Donald Trump: Full up to the eyeballs with hate. He won on that once, and hopes to do it again

Yep, they did the same for me in basic, AIT and in Vietnam, but when I came back, my wife and I rented an apartment in town. I never lived on base after a PCS, with one exception, they had base housing in PR for my wife and I.

The military used the best system to meet preparedness demands , it just happened that socialism best suited the demands. Imagine a military based on individual rights and capitalism ; we would have a third world cutthroat military for sale to the highest bidder.
The military used the best system to meet preparedness demands , it just happened that socialism best suited the demands. Imagine a military based on individual rights and capitalism ; we would have a third world cutthroat military for sale to the highest bidder.

Did you ever advance beyond PFC? You've obviously never been in a military leadership position.

Did you ever advance beyond PFC? You've obviously never been in a military leadership position.

I was a nurse before I joined that boosted my rank quite well. Didn't stay in long enough to gain much more rank. They were giving early outs to anyone who wanted them to size down the Air Force when Vietnam was over. I took advantage of that. The military was a good experience but I had my fill.
Did you ever advance beyond PFC? You've obviously never been in a military leadership position.

I believe it would be a great thing if every eligible person , men and women , were to serve two years in some type of service , military, medical or whatever we need. In return we could give two years of college or vocational / occupational school. Plus we'd end up with better people too.
I was a nurse before I joined that boosted my rank quite well. Didn't stay in long enough to gain much more rank. They were giving early outs to anyone who wanted them to size down the Air Force when Vietnam was over. I took advantage of that. The military was a good experience but I had my fill.

How long were you actually in?

I believe it would be a great thing if every eligible person , men and women , were to serve two years in some type of service , military, medical or whatever we need. In return we could give two years of college or vocational / occupational school. Plus we'd end up with better people too.

I prefer the voluntary system we have now, those benefits are already available.

“He’s running for president again, and he’s the present and the future of the Republican Party, and he is filled to his eyeballs with hate. It’s quite a roll of the dice for them, when you think about it, to gamble everything you have on hate. But that’s where we are in America. One party running on hate, the other running against it.” ibid

It's not only hate Republicans are running on – it’s also fear and lies intended to divide the American people and turn Americans against each other.
Like this man?
The hate Trump espouses, utters, and tweets in front of howling mobs is palpable.

Trump doesn't just have opponents he has people, institutions, races, and nationalities he despises and vilifies hatefully.

Trump has not just divided America, he has fractured society to the extent that there will never again be union and polite political discourse.

Donald Trump's tenure has encouraged bigots, racists, and white supremacists to emerge from their dark places and take their place in open society.

How will Trump's howling mobs react when he loses the election? They will be left with nothing as the GOP has been hollowed out by Trumpism.

America will not recover its unity and decorum even after Donald Trump is run outta town.

Donald Trump: Full up to the eyeballs with hate
Bless your little heart.
28 months.Good experience for those who need it.

Wow, all of that in an air conditioned hospital or clinic, must have been rough. I had a total of 26 years active and reserve, was stationed in LA, OK, Vietnam, CO, AK (TDY), CO again, TN, TX, PR with TDY assignments in Grenada, IN, Belize, Honduras, Panama, then back to TX where I retired.

Wow, all of that in an air conditioned hospital or clinic, must have been rough. I had a total of 26 years active and reserve, was stationed in LA, OK, Vietnam, CO, AK (TDY), CO again, TN, TX, PR with TDY assignments in Grenada, IN, Belize, Honduras, Panama, then back to TX where I retired.

I did what was asked of me. I helped deliver about 500 babies. Within 3 months I took over a staff sergeant 's job and ran the medics in the OB -GYN department. They utilized me well. I was put on AIR VAC but never went anywhere. All those shots for nothing.
Wow, all of that in an air conditioned hospital or clinic, must have been rough. I had a total of 26 years active and reserve, was stationed in LA, OK, Vietnam, CO, AK (TDY), CO again, TN, TX, PR with TDY assignments in Grenada, IN, Belize, Honduras, Panama, then back to TX where I retired.

The highlight my military experience was I got to fly on a small jet with a general nonstop from Bellevue ( south of Omaha) Nebraska to Washington , D.C. We played cards the whole trip home. We were the only 2 passengers.

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