Can DeSantis catch up with Trump? Media says he is not "charismatic"... and a nerd

Trump loves his followers?

That seems like something only Trump and God would know

You liberals are always acting like you know someone else's deepest thoughts and motives. ha ha... you can't even figure out your own!
Every time DeSantis becomes a little more well known his numbers go down. People are finding out what I already know as a Florida resident. He's just a mean man and the sadism base of the republican party are the only ones who like him.
I think they are just hung up on America

and want it back

There is a battle for the soul and survival of a free America and if the Left cheats again, this country is going to fall into total lawless chaos. They are going to learn that having any media cheering on their theft isn't going to make a DAMNED BIT OF DIFFERENCE this time around.
He isn't as charismatic as trump, not many are.

Desantis is short, direct and to the point. I like that about him a lot and I'd love to see desantis as president.

But the problem is trump is trump, he can't beat him. No republican can beat trump.

I really wish i could see desantis as vice president. He gets to watch and learn and see how the game is played and in 2028 he runs for president a much more experienced and knowledgeable man.


Anyone with half a brain knows we need someone for president who does the right thing and being "charismaatic" (etc) is meaningless if he or she cannot do the job.

I never thought either of those things about DeSantis.

But so what if that were true? Just SOOOOOO freaking what?

Frankly, I like nerdy people. They seem to be more interested in facts and logic, generally speaking, than most non-nerdy folks.

Also, I know what it's like to be criticized (as he is), have experienced that over and over throughout my life, so that kind of thing just makes me like (relate to) DeS more. In any case, I don't see how he's made any BIG mistakes, as some pundits say or imply. Oh, the Announcement thing (on Twitter)? Big deal. Again, I want someone who knows what the hell he is doing-- couldn't care less about such petty issues. Don't waste my time, Pundits. :rolleyes:

Another weird thing going on with yours truly: As I watched this interview w/ DeS on Bartiromo's show (10 am ET Sunday), i found myself thinking this:

I doubt that, if Trump were to meet me or know the story of My Life in America, that he would really give me much credit for ... whatever. I voted for him twice and will do again if he is the nominee (Sorry, Rightwinger and Moonfreak or whatever ...)

But yeh... i found myself thinking that if he knew my story, he'd criticize (there's that word again) the way I have handled certain bad breaks I got in life... He wouldn't 'get' me.. would wonder why I didn't do more to be successful like he is, which is not really unusual or bad since all humans tend to relate to and feel more comfortable with those who are most like themsleves. But I feel I have been successful, just not monetarily speaking

Anyhow... I didn't (don't) get that same feeling from DeS... (that he would "criticize" or put me down if he knew my story )

Some will say Feelings are just feelings. I am a very objective-oriented person, who uses logic and facts and not emotions to make important decisions, but I am not ignoring my feelings here...

I don't know who I will end up voting for (except it will be an R) but in any case, DeSantis is quite impressive...

Today Trump said gratuitously that DeSantis had no personality. Sure made Trump look bad because his own personality is so ugly.
Meanwhile old Joe pretends he doesn't have to campaign or maybe he forgets that he has to campaign. The point is that it seems the left has given up on the election and their best hope is the right republican.

The election is 16 months away. plenty of time to campaign later, not everyone is like Trump and holds his first official reelection event less than 3 months after swearing in


Anyone with half a brain knows we need someone for president who does the right thing and being "charismaatic" (etc) is meaningless if he or she cannot do the job.

I never thought either of those things about DeSantis.

But so what if that were true? Just SOOOOOO freaking what?

Frankly, I like nerdy people. They seem to be more interested in facts and logic, generally speaking, than most non-nerdy folks.

Also, I know what it's like to be criticized (as he is), have experienced that over and over throughout my life, so that kind of thing just makes me like (relate to) DeS more. In any case, I don't see how he's made any BIG mistakes, as some pundits say or imply. Oh, the Announcement thing (on Twitter)? Big deal. Again, I want someone who knows what the hell he is doing-- couldn't care less about such petty issues. Don't waste my time, Pundits. :rolleyes:

Another weird thing going on with yours truly: As I watched this interview w/ DeS on Bartiromo's show (10 am ET Sunday), i found myself thinking this:

I doubt that, if Trump were to meet me or know the story of My Life in America, that he would really give me much credit for ... whatever. I voted for him twice and will do again if he is the nominee (Sorry, Rightwinger and Moonfreak or whatever ...)

But yeh... i found myself thinking that if he knew my story, he'd criticize (there's that word again) the way I have handled certain bad breaks I got in life... He wouldn't 'get' me.. would wonder why I didn't do more to be successful like he is, which is not really unusual or bad since all humans tend to relate to and feel more comfortable with those who are most like themsleves. But I feel I have been successful, just not monetarily speaking

Anyhow... I didn't (don't) get that same feeling from DeS... (that he would "criticize" or put me down if he knew my story )

Some will say Feelings are just feelings. I am a very objective-oriented person, who uses logic and facts and not emotions to make important decisions, but I am not ignoring my feelings here...

