peace proposal : 50% of Palestinian lands conquered by the Israelis given back, and halting of the settlement expansion.

RE: "peace proposal : 50% of Palestinian lands conquered by the Israelis given back, and halting of the settlement expansion."
SUBTOPIC: Wants • Needs • Requirements the Hostile Arab Palestinians Profess
※→ JoeB131, peacefan, et al,


For decades, these various assessments of the progress toward peace or an extended cease-fire have come - and gone. There is no reason to believe anything the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) propose will be on the side of "peace." IF the aggressor forces of HoAP [
in this case the Islamic Resistance (HAMAS)] are presenting legitimate terms for peace, THEN there is something amiss. That is very out-of-character for them.

In order to make this a valid discussion, you would have to define "Palestinian lands".
General Principles and Policies said:
The Land of Palestine: 2. Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras Al-Naqurah in the north to Umm Al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit.

The Islamic Resistance would have to abandon their General Principles and Policies.

It is the official policy of the Islamic Resistance to swallow Israel (lock, stock, and barrel) and assume all that is left in the Ummah (Arab Nation). Such a takeover will effectively dismantle the Jewish Homeland.

General Principles and Policies said:
7. Palestine is at the heart of the Arab and Islamic Ummah and enjoys a special status. Within Palestine there exists Jerusalem, whose precincts are blessed by Allah.

If you bombed my kid's school and killed him, I wouldn't just want my land back.
And this is where the Zionists are with the Palistinians. They have to maintain their Apartheid State because they know that if the Palestinians ever got in charge, they'd seek revenge for 80 years of abuse.
then the Palestinians need to be informed that in their case,
violent resistance is useless indeed.

by pamflet dropped from the sky if need be, over and over again,
in perpetuity, as counter measure against Hamas propaganda.

where the hell are your creative problem solving skills man?
peace is achievable.

General Principles and Policies said:
Its Islamic and Christian holy places belong exclusively to the Palestinian people and to the Arab and Islamic Ummah.

As long as the general population supports the Islamic Resistance, there will always be a latent threat from the HoAP. The Islamic Resistance is a cancer in the Middle East. It will eventually come to a decision terminator → the only way to achieve "peace" is to excise the cancer.



Most Respectfully,
International law provides for a right to self defense from a military attack, we call it fighting back.

If someone bombs houses, stores, schools, hospitals in my city killing babies, women and children, I will fight back, if rockets are all I have then I'll use rockets. I don't get why your confused about this? The Israelis are foreigners, colonizers, 50% are from Europe or descendants of parents from Europe.
so the only way Israel will have peace, according to you, is if they kill all of the Palestinians? So why thr fuck are you bitchin when they do that then?
and here is the hospital one. corrected put the right one in. sorry.

I've seen thousands of hours of war reporting over the years. That report is simply parroting IDF propaganda, they were "escorted" (code for told what questions they could ask) by the IDF's "top spokesperson" defining the narrative. It is frankly laughable, likely staged scenes. The meaning of the scenes is given to us by the IDF, it is their "explanations" we are being given.

The report is "a rare inside look" and "it's clear, he wants this story told" which is the clue to its real purpose, an IDF narrative designed to promote propaganda and salvage the public image of the Zionist regime.

Here's what The Guardian newspaper had to say, three days after that CNN report, about this "Hospital HQ" claim, I hope you can read it:

Prior to their capture of Dar al-Shifa hospital, the Israel Defense Forces went to great lengths to depict the medical complex as a headquarters for Hamas, from where its attacks on Israel were planned.

The evidence produced so far falls well short of that. IDF videos have shown only modest collections of small arms, mostly assault rifles, recovered from the extensive medical complex.

That suggests an armed presence, but not the sort of elaborate nerve centre depicted in animated graphics presented to the media before al-Shifa was seized, portraying a network of well-equipped subterranean chambers.
Even the videos produced so far have raised questions under scrutiny. A BBC analysis found the footage of an IDF spokesperson showing the apparent discovery of a bag containing a gun behind an MRI scanning machine, had been taped [recorded] hours before the arrival of the journalists to whom he was supposedly showing it.
In a video shown later, the number of guns in the bag had doubled. The IDF claimed its video of what it found at the hospital was unedited, filmed in a single take, but the BBC analysis found it had been edited.
“Israel has failed to provide anywhere even close to the level of evidence required to justify the narrow exception under which hospitals can be targeted under the laws of war,” said Mai El-Sadany, a human rights lawyer and the executive director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, in Washington.
The absence of evidence so far, is beginning to recall past US intelligence failures, most dramatically those preceding the Iraq invasion. It further isolates Washington on the world stage, and deepens already significant rifts within the administration itself.

So there you are, I looked, I watched it and I did my due diligence and I've done this many times over the years. power often lies to protect itself, if you find that shocking or unimaginable that's good, it is shocking so start being more critical about the narratives that are fed to you, the stories that are told by the authorities.

Soon I hope, arrest warrants will be issued and Nazinyahu arrested and put on trial and incarcerated until death for this despicable killing spree.

The purpose of the propaganda is not to give an explanation for what's going on, it is actually intended to stop you asking questions.
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