Kyle Rittenhouse Meets With GOP House Caucus

Kyle has a cute girlfriend.

Kyle will make millions off his defamation suits.

Kyle has a great sense of humor and knows how to troll Libtards.

Kyle is considered a hero by the great majority of Americans.

Life is good when you stand up to the destructive Leftest filth and kill and wound them.
Kyle has a cute girlfriend.

Kyle will make millions off his defamation suits.

Kyle has a great sense of humor and knows how to troll Libtards.

Kyle is considered a hero by the great majority of Americans.

Life is good when you stand up to the destructive Leftest filth and kill and wound them.
Killing unarmed people with a firearm after crossing state lines are crimes.
How could you not know? Are you in an echo chamber?

"I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man's case that just took place in Florida ... to go to court would have taken a long time," the president said at the time.

"Take the guns first, go through due process second," he added."

Anti constitutional piece of shit.
Ritttenbouse isn’t mentally ill…
Crossing state lines – to go out of one’s way – in the hope of killing Americans of color is racist, reprehensible, and wrong.
Hey, were you ever going to explain how he somehow isn’t a hero, you stupid ****?
Crossing state lines – to go out of one’s way – in the hope of killing Americans of color is racist, reprehensible, and wrong.
true but we aren’t talking about the demaklans tactics of mainting power in the south.

we were discussing a kid that went to the city he works in to help protect it from demafasict brownshirts who were attempting a violent insurrection…looting, fire bombing businesses etc and he was forced to defend his life from said demafasict brownshirts that were trying to murder him
LIAR ^^^^. There are plenty of stupid kids carrying firearms.
true…and look at the stupid demafacist brownshirts with guns that tried to kill him? they are dead dead dead
You forgot to mention that Rittenhouse was protecting his own life from those sub humans and was found not guilty. Rittenhouse is the perfect example of why we need to stop gun grabbers because without his rifle, he'd be dead at the hands of the rioters.
"he'd be dead at the hands of the rioters."

You know this how? It's idiots like you who fantasize in your dreams. This punk left his home in another state. Why did he bring along a firearm? Just like you, he had a dream to be a hero, just as Zimmerman.
"he'd be dead at the hands of the rioters."

You know this how? It's idiots like you who fantasize in your dreams. This punk left his home in another state. Why did he bring along a firearm? Just like you, he had a dream to be a hero, just as Zimmerman.
because the jury said he would be, after hearing the evidence

why do you hate our jury system?
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