Zone1 Lawlessness Is Not Compassionate

Jesus "would have" ? First, Jesus reached out and helped those with whom he crossed paths--which is exactly what most of us are doing today. Just because a government administration acted idiotically doesn't mean it changed who we are as individuals.

What makes you think Jesus is in favor of open borders? Do you remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man? When the rich man died and went to a place of torment and was thirsty, did Jesus throw open the border between the rich man's place and Lazarus' place? He said it was not permitted. What else was not permitted? Someone warning his still living brothers of the dangers of continuing the behavior of the rich man. In another parable Jesus warned that those who did not enter through the proper gate were liars and thieves.

Answer this: Should the US march into any country who has a fleeing population, take over that country and rule it on behalf of the fleeing population? Should we throw open that country's borders to citizens of other countries, no questions asked?
for the record---Jesus did not address this particular problem---
nor did Constantine. Constantine made adoption of the
christian religion as a criterion for FULL RIGHTS
Sure there is. But "I don't want to live next door to brown people" isn't a burden, it's just your hangup.
Idiocy never has become you. I do live next door to "brown people", and we often help each other with all the things that need to be done around our homes--like mow each other's lawns. I do sprinkler repair. I don't care to discuss anything with you again and from now on intend to take that adage about swine more seriously. How dare you insultingly refer to my neighbors as "brown people". We're through.
Idiocy never has become you. I do live next door to "brown people", and we often help each other with all the things that need to be done around our homes--like mow each other's lawns. I do sprinkler repair. I don't care to discuss anything with you again and from now on intend to take that adage about swine more seriously. How dare you insultingly refer to my neighbors as "brown people". We're through.
An anecdote----hubby---when very young was a scholarship
student in a well known art school in London----one of his
teachers made a telephone call to recommend him for---?
some project. He described him like this "brown but decent"
for the record---Jesus did not address this particular problem---
nor did Constantine. Constantine made adoption of the
christian religion as a criterion for FULL RIGHTS
Yes, that's my point to all who are convinced Jesus would be in favor of throwing open all borders. In fact, we don't know what position he would take on that issue. The accounts I mentioned make it clear that he did mention some gates gates and boundaries to be observed.
Ahh... if only Julian the Apostate had survived.
it would not have done any good----The ethos that
which led to today's prevalent islamo-nazi ideology
has its origin in Greece long before both Constantine
and Julian and even Jesus. The single factor which
brought it about was the ROMAN EMPIRE and Rome's
fascination with all things GREEK
Yes, that's my point to all who are convinced Jesus would be in favor of throwing open all borders. In fact, we don't know what position he would take on that issue. The accounts I mentioned make it clear that he did mention some gates gates and boundaries to be observed.
GATES is a big time symbol in Hebrew Literature. They
marked the entry into every city and the space that
was used for both economic and intellectual interchange.
Potential leaders hung out AT THE GATES ---
as did the classical "judges"----kinda like we
kids hung out in the newly developed "shopping
MALLS" in suburbia
GATES is a big time symbol in Hebrew Literature. They
marked the entry into every city and the space that
was used for both economic and intellectual interchange.
Potential leaders hung out AT THE GATES ---
as did the classical "judges"----kinda like we
kids hung out in the newly developed "shopping
MALLS" in suburbia
I don't doubt you. However, Jesus was speaking of gates into a sheepfold. He said anyone who tried to enter the sheepfold by any means other than the gate was a robber and a thief.
I don't doubt you. However, Jesus was speaking of gates into a sheepfold. He said anyone who tried to enter the sheepfold by any means other than the gate was a robber and a thief.
what do you think the term "sheepfold" represented? If
a literal statement--it seems over the top to me and not
entirely LEGAL
You're not reading your Bible.

1. Jesus’ Invitation to the Weary​

Matthew 11:28–30 (ESV)

This is the well-known passage where Jesus promises spiritual rest and relief from life’s burdens to those who follow Him.

2. Jesus’ Gift of Peace​

John 14:27 (ESV)

Jesus offers an inner peace that transcends circumstances (and thus can alleviate suffering at the level of the human heart and mind).

3. Jesus’ Mission to the Poor and Oppressed​

Luke 4:18–19 (ESV)
(Quoting Isaiah 61:1–2, which Jesus reads in the synagogue)

From the outset, Jesus’ public ministry included a focus on relieving the suffering of the oppressed and needy (physically and spiritually).

4. The Early Church’s Sharing and Charity​

The Book of Acts shows how the first Christians put Jesus’ teachings into action:

Acts 2:44–45 (ESV)

Acts 4:34–35 (ESV)

Here we see the early believers ensuring that no one lacked necessities. This is a direct physical alleviation of suffering within their community.

5. The Command to Serve “the Least of These”​

Matthew 25:31–46 (ESV)
(The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats)

Jesus ties the tangible acts of helping the needy, feeding, clothing, housing, and caring, to faithfulness to Himself. Failing to help the suffering results in condemnation (the goats), showing that Jesus sees caring for human suffering as central to Christian obedience.

6. Providing for Brothers and Sisters in Need​

1 John 3:16–18 (ESV)

This passage explicitly teaches that seeing someone in need and refusing to help is inconsistent with possessing God’s love. It’s an instruction to ease suffering whenever we can.

7. Faith in Action: Practical Help​

James 2:14–17 (ESV)

James emphasizes that mere words are not enough. True faith expresses itself in meeting practical, physical needs.

