If it already wasn't, The Supreme Court Is Now On The Ballot.

I've long condemned Senators asking nominee's to state a position on a case they haven't even had before them.
I have as well.
Biden's position aside, we should be demanding a code of ethics that is applied to the court.
And, like I noted, the people both writing said code and applying it cannot be partisan or it will be nothing more than an attempt to punish the court for inconvenient rulings. Note that only now, after a series of set-backs for the democrat party and the Quid Pro administration in particular, has it become trendy and stuff to want such a code.
I said nothing of the sort, again you failed to follow gator and his line of thought, he is the one advocating for it not me, go attack him, I was just asking a question and he hasn’t answered. Good grief can you comprehend anything you read? If you can follow the posts don’t comment it, makes you look really stupid.

Yes he addressed the wrong person but his point was a good point. No, mere accusations should not be a disqualifier. Actual convictions, that is another thing.
Was blocking 80 judicial nominations "working within the framework?" The Senate has the responsibility of "advice and consent." Not obstruct nominees out of vindictive partisanship.
- Advise & Consent - { 1962 } was terrific Political
potboiler by often Mad as a hatter Director Otto Preminger.
Widely known for his Hitlerian domination on a Movie Set.
About the only actor able to tone down Preminger was
the jazzy,well-tailored yet snooty { some would say " uppity "}
actor Harry Belafonte who passed away last April at age 96.
He was lifelong Political Activist.
Last heard him on Radio with Al Sharpton { also with MSNBC }
talking about the possible need to arrest a certain political
class of americans.You guessed it Trump's people.Before the
word MAGA was created.
I have as well.

And, like I noted, the people both writing said code and applying it cannot be partisan or it will be nothing more than an attempt to punish the court for inconvenient rulings. Note that only now, after a series of set-backs for the democrat party and the Quid Pro administration in particular, has it become trendy and stuff to want such a code.

First off what Biden said IMO is little more than empty political rhetoric. He had over three years to address this and did nothing so at this point I don't take what a politician says as serious.

We still need to address the courts lacking ethics. And this doesn't apply to just one side of the equation.
Hmmmmmmmmm. Seems like you purposely took an example with no context to the discussion. That being a wealthy businessman with a direct financial interest in a SC case giving lavish gifts and vacations to a justice who did not recuse himself. You aren't just disingenuous, you're dishonest.
He had no direct fin interest, he wasn’t. A party to the case

You keep lying.
This has been building since McTurtle stole the Scalia seat for Gorsuch

The recent ruling was the tipping point
The tipping point was over Roe v Wade, or are you saying abortion that 60% of the population didn’t drive people to the polls in 2022? If there is an issue that is it. And it is all propaganda from Biden and even if re-elected he won’t push it. It is just a tool to spur his base and has little traction outside of his base.
Yes he addressed the wrong person but his point was a good point. No, mere accusations should not be a disqualifier. Actual convictions, that is another thing.
And I never said otherwise, he jumped into a conversation and had no clue who was supporting what side and threw Trump in there and he wasn’t part of the conversation, good grief people you need to learn to understand what you read.
That’s funny because when conservatives took a 6-3 advantage in the court the Dems were fired up and it was an issue in 2020, then we had the overturning of Roe v Wade and that was going to bring out every woman against the GOP, again, the Dems have lost momentum in the polls and they need an issue to cling to and they have nothing, this might catch on but the timing during the RNC convention is just Biden and his side take focus off the convention and the assassination attempt and refocus the voters to something they have in their favor that might stir voters.

As abortion looks like a key issue in 2024, voters more divided by party than ever​

Record Share of U.S. Electorate Is Pro-Choice and Voting on It​

And I never said otherwise, he jumped into a conversation and had no clue who was supporting what side and threw Trump in there and he wasn’t part of the conversation, good grief people you need to learn to understand what you read.

You? I noted he addressed the wrong person.
The tipping point was over Roe v Wade, or are you saying abortion that 60% of the population didn’t drive people to the polls in 2022? If there is an issue that is it. And it is all propaganda from Biden and even if re-elected he won’t push it. It is just a tool to spur his base and has little traction outside of his base.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A record-high 32% of U.S. voters say they would only vote for a candidate for major office who shares their views on abortion. The importance of a candidate’s abortion stance to one’s vote is markedly higher among pro-choice voters than it was during the 2020 presidential election cycle, while pro-life voters’ intensity about voting on the abortion issue has waned. Also, voters’ greater intensity on the issue today compared with 2020 is explained mainly by Democrats, while Republicans and independents have shown little change.

U.S. adults who are pro-choice are also significantly more likely now than two decades ago to say it is important that any future Supreme Court nominees share their views on abortion.
It’s hard to know the precise combination of developments that changed President Biden’s mind about Supreme Court reforms and prompted him to place them more centrally in the framework of the 2024 election.

Was it the ethics scandals of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and the Supreme Court’s own ineptitude in dealing with them? Was it the series of controversial decisions across a whole host of issues and areas of civic life in which the court wrested power away from the executive and legislative branches and placed it firmly in the judicial branch? Was it the six-justice conservative majority aggressively uprooting the court’s own precedents in pursuit of its own preferred legal and policy outcomes? Was it the fact that he’s trailing in the polls with his own re-election more at risk that at any previous point in his presidency?

All of the above are in play, of course. A tipping point was reached, and it’s unlikely any one development was the difference-maker.

trump's Court's popularity is in the shitter. Deservedly so. Perhaps this is a move by Joe to capitalize on voter sentiment. No matter the motive, reform is overdue. There must be accountability for crass ethics violations and for the lack of recusals when there are demonstrable conflicts of interest (hello Clarence). I can understand the Founders wanting to somewhat insulate the Court in order to maintain its independence. But they did not contemplate such a corrupt Court nor such polarized times.
Cry on pussy . Didn't get to break the law ?

President Biden is reportedly planning to endorse major changes to the U.S. Supreme Court, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, as growing outrage continues following a series of controversial decisions.

"This decision today has continued the court’s attack in recent years on a wide range of long-established legal principles in our nation, from gutting voting rights (that is a lie) and civil rights (that is a lie) to taking away a woman’s right to choose (that is a lie), to today’s decision that undermines the rule of law of this nation,(that is a lie)" Biden said in public remarks later that day.

Our constitution was designed to protect the citizens from a tyrannical government.
The Supreme Court is trying to protect us from the lawless Democrat Party.
They are not saving "democracy", they want a one-party dictatorship.
The corrupt Democrat Party can't operate within the bounds of our constitution; therefore, they are trying to destroy the balance of power between the Executive branch, Legislative branch and Judicial branch.
This is very dangerous; they will create a totalitarian police state.
From a person who has been in fking DC for 50 years wants term limits on others!!!!! Hilarious I tell you.
First off what Biden said IMO is little more than empty political rhetoric. He had over three years to address this and did nothing so at this point I don't take what a politician says as serious.

We still need to address the courts lacking ethics. And this doesn't apply to just one side of the equation.
the statement coming again from the hypocritical man who's been in DC for 50 years thinks term limits for others. Kind of hilarious. Truly a fking boob!!!!
Given the financial rewards Clarence and Ginni received from Crow it was incumbent on your uncle to make sure Harlan had no direct or tangential business before the Court. The standard being to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Clarence having about as much concern for the standard as you do.
LOL Did you even read, let alone understand the nonsense they are feeding you? Do you understand Chevron?

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