for the record---Jesus did not address this particular problem---Jesus "would have" ? First, Jesus reached out and helped those with whom he crossed paths--which is exactly what most of us are doing today. Just because a government administration acted idiotically doesn't mean it changed who we are as individuals.
What makes you think Jesus is in favor of open borders? Do you remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man? When the rich man died and went to a place of torment and was thirsty, did Jesus throw open the border between the rich man's place and Lazarus' place? He said it was not permitted. What else was not permitted? Someone warning his still living brothers of the dangers of continuing the behavior of the rich man. In another parable Jesus warned that those who did not enter through the proper gate were liars and thieves.
Answer this: Should the US march into any country who has a fleeing population, take over that country and rule it on behalf of the fleeing population? Should we throw open that country's borders to citizens of other countries, no questions asked?
nor did Constantine. Constantine made adoption of the
christian religion as a criterion for FULL RIGHTS