How is a reality tv host with bad hair, 2 impeachments, 91 charges and nonstop smearing by media leading an incumbent POTUS with 50+ experience?

How is a reality tv host with bad hair, 2 impeachments, 91 charges and nonstop smearing by media leading an incumbent POTUS with 50+ experience?

That's easy:
Said incumbent is Joe Biden.

The DNC leadership agrees, and can't get rid of him fast enough.
The race is not even close today, the left wing polls are lying again. Trump is winning all the swing states no matter who the lying dems run. the latest rumor is Michelle/ MIchael Obozo. But he/she will never run because the truth would come out.

By the way libs, still waiting for those pregnancy pics of her/him.
How is a reality tv host with bad hair, 2 impeachments, 91 charges and nonstop smearing by media leading an incumbent POTUS with 50+ experience?

That's easy:
Said incumbent is Joe Biden.

The DNC leadership agrees, and can't get rid of him fast enough.
the dems have a real problem, they know senile joe cannot win and they know they cannot dump Kamala. Michael obama will not run and risk the truth coming out, so they have no one but Kamala and she will lose bigger than joe, and they know it.
the dems have a real problem, they know senile joe cannot win and they know they cannot dump Kamala. Michael obama will not run and risk the truth coming out, so they have no one but Kamala and she will lose bigger than joe, and they know it.
Kamala / Michelle could be the least for ticket in the history of Dem v GOP Presidential contests.
Trump robbed millions from suckers with Trump University, he banged pornstars and Playboy models with a pregnant wife at home, he really liked 2 scoops of ice cream and McDonalds, he built a racist wall and didn’t have Mexico pay for it, he “RIPPED” and “TORE” innocent little children from the arms of amazing human beings and put them in “CAGES”, he played 10,000 rounds of golf when he should have been in D.C., he ran his business empire from the Oval Office using his POTUS status to make personal deals, he was best friends with Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and Mohammmed bin Salman, he personally killed 100k people with covid, he stole classified documents from The People, he lied about his real estate values to secure loans, he “ORDERED” an “INSURRECTION”, “THE GREATEST ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRACY” and resisted the peaceful transfer of power and tried to install himself as President…..he said he wants to become Americas first dictator….etc etc.

With all that to his credit….with nearly all of media and social media slandering him non-stop, with nearly all of academia programming kids to hate him… and the hell is he leading the incumbent POTUS with the Biden brand and more than a half century of experience in government?
Shouldn’t his lead in the polls serve as a firm testament and affirmation to just how bad Biden actually is?
Just goes to show how much Americans reject democrat policies.

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