Republicans are to blame for the border

And why has the person he appointed to oversee border security done such a lousy job while suffering no consequences? In any normal circumstance, a person given that kind of responsibility is held accountable and loses their job for catastrophic failure.
People need to start suing the Biden Administration for criminal negligence over crimes committed by the illegals that Biden and his minions have allowed into the country without any vetting at all!
Would you like to explain why Biden even needs a "deal", Jim? He could fix the border with EO's tomorrow if he chose to without a single person in Congress or the Senate doing a thing. So why hasn't he?
The repubs are cowards and are allowing a criminal to push them around. They are even now becoming Poootin apologist. Why is the repub party anti-American?
Trump had the House and Senate and didn't fix it, preferring to pass tax cuts that added trillions to the debt. Now, Republicans continue to own the border by refusing to do anything about it because it would help President Joseph Biden.


Why isn't this in the stupid forum ?

All he's gotta do is flip two NYC boroughs....not Staten Island ..... and the entire state falls to trump


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