Landmark paper shows the COVID vaccine has a 1/800 severe adverse event rate; in comparison, the swine flu vaccine was pulled from the market for ...

I play golf with a cardiologist and he has some concerns about the boosters... and not just for young men but for everyone young and old... he still says get it if you are obese or have a comorbidity or coexisting health issue but he is advising his patients to get the flu vaccine and really doesn't push the covid vaccine with them...
I play golf with a cardiologist and he has some concerns about the boosters... and not just for young men but for everyone young and old... he still says get it if you are obese or have a comorbidity or coexisting health issue but he is advising his patients to get the flu vaccine and really doesn't push the covid vaccine with them...

My GP pushed the vaccine HARD for about the first six months. After that, crickets. You know these drs are seeing the effects of these shots, we're just in the "quiet" phase now, because it's too soon. In a few years, these leftist sheep will be like, "oh yeah, yeah, we knew all about how dangerous and awful they were, we knew all along!"
My GP pushed the vaccine HARD for about the first six months. After that, crickets. You know these drs are seeing the effects of these shots, we're just in the "quiet" phase now, because it's too soon. In a few years, these leftist sheep will be like, "oh yeah, yeah, we knew all about how dangerous and awful they were, we knew all along!"
Yep same with my GP... he never brings up covid... he does recommend vaccines like shingles flu and pneumonia... which I have gotten...
Yep same with my GP... he never brings up covid... he does recommend vaccines like shingles flu and pneumonia... which I have gotten...

Interesting. I was already ruined for the flu vaccines, which really started my skepticism for the Covid one before it was launched (and thank God for that). Now I'm skeptical of all of them. Have a friend who got one shingles vaccine and got terribly ill; didn't get the other one. Do I want shingles? Nope. But do I want the vaccine either? Nope.
Devasting study.

Landmark paper shows the COVID vaccine has a 1/800 severe adverse event rate; in comparison, the swine flu vaccine was pulled from the market for 1/100,000.

It’s a lot higher adverse rate than that.

I personally know at least 4 people that had adverse events happen. And I do not know that many people.
The COVID vaccine was “tested” on billions of humans worldwide.

More people believe me than are lining up to get more of that poison in their arms.

Uptake for the new booster less than 20%. Good luck!

Boosters are on the same pace as last year

Cant help the nutjob deniers
Terrible doc. But keep going.

Typical Conservative

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