Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

sigh (insert rolling eyes emoji here)

Biden didn't create the mess. He took the "mess" and supercharged it, when he invited them to "surge to the border" and then by dismantling all Trump-era border security measures!

The #'s don't lie!! Once he got into the White House, the flood went from a manageable problem, into a tsunami that is hurting city services all across this nation!!!
It was never a “manageable problem”. He also kept many of Trump’s border policies in place.

The flow of illegal immigrants increased under Obama, increased even more under Trump and more again under Biden. Clearly it isn’t just a problem of any one president.

Obama actually deported many more illegal immigrants than Trump. They kept coming.

Trump instituted cruel measures aimed at the children of illegal immigrants, they kept coming.

Biden, in 3 years, issued more EO’s on illegal immigration than Trump did in his entire term. Biden deported a higher number arrested border crossers than Trump did.

  • According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden.

So Biden isn’t doing too shabby. The problem is bigger than any one president. We need Congress to do its job and overhaul our immigration laws - open up more pathways for legal immigration, speed up the adjudication of asylum seekers and more quickly deport those who enter illegally. But that still won’t address the larger problem: what factors are driving so many migrants to leave? Not just here, but all over the world. I don’t know that is fixable and until it is people will continue to try.
Legislation is better than EO because it can't just be waved away by the next administration.

So Joe tried to work with tRumplings. A YUUUUGE mistake IMHO.

And when your side let him down, as expected, he does it himself.

Why do you guys want the border open?
Waved away by the next administration? You mean like what Joe Biden did with Trump's border Executive Order's his first week in office? Joe Biden opened the border with his EO's. Joe Biden has ALWAYS had the ability to close it! He's never needed the GOP to do so just as Donald Trump didn't need the Democrats to do so! So stop lying about this issue!
He didn’t “create” this mess. Executive action is no substitute for legislation.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard on this board in a long time, Coyote! Of course EO's are a substitute for legislation! That's EXACTLY what they are! Joe Biden had the authority to get rid of the Trump EO's which opened the border...that same authority has always given him the ability to close it again. Biden got rid of EO's and that action is what caused the border surge and what created this "mess"! Joe Biden OWNS this mess! Nobody else...just him!
It was never a “manageable problem”. He also kept many of Trump’s border policies in place.

The flow of illegal immigrants increased under Obama, increased even more under Trump and more again under Biden. Clearly it isn’t just a problem of any one president.

Obama actually deported many more illegal immigrants than Trump. They kept coming.

Trump instituted cruel measures aimed at the children of illegal immigrants, they kept coming.

Biden, in 3 years, issued more EO’s on illegal immigration than Trump did in his entire term. Biden deported a higher number arrested border crossers than Trump did.

  • According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden.

So Biden isn’t doing too shabby. The problem is bigger than any one president. We need Congress to do its job and overhaul our immigration laws - open up more pathways for legal immigration, speed up the adjudication of asylum seekers and more quickly deport those who enter illegally. But that still won’t address the larger problem: what factors are driving so many migrants to leave? Not just here, but all over the world. I don’t know that is fixable and until it is people will continue to try.
What a crock! You should be ashamed of yourself, Coyote! Of course Biden issued more EO's on illegal immigration than Trump. Those EO's were never about controlling the border...they were always about opening it. Stop lying.

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