8. Promise of Reward (and Increase) for Sacrifice​

Mark 10:29–30 (ESV)

Jesus here promises both present blessings (“now in this time”) and eternal life to those who follow Him sacrificially. It implies that following Jesus comes with a supportive spiritual family and often physical provision within the body of believers.

9. Jesus the Good Shepherd (Protection and Care)​

John 10:11, 27–28 (ESV)

This is more spiritual in nature but still addresses Jesus’ protective and nurturing role for those who trust in Him. “Good shepherd” imagery includes caring for physical and emotional needs (safety, provision, leadership).

10. Isaiah 58: The True Fast​

Though in the Old Testament, Isaiah 58 clarifies God’s heart on “true fasting”—that it involves caring for those who suffer. This directly connects to the New Testament emphasis on practical mercy.

Isaiah 58:6–7 (ESV)

Jesus’ teachings (and those of the apostles) carry forward this same principle of selfless love and compassion for others.

There are many other verses in the Bible, both in the OT and NT, that state God alleviates suffering, and commands His people to do the same.
I get all that. You are missing my point. A point that is guided by the Holy Spirit.
Idiocy never has become you. I do live next door to "brown people", and we often help each other with all the things that need to be done around our homes--like mow each other's lawns. I do sprinkler repair. I don't care to discuss anything with you again and from now on intend to take that adage about swine more seriously. How dare you insultingly refer to my neighbors as "brown people". We're through.

Ah, the last cry of the bigot, "Don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are (fill in the blank)."

If you support Trump's mass deportations and concentration camps, you are not a "Christian" you are a bigot. If you are uncomfortable with that, good. It might mean there's hope for you.
it would not have done any good----The ethos that
which led to today's prevalent islamo-nazi ideology
has its origin in Greece long before both Constantine
and Julian and even Jesus. The single factor which
brought it about was the ROMAN EMPIRE and Rome's
fascination with all things GREEK

And always fun to watch you engage in the crazy.

The real reason why Islam gained such a foothold in the 7th Century was that the Byzantine Empire expended itself on pointless wars, either trying to reconquer the west or defeat the Sassinids.

The Byzantine attempts to stamp out "heresies," such as Monophysitism in Egypt or Arianism in Carthage, left a lot of people kind of bitter towards Orthodox Christianity.

When the Muslims came in, they were a lot more benevolent, only putting a tax on non-believers. (Certainly better than torturing them.) That kind of opened to the door to, "Really, tell me more about this Mohoammed guy who is going to give me a tax cut."
If you support Trump's mass deportations and concentration camps
You do know that's never going to happen, right? It's all theater. You probably think pro wrestling is real too.
What makes you think Jesus is in favor of open borders?

jesus knew the garden is meant for everyone.

has meriwether's christianity misplaced the global map of borders for everyone, living beings to live in found somewhere in their christian bible that was drawn in the heavens - so they will know their proper place to live than their makebelieve mortgage agreement w/ a mortal.
Do the math.

Yeah, I know all about what the Nazis did. Just watched a good video on it from 1947 titled "Don't Be a Sucker."

christianity, republicans - trump have a distinction to create internment conditions, facilities - as threats to their phony agendas to be mitigated by force using whatever means possible to instill their duplicity than justice.

During World War II, the United States incarcerated Japanese Americans in remote camps across the western United States and Hawaii. These camps were called "relocation centers"

a stepping stone for justification in this country.

- a favorite tool of neo-nazi christianity used repeatedly through history.
And always fun to watch you engage in the crazy.

The real reason why Islam gained such a foothold in the 7th Century was that the Byzantine Empire expended itself on pointless wars, either trying to reconquer the west or defeat the Sassinids.

The Byzantine attempts to stamp out "heresies," such as Monophysitism in Egypt or Arianism in Carthage, left a lot of people kind of bitter towards Orthodox Christianity.

When the Muslims came in, they were a lot more benevolent, only putting a tax on non-believers. (Certainly better than torturing them.) That kind of opened to the door to, "Really, tell me more about this Mohoammed guy who is going to give me a tax cut."
It is obvious that you never met any survivors of islamic
"BENEVOLENCE"----to wit---Egyptian Copts, Lebanese
Maronites, Iraqi Chaldeans or even Zoroastrians---One thing you got right------being a muslim in lands invaded by and subjected
to murder, rape, enslavement and oppression by muslims and
financial disability was certainly an ADVANTAGE and very easy
to attain----just mumble some garble in arabic and BE MUSLIM----it's the HOLDOUTS that are remarkable
Jesus was a migrant

Jesus and his parents fled to Egypt to escape King Herod's persecution and the genocide of baby boys in Bethlehem.
And what would the Egyptians have done if immigrants were smuggling drugs across the border that was killing around 400 a day, or gangs that rape their women on the streets?

I'm guessing no trial would have been needed to drop them in a hole somewhere.

Immigrants had enough sense to know that if they don't follow the Egyptian laws, very bad things would befall them in a very short time, along with their friends and families,, wh8ich is why they behaved.

That is not the case in the US. In fact, it is the exact opposite

I am sick to death of hearing of illegals murder and rape Americans with a rap sheet longer than Madonna's dating list
And what would the Egyptians have done if immigrants were smuggling drugs across the border that was killing around 400 a day, or gangs that rape their women on the streets?

Jesus was not smuggling drugs or raping people

Neither are the overwhelming majority of those crossing our border
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