peace proposal : 50% of Palestinian lands conquered by the Israelis given back, and halting of the settlement expansion.

That's from Rupert Murdoch's tabloid The Sun, nobody from Liverpool (as I am) will ever look at that newspaper again.


This was lies, fabrication, totally made up, inflammatory and defamatory.
You should take a look at the many accusations of Israel using Palestinians as human shields, there are lots of such reports.

Over the years, the military practiced an official policy of using Palestinians as human shields, ordering them to carry out military activities that put their lives in jeopardy: Palestinians were forced to remove suspicious objects from roads, tell other Palestinians to come out and surrender themselves, physically shield soldiers while they fired, and more. In 2005, the High Court of Justice ruled the practice unlawful, yet soldiers still occasionally used Palestinians as human shields, particularly during military operations. In most cases, no one was held accountable.

You can read all about this on the B'Tselem human rights center based in Jerusalem.
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Says who? The very conventions and organizations who's opinions you reject when they rebuke Israel.

So? they have every right, every right to resist the violent foreigners in their land.

Says who?

International law.

So? they have every right, every right to resist the violent foreigners in their land.

Gaza has the right to violate international law to resist "foreigners" outside of Gaza?
Says who?

International law.
International law provides for a right to self defense from a military attack, we call it fighting back.
So? they have every right, every right to resist the violent foreigners in their land.

Gaza has the right to violate international law to resist "foreigners" outside of Gaza?
If someone bombs houses, stores, schools, hospitals in my city killing babies, women and children, I will fight back, if rockets are all I have then I'll use rockets. I don't get why your confused about this? The Israelis are foreigners, colonizers, 50% are from Europe or descendants of parents from Europe.
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in a futile way that only harms your own children and other innocents?
The British fought back against Nazi bombing campaigns, was that futile?

Like the Third Reich before it, the Zionist Mutation must be wiped off the map, shamefully an almost unarmed Palestinian resistance movement is fighting this battle alone.
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Yes the outcome, not the methods. You are struggling to imply that 100 Israelis killed by rockets (say) is a worse crime than 100 Palestinians killed by bombing.
No, I'm struggling to word my posts simply enough that you understand them. War crimes are war crimes. You stated that you didn't know what to condemn as it relates to hamas. I have shown you that hamas commits war crimes and you haven't condemned it.
The British fought back against Nazi bombing campaigns, was that futile?

Like the Third Reich before it, the Zionist Mutation must be wiped off the map, shamefully an almost unarmed Palestinian resistance movement is fighting this battle alone.

in confirming the obvious; that the Palestinians are militarily no match at all for the Israelis and their staunch allies here in the West, you contradict yourself, do you realize that?
No, I'm struggling to word my posts simply enough that you understand them. War crimes are war crimes. You stated that you didn't know what to condemn as it relates to hamas. I have shown you that hamas commits war crimes and you haven't condemned it.

I've condemned Hamas terrorism several times. We must distinguish between war crimes and terrorism therefore.

So with respect to war crimes we can refer to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 8.

In doing so we immediately (well those of us who are honest) see that Israel is no better than Hamas in this area and in fact abuses the law on a greater scale. So rather that flogging the dead horse as you are doing by peddling the canard Israel is guiltless, lets agree that Hamas and Israel have committed war crimes, can I get your agreement on this?

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