Latest poll for Biden. Trump is +7

"You voted for people like Joy Behr, Joy Reid and Don Lemon to become your masters."

They are not the President of the United States.

President Trump doesn't care about them. Don Lemon was fired recently. First he was demoted to a morning show that had terrible ratings. Then he was canned. Have you been following the news?

"You voted for people like Joy Behr, Joy Reid and Don Lemon to become your masters."

They are not the President of the United States.

President Trump doesn't care about them. Don Lemon was fired recently. First he was demoted to a morning show that had terrible ratings. Then he was canned. Have you been following the news?


Maybe you can help me become a Trump supporter once again. All you have to do is help me with these burning questions.

Why did Trump hire Jeff Sessions and what did Jeff Sessions do?
Why did Trump hire Christopher Wray and what did Christopher Wray do?
Why didn't Trump fire Anthony Fauci?
Why did Donald J Trump push so hard for the vaccines?
Why did Donald J Trump go along with trillions of reckless spending during his term just like Democrats do?
Why are both Supreme Court Justices that Donald J Trump appointed having such a hard time supporting the 2A ?
Why did Donald J Trump say "Take the guns first and worry about due process later" ?

Just a few questions, but since you so avidly support Donald J Trump I'm sure you wouldn't do so blindly (like those on the Left support Biden, now would you?)

So show us you're not an idiot and help me like Donald J Trump again by helping me with these questions.
Thank you.
PS...If my suspicions are correct, you won't be able to and will instead attack me.
Maybe you can help me become a Trump supporter once again. All you have to do is help me with these burning questions.

Why did Trump hire Jeff Sessions and what did Jeff Sessions do?
Why did Trump hire Christopher Wray and what did Christopher Wray do?
Why didn't Trump fire Anthony Fauci?
Why did Donald J Trump push so hard for the vaccines?
Why did Donald J Trump go along with trillions of reckless spending during his term just like Democrats do?
Why are both Supreme Court Justices that Donald J Trump appointed having such a hard time supporting the 2A ?
Why did Donald J Trump say "Take the guns first and worry about due process later" ?

Just a few questions, but since you so avidly support Donald J Trump I'm sure you wouldn't do so blindly (like those on the Left support Biden, now would you?)

So show us you're not an idiot and help me like Donald J Trump again by helping me with these questions.
Thank you.
PS...If my suspicions are correct, you won't be able to and will instead attack me.

The second amendment is not unlimited.

Do you think it is? You are not a gun nut, are you?

President Trump had doubts about appointing Jeff Sessions as United States Attorney General from the beginning. He wasn't sure he had the qualifications needed for the job.

Sessions helped him win the south and was valuable on the campaign. He appreciated Jeff Session's efforts and results and the appointment was a reward. It did not work out.

As for vaccines and spending- we know a lot more now than we did in 2020. Vaccines are also a medical issue, not a political one. The efficacy of the vaccines are a matter of science, not politics. Political leaders all over the world implemented the best policies they could with the information they had at the time.

Would you have fired Fauci with the information you had available to you in 2020? President Trump cut off all travel from China in January, 2020 and met fierce resistance from Fauci and many politicians including Nancy Pelosi. This saved many lives.

The handling of the pandemic and vaccines during a pandemic is not something you should consider as a priority when choosing the best candidate in 2024.

As for the economy, spending, that is a complicated issue and would require posting about 50,000 words. Right now- suffice to say that President Trump would not be sending billions to the Ukraine. We would not be on the brink of WWIII.

In a recent interview Donald Trump said he would tell Zelensky to negotiate a settlement with Russia to end hostilities. He would end the conflict over there real fast.

Also look at our southern border. An invasion that is deliberate. Progressive leftists and liberal Democrats want these illegals to keep flooding in. Do you? If not, vote for Donald J. Trump in 2024.

Do you support the transgendering of children? Biological males competing in women's sports? CRT? Do you believe parents are "domestic terrorists" who have no say in what is taught in public schools?

If you answered "No" to those three questions then vote for Donald J. Trump in 2024.

I'll save you a seat on the train brah.


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