Lantern Museum: Trump's Destiny [MADD]


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Sep 22, 2013
TrumpUSA should engender in us political idealism directed towards modern socially-conscious groups such as MADD.

This yarn was inspired by Bulworth.




Americans critical of TrumpUSA were interested in discussing social issues relevant to modern problems such as eco-pollution, drunk-driving, and police-corruption. The organization MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) began distributing photos of fireflies from the forests paired with photos of green automobiles, to remind readers of the value of metaphysics in this age of great traffic, commerce, and values-neglect. They wanted consumers and 'fans' of Wal-Mart and Budweiser to consider the wisdom of temperance and social self-awareness.


A deranged humanoid alien visitor from Venus named Stan who always wore a glowing green helmet was watching the activities of men on Earth and noticed that Americans were fascinated by vigilantism-daydream oriented comic book 'superheroes' such as Captain America (Marvel Comics) and Green Lantern (DC Comics). Stan particularly wanted to focus on Green Lantern and link him to the social-work of MADD --- specifically MADD's new 'firefly-consumerism metaphysics campaign.' Stan resolved to send telepathic messages to U.S. President Donald Trump so he'd establish a MADD museum for students to visit in Washington.


As Stan persuaded the Trump Administration to build this ambitious new 'MADD Museum,' he took notice of social-consciousness themed Hollywood (USA) films such as Witness, American Psycho, Crash, Traffic, The Dark Knight, and Supergirl --- films that captured a social fascination with 'lifestyle values.' Stan concluded that the best way to 'harness' consumerism in the modern world was to forward/promote ideas about 'doomsday imagination.' That's why Stan realized that the best way to endorse MADD was to convince movie-goers that images/stories about tragedy/trauma in cinema represented 'evangelical intuition.'


American comic book writers were commissioned by the White House to explore themes/ideas about violations in nature that gave rise to scientific 'abominations' such as talking monkeys, deformed artists, schizophrenic politicians, and toxic avengers. These comic book images/stories would hail in a new era of paranoia-storytelling invested in fears regarding the consequences of blithe values-neglectful consumerism in an emerged Burger King and Wal-Mart centered human civilization. Would bubble-gum and popcorn yield a new form of toxicity?


American celebrities and media figures began making more films about the moral consequences of values-apathetic lifestyles in this new Wall Street world. They began investing more personally in the wisdom of family-values oriented hygiene and endorsed socially-conscious organizations such as MADD and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. President Trump tweeted, "The more we care about 'marketing' ethics, the more vibrant our consumerism-culture will become and the more respectful our dominion of capitalism will be!"


After Stan read Trump's passionate tweets, he concluded that humanity would indeed be inspired by 'superheroes' like Captain America and Green Lantern and decided that the White House would indeed invest in pedestrianism-optimistic institutions such as the new MADD Museum, the Holocaust Museum, and the Smithsonian Institute. Stan decided that capitalism/consumerism would not implode civilization on Earth or lead to all kinds of drunkenness and gluttony. Stan decided that human politics could be guided to be more...patriotic.


After all this diligent work, Stan (from Venus) decided to email a fraternity at Dartmouth College called Bones Gate [BG] and suggest to them that pizza-parties during frat-initiation rituals would dissuade members from indulging too much in alcohol and instead focus on holistic forms of dietary behaviors --- i.e., drink less and eat more bread/pizza! The Bones Gate vice-president Tim Daly (aka, 'Junkyard') read this email and wondered who the hell Stan was but did agree that providing unlimited beer would not engender responsible campus-leaders. Junkyard forwarded the email to MADD, since BG was now working closely with MADD.


STAN: I'm impressed BG works with MADD!
JUNKYARD: Yeah, well, the administration's been pressuring our house.
STAN: It seems that your members are responding...
JUNKYARD: We try to be hygienic.
STAN: Do you want to know who I am, Junkyard?
JUNKYARD: I imagine you're some Washington senator...
STAN: I suppose you think MADD told me to contact you.
JUNKYARD: That's what I assumed...
STAN: Yes, you may assume that; what's important is your mission now.
JUNKYARD: Yes, we'll be working with MADD regularly these days.
STAN: The Dartmouth Trustees will surely be interested in such BG improvements.
JUNKYARD: For sure...we were considered previously the 'Animal House' of Dartmouth.
STAN: Even animals bathe and clean themselves, Junkyard!
JUNKYARD: We had a drunk-driving accident 3 years ago, which is why we allied with MADD.
STAN: Did one of your members kill someone while drunk-driving?
JUNKYARD: No; the member himself died alone in the car-crash; he crashed into a tree.
STAN: I'm so sorry to hear that; I'll forward your news regarding MADD to the White House.
JUNKYARD: Hey, thanks so much; BG needs all the PR-help it can get!
STAN: Keep up the good diligence, Junkyard.
JUNKYARD: Will do; I think I'll watch the conscious film Drunks on Netflix tonight at the house.



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