Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

Those guys did what you said you want asylum seekers to do, apply in their own countries.
Its a fact that biden has flown 320,000 migrants into the US in 2023 alone
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It was never a “manageable problem”. He also kept many of Trump’s border policies in place.

The flow of illegal immigrants increased under Obama, increased even more under Trump and more again under Biden. Clearly it isn’t just a problem of any one president.

Obama actually deported many more illegal immigrants than Trump. They kept coming.

Trump instituted cruel measures aimed at the children of illegal immigrants, they kept coming.

Biden, in 3 years, issued more EO’s on illegal immigration than Trump did in his entire term. Biden deported a higher number arrested border crossers than Trump did.

  • According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden.

So Biden isn’t doing too shabby. The problem is bigger than any one president. We need Congress to do its job and overhaul our immigration laws - open up more pathways for legal immigration, speed up the adjudication of asylum seekers and more quickly deport those who enter illegally. But that still won’t address the larger problem: what factors are driving so many migrants to leave? Not just here, but all over the world. I don’t know that is fixable and until it is people will continue to try.


Here are the executive actions Biden signed in his first 100 days

By Christopher Hickey, Curt Merrill, Richard J. Chang, Kate Sullivan, Janie Boschma and Sean O’Key, CNN
Updated April 30, 2021


Except that these migrants ARE following our laws.

Our laws allow anyone to apply for asylum if they can claim a legitimate fear of bad stuff happening to them in their home countries.

Oh, every president buys votes. That's why we vote for them, to get stuff we want. Duh.
Suddenly, Biden discovers he can act on the border 'crisis'! Well I'll be darn!

Biden is the one who created this mess, and now, with five months to go before the election, and with every poll showing that Americans are sick and disgusted with this invasion, he decides he better do something.

I've never seen a president, who buys votes like this guy has.

Yes "ACT" is the correct word, because his EO is toothless window dressing. If his poll numbers weren't at historic all-time lows he would not have ACTED like he cared with a phony EO. There will be ZERO change at the border, the drug cartels are laughing.


Here are the executive actions Biden signed in his first 100 days

By Christopher Hickey, Curt Merrill, Richard J. Chang, Kate Sullivan, Janie Boschma and Sean O’Key, CNN
Updated April 30, 2021


Coyote said: that this is FAKE NEWS.

So back it up, my good friend. This is a CNN article so please share with us all what is FAKE about my post.
That's the conservative propaganda we hear anytime a Democrat is in the WH and then all of sudden when a republican is in the WH it's all good.
How does it feel being replaced by illegals?

You're never going to see a dime of reparations because your heroes the dems, are giving the money that used to go to the the illegals.

You're screwed and you're so stupid you haven't figured it out yet.
How does it feel being replaced by illegals?

You're never going to see a dime of reparations because your heroes the dems, are giving the money that used to go to the the illegals.

You're screwed and you're so stupid you haven't figured it out yet.
Dumbass show me all the jobs that have been lost to illegals.

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