Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

Wow, it's amusing to watch a wingnut suddenly be "concerned" for black people after screwing them for 400 years.
It's even more amusing to watch a liberal make excuses for policy that hurts black people, Joey! Democrats used to be the Party that supported blacks and the working man. Now they're the Party of illegals and the coastal elites. The only time you're "concerned" about blacks or blue collar workers these days is when you need their votes.
So what do you have for 2024, that is posting things from 1998 and 2008. I don't know any black folks who say, "I can't get a job because of illegals". Give us some examples from some of those black folks. I guess white folks don't work any low waged jobs, so it doesn't affect you.
It's even more amusing to watch a liberal make excuses for policy that hurts black people, Joey! Democrats used to be the Party that supported blacks and the working man. Now they're the Party of illegals and the coastal elites. The only time you're "concerned" about blacks or blue collar workers these days is when you need their votes.
They still are the party that supports blacks and the working man.

The problem is the white blue collar working man realized that his racial, religious, and sexual fears are more important to him than his well-being.

This didn't start with Trump, it started with Tricky Dick... and you guys keep falling for it.

Name a Republican who didn't make things worse for working people. You can't.
Dumbass show me all the jobs that have been lost to illegals.
Dumbass look at all the blacks complaining to Chicago and new yor politicians about how the illegals are getting all the government handouts that they used to get.

You're going to be ignored in this country for the rest of your life because now you are useless to the power elite.

They are importing illegals in by the millions to usurp you folks.
They still are the party that supports blacks and the working man.

The problem is the white blue collar working man realized that his racial, religious, and sexual fears are more important to him than his well-being.

This didn't start with Trump, it started with Tricky Dick... and you guys keep falling for it.

Name a Republican who didn't make things worse for working people. You can't.
Trump. When he was in office working people had money in their pockets. Now they're broke and their credit cards are maxed out. The reason why Trump and the GOP are making huge inroads into blue collar workers of all colors is that it's become obvious that Democrats care more about illegals than they do about the working class.
So what do you have for 2024, that is posting things from 1998 and 2008. I don't know any black folks who say, "I can't get a job because of illegals". Give us some examples from some of those black folks. I guess white folks don't work any low waged jobs, so it doesn't affect you.
That article in Newsweek was from 2022, Super. The problem was obvious THEN and it's only gotten worse since!
So what do you have for 2024, that is posting things from 1998 and 2008. I don't know any black folks who say, "I can't get a job because of illegals". Give us some examples from some of those black folks. I guess white folks don't work any low waged jobs, so it doesn't affect you.
And poor white folks are just as affected by this as poor black folks.
Trump. When he was in office working people had money in their pockets. Now they're broke and their credit cards are maxed out. The reason why Trump and the GOP are making huge inroads into blue collar workers of all colors is that it's become obvious that Democrats care more about illegals than they do about the working class.
If you maxed out your credit card, that is your own damned fault.
If you maxed out your credit card, that is your own damned fault.
I'm not a blue collar working man, Joe. I don't have a dime on my credit cards. I'm one of the lucky ones. For those working people who ARE getting decimated by Joe Biden's inflation...instead of sympathy for their attempt to shame them! That's who YOU are!
I'm not a blue collar working man, Joe. I don't have a dime on my credit cards. I'm one of the lucky ones. For those working people who ARE getting decimated by Joe Biden's inflation...instead of sympathy for their attempt to shame them! That's who YOU are!

If you are running up your credit card, that's kind of your own fault, not Biden's.
If you are running up your credit card, that's kind of your own fault, not Biden's.
No, the poor folks don't make enough money to live in bidens fucked up economy. So, they either resort to their credit cards, or they turn to crime.

And look at you, the supposed caring progressive who in reality hates blacks, and the poor folks.

Gosh I hope you experience some violent crime up close and personal.

You deserve it
If you are running up your credit card, that's kind of your own fault, not Biden's.
Some people are forced to use their credit cards to pay bills that they don't have the funds for because rampant inflation has drained their savings. That IS Joe Biden's fault because his policies caused that inflation!
No, the poor folks don't make enough money to live in bidens fucked up economy. So, they either resort to their credit cards, or they turn to crime.

And look at you, the supposed caring progressive who in reality hates blacks, and the poor folks.

Gosh I hope you experience some violent crime up close and personal.

You deserve it
Not like the good old days when you can abuse your moderator privileges, eh?

Let's get real. if you aren't making enough to make ends meet, unemployment is at 3.9%. You can get a better paying job.

You can economize.

You can get a second job.

The idea that "Biden isn't fixing Trump's fuckups fast enough, so I have to run up credit card debt" is silly.
Some people are forced to use their credit cards to pay bills that they don't have the funds for because rampant inflation has drained their savings. That IS Joe Biden's fault because his policies caused that inflation!
Nobody is forced to use their credit cards. They choose to use their credit cards.

Wages have kept up with inflation, mostly.

I have little sympathy because I did have substantial credit card debt at one point. Mostly due to medical expenses and Bush REALLY wrecking the economy in 2008.

You know what I did? I took on a second and for a while a third job. I carefully planned my expenses to pay down my debt. I paid cash instead of credit and when I finally got my cards down to zero, I only use one and pay it off every month.

It's called DISCIPLINE.

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