Donald Trump: Full up to the eyeballs with hate. He won on that once, and hopes to do it again

You support Biden and the democrats. What point do you think is proved.

You rant on, and on.

From the Dementia debate and now the democrats are outwitted by a 20 year old loser.

What are you supporting, what are you proving.
You can't support anything , you are totally confused to begin with. Can't help a lost cause. Good luck with that. This conversation is going nowhere because you're too stupid to realize you've been bamboozled. Good bye. Good luck , you're going to need all the help you can get if after everything trump has done to America you still mindlessly support him.
You can't support anything , you are totally confused to begin with. Can't help a lost cause. Good luck with that. This conversation is going nowhere because you're too stupid to realize you've been bamboozled. Good bye. Good luck , you're going to need all the help you can get if after everything trump has done to America you still mindlessly support him.
Which President cant protect the people from a 20 year old loser?

Which President is giving Iran nuclear bombs

Which President has dementia and wont be on the ballot in November.

Which President is a lifelong politician

Name any thing Biden has done that is good
" Commie rant " , quite the far-right extremist you are. Hate and bigotry are not virtuous by any means.

Poor little commie, do you need a tissue? Hate is a waste of time and energy and the specialty of you commies. I think you have a guilty conscience. Your projection is very telling. LMAO

Poor little commie, do you need a tissue? Hate is a waste of time and energy and the specialty of you commies. I think you have a guilty conscience. Your projection is very telling. LMAO

I have worked my entire life , over 60 years now. I am definitely not a communist but since our government is hopelessly entangled ( + and - situation ) with the economy. And since I was forced to pay ( never voted on by the public ) into social security ( and still do , because I'm still working ) I do support the socialistic aspects of our government , especially as far as the military is concerned , since I ' m also a veteran. I don't like being cheated especially by the government.
You can't support anything , you are totally confused to begin with. Can't help a lost cause. Good luck with that. This conversation is going nowhere because you're too stupid to realize you've been bamboozled. Good bye. Good luck , you're going to need all the help you can get if after everything trump has done to America you still mindlessly support him.

And what about the damage you commies have done to the country? You seem to have tunnel vision dictated by your hate.

Which President cant protect the people from a 20 year old loser?

Which President is giving Iran nuclear bombs

Which President has dementia and wont be on the ballot in November.

Which President is a lifelong politician

Name any thing Biden has done that is good
It's not about a single person.Unlike the new republicans with regard to trump. It's about policies and getting things done correctly. In reference to Biden specifically the infrastructure bill and his unwaivering support for a woman to decide her reproductive health. There are many others but time is running short for me on here. Have to go. Guess you'll have to find someone else to try to vent on. Try to have a good day.
I have worked my entire life , over 60 years now. I am definitely not a communist but since our government is hopelessly entangled ( + and - situation ) with the economy. And since I was forced to pay ( never voted on by the public ) into social security ( and still do , because I'm still working ) I do support the socialistic aspects of our government , especially as far as the military is concerned , since I ' m also a veteran. I don't like being cheated especially by the government.

The military is NOT a socialist aspect of the government, the common defense is a constitutional directive and a primary function of the federal government. And stop crying that you've had to work so long, you obviously made bad decisions handling your money.

The military is NOT a socialist aspect of the government, the common defense is a constitutional directive and a primary function of the federal government. And stop crying that you've had to work so long, you obviously made bad decisions handling your money.

Let's see , when I was in the service ( enlisted during the end of the Vietnam War ) the military housed me , fed me and took care of all my needs. That's about as socialist as it gets. Wake up already !
It’s unfortunate you Trumptards aren’t up to your eyeballs with intelligent responses.

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Simple question for you. Do you agree that terrorists, drug dealers, criminals should be allowed into
the USA? Do you agree that breaking the law the first time, i.e. illegally crossing the border, makes future criminal behavior more acceptable?
Simple question for you. Do you agree that terrorists, drug dealers, criminals should be allowed into
the USA? Do you agree that breaking the law the first time, i.e. illegally crossing the border, makes future criminal behavior more acceptable?
Your first question was innane and unworthy of a response. The second question needs addressing. Ideally all immigrants should be documented. However , it is NOT illegal to cross the US border at any given point when seeking asylum. The thing you don't seem to understand is that these undocumented immigrants have rights under our Constitution and only an Immigration Court can determine wether or not that person is here " illegally " or not. So they are not illegal until that determination is made and once made they are all deported. Therefore there are no illegal immigrants in the US. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the Cuban refugee crisis. They were coming across in flimsy , overloaded boats to escape Communism and Castro. Many of them drowned at sea. Our military did their best to try to keep them from coming ashore because they knew that once they reached American soil they could not be thrown out , they had rights. Nothing's changed , they still have rights and those rights cannot be taken away except by the courts. They have to have their day in court like everyone else.
Give us an example. Lets see if its over the line.
The trumpets keep getting crazier and crazier from what I've read on here. They cannot even remain civil anymore. Everything is directed at the poster not what the poster presents.
The trumpets keep getting crazier and crazier from what I've read on here. They cannot even remain civil anymore. Everything is directed at the poster not what the poster presents.
Im being civil. Theres no name calling in my post. Im just asking a very straight forward question. What did he say that is "hateful"? :dunno:

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