Donald Trump: Full up to the eyeballs with hate. He won on that once, and hopes to do it again

Donald Trump loves the uneducated, and fortunately, their percentage of the population is declining every year.
Unfortunately common sense and the ability to discern what the truth is in any given situation seems to be declining.
The hate Trump espouses, utters, and tweets in front of howling mobs is palpable.

Trump doesn't just have opponents he has people, institutions, races, and nationalities he despises and vilifies hatefully.

Trump has not just divided America, he has fractured society to the extent that there will never again be union and polite political discourse.

Donald Trump's tenure has encouraged bigots, racists, and white supremacists to emerge from their dark places and take their place in open society.

How will Trump's howling mobs react when he loses the election? They will be left with nothing as the GOP has been hollowed out by Trumpism.

America will not recover its unity and decorum even after Donald Trump is run outta town.

Donald Trump: Full up to the eyeballs with hate

You probably want to shoot him, huh?
What where the facts?
With the exception of trump being " run out " of New Jersey it was all correct. He fled New Jersey when he almost destroyed Atlantic City rather than face the actions of his mismanagement of his casino.
With the exception of trump being " run out " of New Jersey it was all correct. He fled New Jersey when he almost destroyed Atlantic City rather than face the actions of his mismanagement of his casino.
hahah he almost destroyed AC? hahahahah Trump still has properties in NJ
hahah he almost destroyed AC? hahahahah Trump still has properties in NJ
Unfortunately true. But the tens of thousands of workers and vendors that were left holding the bag while trump drained the casinos dry ( he made money on the deal but cheating everyone else ) . I took this personally because 2 of my second cousins who survived Nazi concentration camp in Poland were trick farmers who trusted trump up til the end. He kept telling them the check is in the mail. There was no mail. Surprise he lied again. That experience surely sent them to an early grave. That's what trump does to people , he only thinks about himself. What you see today is a very devious act on his part. Keep on believing in him if you wish. You and others like you will make ALL Americans suffer if he gets his way again.
Legendary women's tennis star Martina Navratilova believes that his bandage was over the top.

"Of course- this is obviously a PR stunt- the day after the shooting he had no dressing on his ear… not even a band-Aid," she wrote.

The tennis star's comments came in response to a note that went viral on social media.

"A good friend of mine is the charge nurse (Level IV FNP) at a major trauma center in a huge city. She says there’s absolutely no need to dress an ear wound like this, unless half his ear was blown off. And even then, it wouldn’t look like this."

Sounds like a washed up tennis player is screaming for attention, kind of like the shooter. Excuse me if I don't think a commie rant carries much weight, especially when she could only get some publication no one ever heard of to carry it. BTW, name one politician that wouldn't play the sympathy card for as long as possible after an assassination attempt. I don't know anyone who would be concerned by the size or shape of his bandage, well except someone with a major case of TDS. LMAO


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