Sign-Up What is fair?

Not life. Some people obviously are smarter than others. Some are better looking. Others have more capacity for hard work.

But this is not unfair. This is the ultimate in fairness. It’s not what skills you were born with; it’s what you do with those skills. Many geniuses simply have no drive to work hard, many “average-looking” people marry “beautiful” people, and so on.

President Obama went to Osawatomie, Kan., this week to give a campaign speech -- er, policy speech; it couldn’t have been a campaign speech since we, the taxpayers, picked up the tab for it – about what is “fair.” Why Osawatomie? Because it’s where Teddy Roosevelt gave his famous “New Nationalism” speech in 1910, and President Obama wants to be the new TR. At least this week.

The President railed for nearly an hour about “fairness” and how the United States has become unfair. But, again, what is “fair”?

The first definition of “fair” from is “free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice.”

Given this clearly was a campaign speech – you can tell from the relentless political attacks on Republicans – we can safely scratch “bias” from what he meant.

That this was so clearly a campaign speech also would seem to strike the “Dishonesty” part as well – to make no mention of the honesty of the man who first deployed the metric of metric of “jobs saved or created” and has Eric Holder as Attorney General.

That leaves us with “free from…injustice.” If there’s one thing “progressives” love to talk about, it is justice. Social justice, economic justice, “no justice, no peace.” Whatever kind of justice you want, they’re selling it. Unless, of course, you simply want the ultimate justice of being left to sink or swim on your own merit. In that case, forget it.

The President told the people of Osawatomie Teddy “…believed then what we know is true today, that the free market is the greatest force for economic progress in human history. It's led to a prosperity and a standard of living unmatched by the rest of the world.”

the whole article and comments.

The United States of Unfair-ica - Derek Hunter - Townhall Conservative
I agree with all of the above.

But unless the Republicans can field a "real" conservative; Not the current crop of has been's and RINO's.

We will have 4 more years of Obama. :doubt:

Why would you WANT four more years of a man who ran out of ideas after two?
obama has said that America doesn't work and has NEVER worked. Only HE can "make it work" through turning it into a communist country.

If he gets a second term, he will turn the nation into the Soviet Union.
obama has said that America doesn't work and has NEVER worked. Only HE can "make it work" through turning it into a communist country.

If he gets a second term, he will turn the nation into the Soviet Union.

I think he's shooting for Greece actually...
obama has one last play.

He can fully embrace his inner Hugo Chavez and order the arrest of the republicam nominee.
Krauthammer reacts to the president's speech in Osawatomie, Kansas where Teddy Roosevelt spoke a century ago. Charles really nails it here

Krauthammer: Obama's Speech 'Classic Example of How Little it Takes to Stir the Erogenous Zones of Liberals' | MRCTV

KRAUTHAMMER: He talked about how we got here. He gave a nice historical rundown except that he left out a critical three years – his presidency. It’s as if it didn’t exist. It’s as if we jumped from ’08 to today. This speech was intended to say that “Everything that’s happened in the last three years has nothing to do with my administration or its policies – economic stagnation, debt, high unemployment. It is a result of the malice of the rich,” and he talked about that at length.

This is a classic example of how little it takes to stir the erogenous zones of liberals. You give them a speech with social justice, a little bit of class war, you wrap it up in the patina of intellectualism in what is essentially a speech that exonerates anything he’s done and obviously not done and says all of our problems today are the result of the plutocrats. That’s why he’s more a Hugo Chavez than he is a Teddy Roosevelt in this speech


As usual, Krauthammer is correct.
obama has said that America doesn't work and has NEVER worked. Only HE can "make it work" through turning it into a communist country.

If he gets a second term, he will turn the nation into the Soviet Union.
Now, of course, Obama said no such thing!!!

Your MessiahRushie said that and you swallowed LimpBoy's excrement sandwich whole. What Obama said was TRICKLE DOWN doesn't work and has never worked.
He's more a George W Bush than he is a Hugo Chavez.

What a dumb comparison.

Hugo Chavez: To tell you in a mathematical way, despite everything we’ve done in education, healthcare, infrastructure, housing, employment, social security, etc., mathematically, I believe, of everything we’ve done and we have to achieve for the people, we have achieved about 10%. It’s been 200 years of abandonment. The people have been abandoned. All the wealth of the country was in the hands of the elite. We talk about the bicentennial cycle, 2010 to 2030, we have to work really hard. In every aspect, infrastructure etc. I hope that you, in a few years, won’t just go up in the metrocable in San Augustin, but all of Caracas is going to have metrocables, and everywhere, every place, housing, reconstruction in poor neighborhoods, the construction of new cities for the people and dignified housing, there is still a lot to do, to achieve what Simon Bolivar said. Bolivar taught us...


