Latest Poll on January 6th shows a big problem for truth and facts

Funny how the filthy Dems are always talking about "Q's". I have never seen one. All I saw all summer was black bastards and White Antifa Terrorists burning the country down.
The country has not been burned down you fucking moron. American has had riots in our cities since the inception of America. Riots in cities are as American as apple pie.

1950’s and 1960’s called and say does anyone remember!
Funny how the filthy Dems are always talking about "Q's". I have never seen one. All I saw all summer was black bastards and White Antifa Terrorists burning the country down.
The country has not been burned down you fucking moron. American has had riots in our cities since the inception of America. Riots in cities are as American as apple pie.
Blacks ALWAYS riot. Nature of the Beast. Yes. We had Union Riots in the 1930's. Draft Riots in the 1860's and 1960's. But filthy BLM just does it for wanton destruction for its own sake. Because they just can't cut it in a White built country.
Foreign based Reuters pollsters call about 1,000 republicans? How would they know and why is this significant?
We know that a democrat party activist opened fire on republican congress people practicing for a baseball game and the media buried the story faster than they buried Hodgkinson. Did Hodgkinson meet with Sen. Sanders? Sanders refuses to answer. What about the list of conservative republicans who weren't baseball players? Did Hodgkinson have an accomplice? What about the Vegas shooter who killed 58 people attending what the media characterized as a "Trump rally"? Why didn't Reuters poll democrats about their opinion since the FBI refused to speculate?

The GOPQ and FOX news are the biggest promoters of lies and misinformation in this country. It is mind boggling to think people can be mind washed to believe that January 6th was "mostly peaceful". Thankfully, the majority of Americans know the truth. The stench of trumpism will be with us for generations to come.
Well we watched actual violence, theft, firestarting, murder, etc over the summer with your Dim ilk thugs. So Jan 6 was like a kindergarten recess compared to that actual violence you mindnumbed looneybin
Well lookee here. The OP found a poll and is attempting to connect it to the words 'truth' and 'fact'. :springbed:

What a dolt.
Latest Poll on January 6th shows a big problem for truth and facts

Yep. Thanks to the leftist-controlled media, we now have a big problem with getting facts all over! Included among them:
  1. The fact that the 2020 election was engineered to be stolen by the anti-Trumpers, then quickly buried before any questions can be answered.
  2. The fact that the 1/6 protest at the Capitol was spurred not by Trump but by the above-said quickly buried stolen election.
  3. The fact that the democrats planned and used the 1/6 protest to fuel yet another totally baseless impeachment with absolutely no facts.
  4. The fact that of the 8,000 attending the protest, only about 200 there actually got violent and out of hand, spurred on by instigators of various groups, or in other words, about 97.5% mostly peaceful, just like BLM in 2020.
  5. The fact that months later, the Left are still trying to push the protest as an insurrection while still burying the stolen election as baseless to keep trying to float their anti-Trump agenda.
  6. The fact that Trump was the lone People's President, the power in the people's hands president, the anti-big government president, the first finally America-First president, and the Left, the democrats and some of the GOP have been SCARED SHITLESS by that.

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