Latinos are Wonderful people

Cool story, bro. I have a Hispanic story of my own.

I was working in Texas as a commercial brick and block mason, back in the 80's. All of the mason's tenders were Hispanics, some of whom didn't speak English. So anyway we were up on the scaffold and 5 of them were standing against the railing, watching the shit truck pump out the Porta-Potties. It was a hot Summer day and when the fragrant odor of the stalls being pumped reached the scaffold, they started puking their guts out, one at a time right down the line. I swear, it was like sympathetic retching that started with the first laborer and went down the line to the next one, and the next one, and the next one...

I guess you would have had to have been there in order to appreciate the humor.
I trained Mexicanos from Chihuahua to do my job as laborer to become a lawyer in 1982.
Yes, many Hispanics are very friendly.

And they certainly work hard.

But, sadly, they do have their share of not very nice people.

Here in the greater Los Angles area, most of the violent crime is committed by Hispanics and that other group.

Right. It seems that there are two extremes that can be associated with them. having lived in So. Cal myself for years, and spending time in the central valley and Reno.... having a step father who was a chicano... and experiencing his family in my younger years.. I can say this is true.
One can look at the traditional Mexican who is very religious, respectful, hard working.. (not necessarily depending on monitary status ) and those people generally also very neat and tidy.. and family oriented... seem like everything you would want as part of your society.

Then you have the opposite extreme which often times ends up being the children of immigrants... becoming involved in gangs because they hang on the street. or just the newer batch coming across the border already involved in gangs... There are always those who want to work and those who want to go the easy route. The problem with a lot of these gang bangers is they carry a huge CHip on their shoulder... and that makes them often violent and unpredictable. IN MY EXPERIENCE.
I'm 100% sure there is a japanese citizen living somewhere in the country that is fascinated with brown people. He/she is attracted to them culturally, sexually, etc, etc... If this person had his/her way Japan would immediately allow the immigration of millions of arabs, hispanics, Indians, etc, etc...

It's perfectly OK for this INDIVIDUAL to want his country to be flooded with non japanese immigrants but the japanese nation state cannot allow anything remotely similar to his wishes to happen otherwise the country, the nation will be destroyed.

Individual american, nigerian, vietnamese citizens can afford to ignore or even want to destroy the racial composition of their countries but the governments of their nations cannot.

The american nation state represented by the US government cannot allow (or rather, couldn't have allowed) its hispanic polulation to grow beyond its historic numbers (3%) no matter how passionately american citizens like quasar44 loves them in order to preserve the white national identity of the nation.

A nation state and its government cannot behave and think like one of its citizens.

Individual american, japanese, russian, south african, indian citizens...

You are completely free to love people from other racial backgrounds and fantasize about millions of immigrants from other races immigrating to your countries but your government has a sacred duty to make sure your dream will remain just that, a dream.
I imagine the traffic in LA is just unreal

Is LA more thug or glamour city ??
Illegals can fuck off. The rest I don't give two shits about anymore than I do a random neighbor who lives 5 blocks away.

Stop with your lame ass virtue signaling bullshit. AKA I have a black (mexican) friend nonsense
The Angry Maid speaks his mind.
LOOLLLOOLLOLLL at your constant Angry State.
Right. It seems that there are two extremes that can be associated with them. having lived in So. Cal myself for years, and spending time in the central valley and Reno.... having a step father who was a chicano... and experiencing his family in my younger years.. I can say this is true.
One can look at the traditional Mexican who is very religious, respectful, hard working.. (not necessarily depending on monitary status ) and those people generally also very neat and tidy.. and family oriented... seem like everything you would want as part of your society.

Then you have the opposite extreme which often times ends up being the children of immigrants... becoming involved in gangs because they hang on the street. or just the newer batch coming across the border already involved in gangs... There are always those who want to work and those who want to go the easy route. The problem with a lot of these gang bangers is they carry a huge CHip on their shoulder... and that makes them often violent and unpredictable. IN MY EXPERIENCE.
A very balanced view, IMHO. Thanks!

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