Largest peace group endorses Bernie Sanders


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Hillary touts all of her experience yet Bernie is the one who made the right decision when it was really important.

Largest peace group endorses Bernie Sanders

For the first time in nearly 25 years, Peace Action PAC, the political action committee of Peace Action, the largest peace group in the U.S., has endorsed a candidate for president: Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) for the Democratic primary. “Peace Action PAC is proud to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) for the Democratic presidential primary. With Sanders’ opposition to both Iraq Wars, support for the significant reduction of nuclear weapons, endorsement of the Iran agreement, championing the reduction of Pentagon spending and general support of diplomacy over war, he best represents the values that Peace Action and its 200,000 supporters have espoused for nearly 60 years,” said Kevin Martin, Peace Action’s executive director.
What's that you say? A bunch of commies and socialists just endorsed Sanders?

I hope him hiring an illegal is bullshit. If not, he just lost any kind of support from me.
Hillary voted for the Iraq War.
She supported Obama dragging the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya.
She got 4 Americans needlessly killed....

Bernie Sanders was the clear choice.
Saddam should have cooperated, Bush drew his red line and didn't back down. We had Iraq won....Obungles dribbled it away

You can't claim we had achieved some kind of real stability in Iraq when the presence of overwhelming numbers of our troops was necessary to keep it that way. Obama didn't ruin anything because we never achieved anything; we actually made the situation worse.
Saddam should have cooperated, Bush drew his red line and didn't back down. We had Iraq won....Obungles dribbled it away

You can't claim we had achieved some kind of real stability in Iraq when the presence of overwhelming numbers of our troops was necessary to keep it that way. Obama didn't ruin anything because we never achieved anything; we actually made the situation worse.

It was under it now? Nope
Saddam should have cooperated, Bush drew his red line and didn't back down. We had Iraq won....Obungles dribbled it away

You can't claim we had achieved some kind of real stability in Iraq when the presence of overwhelming numbers of our troops was necessary to keep it that way. Obama didn't ruin anything because we never achieved anything; we actually made the situation worse.

Iraq had been liberated...until Obama allowed ISIS into the country UN-opposed, letting them take over much of the country our military liberated at great cost.

Obama wasn't asked to WIN the war and liberate Iraq - that had been done. All he was asked to do was to ensure our effort was for nothing ... and he couldn't do that - he F*ed that up.
It was under it now? Nope

So for how many more years would you like to dedicate enormous amounts of resources to controlling that region? We're wasting our time, our money and most importantly the lives of young patriots.

One of those young patriots was my best friend, was, he had no regrets. I'll go with his comments it was worth it
So for how many more years would you like to dedicate enormous amounts of resources to controlling that region? We're wasting our time, our money and most importantly the lives of young patriots.
So helping liberate an oppressed people was not worth using our military for

...but Obama dragging the country to war on his own, without Congressional approval and voted from people like Hillary who voted for the Iraq war, and using our military to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 - to take over Libya was perfectly fine?

Iraq had been liberated...until Obama allowed ISIS into the country UN-opposed, letting them take over much of the country our military liberated at great cost.

Obama wasn't asked to WIN the war and liberate Iraq - that had been done. All he was asked to do was to ensure our effort was for nothing ... and he couldn't do that - he F*ed that up.

ISIS only has the capability it does because of the military weapons and armor they acquired thanks to OUR interference in that region. If we had never invaded Iraq ISIS would not exist for two reasons.

1.) They never would have attained the firepower necessary to do what they are doing,

2.) Saddam Hussein never would have allowed a threat to his power like that.
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Iraq had been liberated...until Obama allowed ISIS into the country UN-opposed, letting them take over much of the country our military liberated at great cost.

Obama wasn't asked to WIN the war and liberate Iraq - that had been done. All he was asked to do was to ensure our effort was for nothing ... and he couldn't do that - he F*ed that up.

ISIS only has the capability it does because of the military weapons and armor they got as a result of OUR interference in that region. If we had never invaded Iraq ISIS would not exist for two reasons.

1.) They never would have attained the firepower necessary to do what they are doing,

2.) Saddam Hussein never would have allowed a threat to his power like that.

If the hound hadn't stopped to take a piss he might have caught the rabbit. You can play "if" games all day long
One of those young patriots was my best friend, was, he had no regrets. I'll go with his comments it was worth it

HUAH and Hell YEAH! BEEN THERE and DONE THAT! Most people who bitch, whine, and complain have never served, never known what it means to serve, and who use 'never leave a man behind' as a political line to justify their BS political actions.

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