Covid report lacerates conservatives for shambolic covid response.

Vaccination: Injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. Vaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body. The healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them.

There is no vaccination for any COVID virus.
What we have is apparently just Palliative care
About 700 thousand in more than three and a half years compared to 470 thousand in eleven months.

Do the math. Trump was killing twice as many Americans with his mismanagement while Biden was saving twice as many in a month.
Vaccination: Injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. Vaccinations, or immunizations, work by stimulating the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body. The healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them.

There is no vaccination for any COVID virus.
What we have is apparently just Palliative care
Why do you guys continually lie about the vax.? There are lies on here every day from the likes of munkle, sweet sue and weatherman.

These are dupes just spreading shit from bogus doctors. They lack the intellect to see they are spreading lies.

But it is easy to do.
Fake links to magazines that dont exist.
Fake doctors who spent a week in a yale summer school one summer
Doctors of philosophy like jordan petersen pretending to be some medical expert
Barrel scraping politicians who take the vax and then attack it. Like trump.
Studies that arent wide enough to prove anything
"Elite" ath;etes who die because we all know people never died before..
Anybody who dies after having the shot even if they were run over crossing the road.
There is no level you people wont sink to in your lies.
200 years ago you would have burned witches. Now you want to kill your neighbour.
Why do you guys continually lie about the vax.? There are lies on here every day from the likes of munkle, sweet sue and weatherman.

These are dupes just spreading shit from bogus doctors. They lack the intellect to see they are spreading lies.

But it is easy to do.
Fake links to magazines that dont exist.
Fake doctors who spent a week in a yale summer school one summer
Doctors of philosophy like jordan petersen pretending to be some medical expert
Barrel scraping politicians who take the vax and then attack it. Like trump.
Studies that arent wide enough to prove anything
"Elite" ath;etes who die because we all know people never died before..
Anybody who dies after having the shot even if they were run over crossing the road.
There is no level you people wont sink to in your lies.
200 years ago you would have burned witches. Now you want to kill your neighbour.
Care to address what I actually posted, or is your bag just denial?
Bless your heart

Annother useful reminder why these people should never hold power again.

Lady Hallett outlines the root of the problem over 14 years of conservative failure. Right back to thee austerity policies of 2010 which hollowed out the NHS and made it unable to cope with the virus.

And then preparing for the wrong virus.

She doesnt mention certain things in this report. That will come later. At a time of crisis Johnson was getting pissed with his mates and the health sec was shagging his staff.

None of which was a benefit to the country.

But conservatives are not serious people. They prefer their daft culture wars to actual proper policy.
And people die.
/----/ Dementia Joe get's the sniffles and runs to hide. NO MASK????
/----/ Dementia Joe get's the sniffles and runs to hide. NO MASK????
View attachment 979994
And ? I dont wear a madk either.. The anti vax looniess have nothing to say.
An old man being sick is like a victory for them yet they want is to love trump for dodging a bullet.
Trump lolled thousands of americans with his weak leadership. Reflect on that.
Fucking clown.
The vax worked as death rates plummeted.
And its why you continually lie about it.
Fucking clown. Shove your vax conspiraacies up tour arse.
You are a fucking joke
^^ typical response from a Vax-tard.

They can’t never refute the facts I state, yet calls them lies.

Then goes on an unhinged not-so-clever name calling rant.

How many boosters have you had Tammy? When was your last? Sounds like you need another.

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