Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

Except that's not how our laws work.

They just have to show the country they are fleeing from is oppressive. In some cases, like Venezuela, we've already determined that it is.

By your logic, we should have sent all the Jews back to Germany, since there was no "evidence" Hitler was killing them until after the war.

FDR did!!
The Holocaust didn't start until 1942.

But Jews were being oppressed. They just couldn't "prove" it to your standards.

See, always with the dishonest arguments.

When you find some evidence that Maduro is throwing millions of Venezuelans
into camps, I'll be willing to give their asylum seekers more than 5 minutes to prove their claims.
Who comes up with these crazy nicknames?

I truly don't know who "cackles" is.
She is our Vice President. Does that ring any bells? Dark skin, black hair, cackles like a hyena when she's nervous and doesn't know how to answer a question?
What president in the last 40yrs has solved the border problem?
Irrelevant to the question. The border situation has become markedly worse since Quid Pro put Cackles in charge, so it behooves us to ask what she's been doing for 3 years that let it get to this point.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard on this board in a long time, Coyote! Of course EO's are a substitute for legislation! That's EXACTLY what they are! Joe Biden had the authority to get rid of the Trump EO's which opened the border...that same authority has always given him the ability to close it again. Biden got rid of EO's and that action is what caused the border surge and what created this "mess"! Joe Biden OWNS this mess! Nobody else...just him!
EO's are a short term fix that can be overturned by the next adminstration. Thanks for proving my point that they are no substitute for legislation.

2019-2020 under Trump, border aprehensions surged to the highest levels in 12 years while deportations were significantly reduced from Obama's time in office. Trump left office That is what Biden started with (Trump owns that).

The cans you all keep kicking down the road are multiplying.

Immigration issues have beset every president from Obama on, wirh each experiencing a surge in illegal border crossings. Obama saw record numbers of unaccompanied minors while Trump saw a record number of families crossing. Trump left office with a significantly higher rate then he started with, despite draconian policies, so clearly this has as much or more to do with external (push) factors than internal (pull) factors. All three presidents have overseen an increasing number of migrants coming from Central America.

We need to change our legal immigration to better fit with what we need in terms of workers, we need to tighten asylum rules and speed up the process (more judges), and we need to do something to stem the flow at its source without forgetting that these are human beings, not invaders, not subhumans, not "the enemy".

Of course for anything to last longer than 4 years. we need Congress to act. The ball is in the Republican's court.
Yup, it's a case of "sound and fury, signifying nothing"

OK, we have 5K a day coming in now that we know of. The SD sector is completely overrun with got-a-ways.

Most are from an baker's dozen different countries like China, the ME, etc..

US law says they can't be sent back into Mexico and their home countries are not allowing re-entry so what to do with them?

I don't see FJB setting up huge camps for them so anyone with common sense knows that they will be paroled into the US.

Oh, that does not even count the 150K FJB is flying into the country every year.

The whole thing is laughable....FJB.

OK, we have 5K a day coming in now that we know of. The SD sector is completely overrun with got-a-ways.

Most are from an baker's dozen different countries like China, the ME, etc..

US law says they can't be sent back into Mexico and their home countries are not allowing re-entry so what to do with them?

I don't see FJB setting up huge camps for them so anyone with common sense knows that they will be paroled into the US.

Oh, that does not even count the 150K FJB is flying into the country every year.

The whole thing is laughable....FJB.

US law says they can't be sent back into Mexico

If that's the case, we need to change that law ASAP.
Irrelevant to the question. The border situation has become markedly worse since Quid Pro put Cackles in charge, so it behooves us to ask what she's been doing for 3 years that let it get to this point.
That's the conservative propaganda we hear anytime a Democrat is in the WH and then all of sudden when a republican is in the WH it's all good.
That's the conservative propaganda we hear anytime a Democrat is in the WH and then all of sudden when a republican is in the WH it's all good.
Except a democrat IS in the White House and he DID put his VP in charge of the border. Naturally, that means we're not supposed to even wonder what she's been doing with her authority. When TRUMP! puts his VP in charge of border security and the flood of illegal immigrants jumps to new heights as soon as they take office, feel free to ask what they're doing.
Except a democrat IS in the White House and he DID put his VP in charge of the border. Naturally, that means we're not supposed to even wonder what she's been doing with her authority. When TRUMP! puts his VP in charge of border security and the flood of illegal immigrants jumps to new heights as soon as they take office, feel free to ask what they're doing.
So the correct answer is, NOT A DAMN THING.
So the correct answer is, NOT A DAMN THING.
Good, good. Now, since we agree that Cackles has done nothing to enhance border security, it is valid to ask why she was given that post and authority and why she should not be removed from office immediately, given that we cannot trust her to take the office of POTUS, having failed this miserably.

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