Hugo Chavez: We accompany you in your struggles. You and the people of the United States. We love them the same. The bourgeoisie of Venezuela has always dominated the country, for more than a hundred years. And they dominated it with force, using violence, persecution, assassination and disappearances.

more at
Transcript of Cindy Sheehan's Interview with Hugo Chavez |

have at it, read the whole thing and , not a thing has changed in Venezuela btw. same tone, same message, just toned down a tad, thats all obama has.
he cannot run on his record so hes playing to the base, the 21% lib and whomever else he can dupe, again.
I agree with all of the above.

But unless the Republicans can field a "real" conservative; Not the current crop of has been's and RINO's.

We will have 4 more years of Obama. :doubt:

Why would you WANT four more years of a man who ran out of ideas after two?

Listen, I am NOT an Obama supporter.

If fact, I am a registered Republican.

But the Republicans haven't fielded an electable candidate that can inspire the people and the party.

Again, all they have come up with is has been's, wannabe's, and RINO's

If this is the best they can do: then Obama will winn another 4 long years. :doubt:
He doesn't have a choice really, Steph...

What's he going to do...admit that the whole "Hopey - Changey" thing was just a catchy campaign slogan with nothing behind it?

Admit that his "signature" piece of legislation in his first a cobbled together Frankenstein's monster of a bill created by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid that doesn't lower the cost of health care to most Americans, comes at such a high cost it will bankrupt the country, was unconstitutional and wasn't wanted by a majority of the populace anyways?

Admit that much of the trillion dollars that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid spent on the Obama Stimulus was wasted propping up public sector unions, green companies that have since gone bankrupt and sustaining unemployment benefits for the millions of private sector people his anti business rhetoric and policies first ignored and then KEPT unemployed?

Admit that his economic "agenda" was Larry Summers and Christina Romer's Keynesian spendfest and when that didn't fix the economy and both of his economic advisors "abandoned ship" he hasn't had a coherent plan since?

Admit that his only foreign policy coup was killing Osama bin Laden but that wouldn't have happened without the intel gathered by using Bush's enhanced interrogations?

Admit that he really doesn't have a clue what is happening in the Middle East...from Afghanistan...and that he's got a long seated dislike of Israel that he can't quite get over no matter how important that is with the Jewish vote here in the US?

Admit that he was the ultimate partisan politician when he held super majorities in the House and Senate, telling the Republicans that "elections have consequences"...but then choosing to ignore that little bromide following the 2010 mid-term elections when he was handed a stinging rebuke at the ballot box on his policies by the American people?

But...but...he...he's still got nearly a whole year to make good on this: "That's why today I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office."

That's gonna make for a hell of a nice GOP TV ad, ain't it?
Krauthammer reacts to the president's speech in Osawatomie, Kansas where Teddy Roosevelt spoke a century ago. Charles really nails it here

KRAUTHAMMER: He talked about how we got here. He gave a nice historical rundown except that he left out a critical three years – his presidency. It’s as if it didn’t exist. It’s as if we jumped from ’08 to today. This speech was intended to say that “Everything that’s happened in the last three years has nothing to do with my administration or its policies – economic stagnation, debt, high unemployment. It is a result of the malice of the rich,” and he talked about that at length.

This is a classic example of how little it takes to stir the erogenous zones of liberals. You give them a speech with social justice, a little bit of class war, you wrap it up in the patina of intellectualism in what is essentially a speech that exonerates anything he’s done and obviously not done and says all of our problems today are the result of the plutocrats. That’s why he’s more a Hugo Chavez than he is a Teddy Roosevelt in this speech

KRAUThammer is more Goebbels than Murrow. Take anything he says with a bit more than a grain of salt!!! :cool:
I agree with all of the above.

But unless the Republicans can field a "real" conservative; Not the current crop of has been's and RINO's.

We will have 4 more years of Obama. :doubt:

Why would you WANT four more years of a man who ran out of ideas after two?

Listen, I am NOT an Obama supporter.

If fact, I am a registered Republican.

But the Republicans haven't fielded an electable candidate that can inspire the people and the party.

Again, all they have come up with is has been's, wannabe's, and RINO's

If this is the best they can do: then Obama will winn another 4 long years. :doubt:

Tell us, how the fuck is the Hussein electable after this term?
Oh lookie, people using right wing talking points!!!!
Seems to me when people use the likes of the Huff Post those on the right people (rightfully) get bent out of shape!
Will someone explain why it's a cardinal sin to use the Huff Post but it's just fine to use Krauthammer or any other strictly right wing resource?
To me, using a certain left wing or right wing resources is disingenuous.

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