Lawrence " agiTprop " o'Donnell ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Best friend for those who dislike todays Americana.
Admitted and concentrated { like overly squeezed O.J. }
since the Early-2000s'.Said as much { He was a proud Socialist }
on Chris Matthews - HArdball - where Pat Buchannan was often
present and accounted for.All Three { O'Donnell,Matthews and Buchanan }
once proud and highly educated in mostly Catholic schools have since
{ except O'Donnell } given up being Political Pundits.
Not little face-maker O'Donnell.He wears his snarky face and
Stalinistic atttitude proudly each night { 10 PM M-F } at
The Place to prove how much you dislike being an Old-Fashioned
American.A Disney fan.Baseball,Mom and apple pie.Forget the
" small of a woman's back ". That was Kevin Costner.
Lawrence was gifted with a snarky,mean face as if Lucifer
felt that was better than handing him honors or the ability to
throw both a great fast ball and also an Eephus { high-arching pitch }
or a pitch described as a " nothing pitch ". From the word { Hebrew }
efes or " Zero ". That is what Little Nothing O'Donnell pitches each
weeknight at The Place to go { MSNBC } to prove how much you hate
The United States.Especially the Walt Disney version from the 50's
into the 60's.
It's pathetic.But Comcast is committed.As were all three Ruskies { Germans ? }
Karl Marx,Leon Trotsky and Lenin { Vladimir }.
So start calling widdle Trotskite O'Donnell the Nickname Widdle Vlad.
His face should explain the rest.
But Widdle Vlad does not believe in resting.Like fellow Catholics
Matthes and Buchanan.Plus " Widdle Vlad " O'Donnelled is busy as a bee
each night.Since he has some WH connections to voice his latest hate of
the Disney America and is more than willing to LIE and spin each night
his version of a Male Tokyo Rose.
How did this great Republic become so taken over by Unamerican
pathetic,lying Journalism.
O'Donnell admitting 20 years ago on - Hardball - his being a
" Socialist ". - The Task of the Proletariat - { 1917 }
" If Socialism can only be realized when the intellectual
development of ALL the people permits it,then we shall
not have Socialism for at least 500 years. "
" If compromise continues,the revolution disappears. "
-- Lenin {
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov }
So what and how did Lawrence " The Official Biden AgiTprop "
handle his 10 pm {est } hour last night.
He spent less than 10 minutes discussing and covering
the Columbia campus emergency.He found a way to politely
excuse what happened as " peaceful ". That there was no
violence and the Protestors were being peaceful.I guess busting into
{ breaking in } to one of Columbia U. bldgs. is non-violent.
Keeping 3 Columbia employees as hostage.Just a nutter day in
the park ... no cause for alarm.
Then after less than 10 minutes widdle bubble-brained
Socialist O'Donnell got in to the meat of what he gets paid to do.
Going after all things Trump.With fingers crossed.Like a good widdle
fallen catholic under some demonic spell,making the case as to
how best to insure Trump spend time { the minimum of 30 days }
in a Riker island jail.For daring to break some made-up Gag order
bilge which carries a fine { Trump already paid the doggone fine }
and then maybe adding 30 days in jail for good measure.
Joining-in the fun was Andrew Weissmann who also has a
thing about Trump.You know the guy.The widdle guy with the big
crooked nose and eyeglasses who was the lead prosecutor for
the official Witchhunt or Robert Mueller and his Special Counsel

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