Donald Trump: Full up to the eyeballs with hate. He won on that once, and hopes to do it again

Whats wrong with rude, obnoxious comments? Why is calling them the enemy wrong? Im 51 years old and this has been a part of politics for as long as ive been alive. :dunno:
Calling the opposing party the " enemy " sets up an untenable situation. No progress can be made once that line is crossed. The extremists win. Win nothing , just destroy.
Calling the opposing party the " enemy " sets up an untenable situation. No progress can be made once that line is crossed. The extremists win. Win nothing , just destroy.
dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. If you don't know that, you're part of the problem
Once on US soil undocumented immigrants are covered by the First Amendment and have rights.
No they arent. Thats an absurd claim. It also has nothing to do with the discussion about them sneaking onto US soil.
Calling the opposing party the " enemy " sets up an untenable situation. No progress can be made once that line is crossed. The extremists win. Win nothing , just destroy.
That explains why the dem party is in shambles today and in the middle of a civil war
Calling the opposing party the " enemy " sets up an untenable situation. No progress can be made once that line is crossed. The extremists win. Win nothing , just destroy.
You guys were calling him Hitler. Doesnt that make you his enemy by default? Furthermore, would you rather be accused of being a political enemy, or "Hitler"?
It's not about a single person.Unlike the new republicans with regard to trump. It's about policies and getting things done correctly. In reference to Biden specifically the infrastructure bill and his unwaivering support for a woman to decide her reproductive health. There are many others but time is running short for me on here. Have to go. Guess you'll have to find someone else to try to vent on. Try to have a good day.
infrastructure bill? What has that done? What has it fixed? I see it spends a trillion dollars on failed green energy.

Reproductive health, are you talking about killing the baby after a woman irresponsibly gets pregnant, which is a state's jurisdiction.

Yes, run away stan with out giving one thing Democrats have done.

Inflation is skyrocketing because of the infrastructure bill
States have the right to decide abortion

Biden and the Democrats, spent trillions on bullshit.
The hate Trump espouses, utters, and tweets in front of howling mobs is palpable.

Trump doesn't just have opponents he has people, institutions, races, and nationalities he despises and vilifies hatefully.

Trump has not just divided America, he has fractured society to the extent that there will never again be union and polite political discourse.

Donald Trump's tenure has encouraged bigots, racists, and white supremacists to emerge from their dark places and take their place in open society.

How will Trump's howling mobs react when he loses the election? They will be left with nothing as the GOP has been hollowed out by Trumpism.

America will not recover its unity and decorum even after Donald Trump is run outta town.

Donald Trump: Full up to the eyeballs with hate

Oh look!!!!! Another idiot.
Full up to the eyeballs with what lib loons hate
Cares for Americans
Responsibility advocate
Favors law enforcement
50 more

He’s not filled with hate but rather what the children hate
Hate? The Democrats want to accuse others of hate? ROFL!!!!

Democrats / Leftists in their own actions and words
  • Kathy Griffin with Trump’s bloody head
  • Snoop Dog shoots Trump in video
  • When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? – Johnny Depp
  • I would beat the hell out of Trump if in high school – Joe Biden
  • We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye. – Joe Biden less than a week before the assassination attempt
  • They’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they’re not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store, the people are going to turn on them, they're going to protest, they’re going to absolutely harass them. – Maxine Waters
  • I threaten Trump supporters all the time – Maxine Waters
  • I will go and take Trump out tonight – Maxine Waters
  • It’s our patriotic duty to eliminate an existential threat to the nation. – Ajama Baraka
  • We should fight Trump in the streets – Congressman Joaquin Castro
  • You have to punch Trump in the face – Senator Jon Tester
  • I have thought a lot about blowing up the White House – Madonna
  • I’d like to punch him (Trump) in the face – Robert Dinero
  • People need to start taking to the streets, this is a dictator – Donny Deutsch
  • Trump and supporters are enemies of the state – Nancy Pelosi
  • Our enemies to our voting system and constitution are at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – Nancy Pelosi
  • Where is John Wilks Booth when you need him – Carole Cooke
  • Maybe someone in his camp can gently give him a shiv. I mean, shove – Bette Midler
  • Show me where protestors are supposed to be polite and peaceful – Chris Cuomo
  • When they go low, we kick them – Eric Holder
  • If you have read anything about the rise of the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler you will see the parallels. – Jane Fonda
  • I want to send the military to the White House to get him – Rosie O’Donnell
  • There still going to have to go out an put a bullet in Donald Trump and that’s a fact – Rick Wilson
  • The biggest threat to this country is radicalized White Men… to the right – Don Lemon
  • I thought he should have punched him (Trump) in the face – Nicolle Wallace
  • there’s always the hope that Trump will be treated worse than Lincoln – Keith Olbermann
  • He got off the escalator and called Mexicans rapists and murderers – Nicole Wallace
  • A person in a crowd cheering for and supporting a traitor to this country caught a stray? I’m so sad, please. – Destiny
  • Trump’s character is stabbed to death in the play – Shakespeare in the Park
  • Barbra Streisand posted a bloody image to Twitter showing Trump being impaled to death by one of Pelosi’s high heels.
  • Comedian George Lopez shared an illustration of drug lord El Chapo decapitating Trump.
  • Jim Carrey drew Donald Trump burning at the stake
  • I don’t condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time ooops that wasn’t me talking – Jacqueline Marsaw Field Director for Congressman Bennie Thompson – He’s the same Congressman that tried to defund Trump’s Secret Service detail
  • What a glorious day this could have been – Dr. Karen Pinder (hours after assassination attempt)
  • Jack Black and band - "Don't miss Trump next time." - Their tour just got "postponed" as Australian leaders want them out of the country after the remark.

Democrats / The Left have:

  • Tried to bankrupt Trump
  • used bogus impeachments to take him out of office
  • raided his home with a Federal D.C. SWAT team that had “deadly force” approved orders
  • tried to keep him off ballots
  • imprisoned his allies in unique ways
  • tried to imprisoned Trump with no SS detail
  • …and to no one surprise, now they have tried to assassinate him.
(Note: I created this list and allow it to be use in full by others)

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