I don't know who I will end up voting for (except it will be an R) but in any case, DeSantis is quite impressive...

He is sort of a nerd..nothing wrong with that in a president


Anyone with half a brain knows we need someone for president who does the right thing and being "charismaatic" (etc) is meaningless if he or she cannot do the job.

I never thought either of those things about DeSantis.

But so what if that were true? Just SOOOOOO freaking what?

Frankly, I like nerdy people. They seem to be more interested in facts and logic, generally speaking, than most non-nerdy folks.

Also, I know what it's like to be criticized (as he is), have experienced that over and over throughout my life, so that kind of thing just makes me like (relate to) DeS more. In any case, I don't see how he's made any BIG mistakes, as some pundits say or imply. Oh, the Announcement thing (on Twitter)? Big deal. Again, I want someone who knows what the hell he is doing-- couldn't care less about such petty issues. Don't waste my time, Pundits. :rolleyes:

Another weird thing going on with yours truly: As I watched this interview w/ DeS on Bartiromo's show (10 am ET Sunday), i found myself thinking this:

I doubt that, if Trump were to meet me or know the story of My Life in America, that he would really give me much credit for ... whatever. I voted for him twice and will do again if he is the nominee (Sorry, Rightwinger and Moonfreak or whatever ...)

But yeh... i found myself thinking that if he knew my story, he'd criticize (there's that word again) the way I have handled certain bad breaks I got in life... He wouldn't 'get' me.. would wonder why I didn't do more to be successful like he is, which is not really unusual or bad since all humans tend to relate to and feel more comfortable with those who are most like themsleves. But I feel I have been successful, just not monetarily speaking

Anyhow... I didn't (don't) get that same feeling from DeS... (that he would "criticize" or put me down if he knew my story )

Some will say Feelings are just feelings. I am a very objective-oriented person, who uses logic and facts and not emotions to make important decisions, but I am not ignoring my feelings here...

I don't know who I will end up voting for (except it will be an R) but in any case, DeSantis is quite impressive...

Fox is desperately trying to repair DeSantis's image, but it's a lost cause.
Nobody trusts FAUX NOISE anymore.
They're down there dwelling in the cellar with CNN and PMSNBC.
Nothing matters til August 23rd, the first debate. Then we'll see what's what.

The media will harp on this until they switch to the next shiny object.

Remember back in January when supposedly McCarthy would never be Speaker because of the extended voting in the House?

Barely anyone even thinks about that anymore, but at the time it was supposed to show how he was totally doomed and the GOP wouldn't pick a leader.

I haven't decided on a candidate yet either, but I sure as shit won't factor a single iota of what the mainstream Press is saying when I do make my determination.
That January thing was VERY entertaining. :heehee:
DeSantis is fine and he is doing a great job as Governor of's only that he should have decided to run in 2028, not 2024.

My opinion :dunno:
DeSantis looked at Trump and saw a very mean man and said "I can do that". He didn't see the love. Trump absolutely loves his followers and they love him. DeSantis has all the warmth of a slug.
Trump loves his supporters so much that he immediately threw the Jan. 6th protesters under the bus and didn't even mention Ashli Babbitt for 6 months.
Today Trump said gratuitously that DeSantis had no personality. Sure made Trump look bad because his own personality is so ugly.

If you had been attacked by the media NONSTOP from a year before you even decided to run, while you ran, after you won the nomination after you won the presidency, THE ENTIRE TIME YOU WERE PRESIDENT and nonstop AFTER you left office, what kind of fucking personality would YOU have?

And the fact that we know the whole Russia Russia Russia thing was a hoax invented by the DNC because they don't like Trump. Yea, shame on Trump for not being a wonderful little angelic person.
If you had been attacked by the media NONSTOP from a year before you even decided to run, while you ran, after you won the nomination after you won the presidency, THE ENTIRE TIME YOU WERE PRESIDENT and nonstop AFTER you left office, what kind of fucking personality would YOU have?

And the fact that we know the whole Russia Russia Russia thing was a hoax invented by the DNC because they don't like Trump. Yea, shame on Trump for not being a wonderful little angelic person.
Trump has been a creep since the 1980s. He works hard to have a headline in every news cycle.
Trump loves his supporters so much that he immediately threw the Jan. 6th protesters under the bus and didn't even mention Ashli Babbitt for 6 months.
He claims he's paying living expenses for some of th Capitol mob.
Some time back I skimmed an article which I considered an impractical trial balloon. It asked if maybe Youngkin might be considered a potential “dark horse” candidate if DeSantis flops and if Trump, for any reason, doesn’t get the support he needs down the road.

I also hear a whisper just last evening that some donors are now looking toward Tim Scott in light of the poor DeSantis showing in the polls and the lackluster DeSantis campaign so far.

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