Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

You're a fucking idiot, and it's disgusting to watch you people make absurd attempts to deflect the blame!!

#'s DON'T LIE!!!!!]
You poor thing. Kept in the dark by your propagandists.


Day One:

President Biden Sends Immigration Bill to Congress as Part of His Commitment to Modernize our Immigration System

That one died on the vine.

Then we come to the Senate bipartisan border bill.

Border Patrol union backs Senate immigration bill despite House GOP opposition

But Trump did not want Biden to have a victory on the border.

Trump praises collapse of bipartisan border deal: ‘I think it’s dead’

Former President Trump praised the demise of the bipartisan border deal Friday, taking credit helping to tank the legislation that took months to negotiate.

Trump urged Republicans to vote against the bill before it was unveiled last Sunday, arguing its passage would be a political victory for
President Bidenin the election-year matchup that is likely to feature both men as their respective party nominees.


The bill’s failure comes after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued earlier this week that the deal would crack down on the huge flow of migrants across the border and possibly would be the last chance for years to reform immigration law.

So, yeah. Trump and the GOP totally own the border now. 100 percent.

You poor thing. Kept in the dark by your propagandists.


Day One:

President Biden Sends Immigration Bill to Congress as Part of His Commitment to Modernize our Immigration System

That one died on the vine.

Then we come to the Senate bipartisan border bill.

Border Patrol union backs Senate immigration bill despite House GOP opposition

But Trump did not want Biden to have a victory on the border.

Trump praises collapse of bipartisan border deal: ‘I think it’s dead’

Former President Trump praised the demise of the bipartisan border deal Friday, taking credit helping to tank the legislation that took months to negotiate.

Trump urged Republicans to vote against the bill before it was unveiled last Sunday, arguing its passage would be a political victory for
President Bidenin the election-year matchup that is likely to feature both men as their respective party nominees.


The bill’s failure comes after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued earlier this week that the deal would crack down on the huge flow of migrants across the border and possibly would be the last chance for years to reform immigration law.

So, yeah. Trump and the GOP totally own the border now. 100 percent.


I'm fully aware of those bills, and they sucked.

The one with teeth, and actually contained border security, is 'HR2', a bill that the GOP House passed, and sent on to the Senate where it sits DOA on Chuck Schumer's desk!!

And by the way, stop deflecting from the ROOT of this catastrophe! Biden invited the third-world in when in 2019 at the very first Dim debate, he told the world to "surge to the border!"

The proof of the flood is in the #'s, he told the world to come in, and RIGHT ON CUE, we have been seeing record #'s flooding in!!!!!!!

Again I will say, you are either ignorant of this, or you are simply a liar.
You poor thing. Kept in the dark by your propagandists.


Day One:

President Biden Sends Immigration Bill to Congress as Part of His Commitment to Modernize our Immigration System

That one died on the vine.

Then we come to the Senate bipartisan border bill.

Border Patrol union backs Senate immigration bill despite House GOP opposition

But Trump did not want Biden to have a victory on the border.

Trump praises collapse of bipartisan border deal: ‘I think it’s dead’

Former President Trump praised the demise of the bipartisan border deal Friday, taking credit helping to tank the legislation that took months to negotiate.

Trump urged Republicans to vote against the bill before it was unveiled last Sunday, arguing its passage would be a political victory for
President Bidenin the election-year matchup that is likely to feature both men as their respective party nominees.


The bill’s failure comes after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued earlier this week that the deal would crack down on the huge flow of migrants across the border and possibly would be the last chance for years to reform immigration law.

So, yeah. Trump and the GOP totally own the border now. 100 percent.


And by the way, the GOP bares some of the responsibility, but there's a reason we have been seeing record #'s since fossil Joe became president, and most Americans blame him for it!!

"Overall, 68% disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling immigration and 31% approve. Fifty-six percent of Democrats approve compared to just 9% of Republicans and 20% of independents."

The 'New Colossus' is a sonnet, not a 'policy'.

We can't save the world, and we shouldn't even be trying.

As of January 2024, more than 7.2 million migrants had illegally crossed into the U.S. over the Southwest border during U.S. President Joe Biden's administration — a number higher than the individual populations of 36 states.

It is irresponsible to all American citizens who have to foot the bill, to be allowing this magnitude of a flood of the third-world to come in!!

Joe Biden, invited it, and you do not have the honesty to admit it!!!
Haha, let’s recap…

You distort the meaning of a Biden quote, I point out your error which you ignore to jump to another quote. I then show the second quote to be a similar message as the New Colossus which you dismiss as a sonnet then proceed to call me dishonest.

Doesn’t get much more comical than that. You don’t expect anybody to take that seriously do you? Do better
Haha, let’s recap…

You distort the meaning of a Biden quote, I point out your error which you ignore to jump to another quote. I then show the second quote to be a similar message as the New Colossus which you dismiss as a sonnet then proceed to call me dishonest.

Doesn’t get much more comical than that. You don’t expect anybody to take that seriously do you? Do better

I did no such thing, and it's no error!

Biden announced there should be an immediate "surge to the border", and right after he took office, we began seeing huge spikes flooding in! I guarantee you, the third-world knew what he meant!
I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware Biden submitted a border bill on DAY ONE of his administration, and the GOP killed it.

I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware a bipartisan border bill was passed by the US Senate, and Donald Trump ordered cuck Mike Johnson to kill it when it came to the House because the border is the only issue the MAGA tards have left to hit Biden with.

Never mind the Border Patrol endorsed the bipartisan bill. It is more important to Trump that the border remain a mess until after the election.

The GOP and Trump own the border now. One hundred percent.

So, as a last resort, Biden has no choice but to use his EO power to do something while the GOP tells the rube herd the Mexicans are coming for them.

I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware Biden submitted a border bill on DAY ONE of his administration, and the GOP killed it.

Dems held both the House and Senate.
And why would Republicans resist a bill that made 11 million illegals into citizens?
When did the Dem House and Senate bring it up for a vote?

I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware a bipartisan border bill was passed by the US Senate, and Donald Trump ordered cuck Mike Johnson to kill it

It didn't pass the Senate, idiot.

because the border is the only issue the MAGA tards have left to hit Biden with.

Biden's border failures are a huge issue. Even among dems in Chicago.

Never mind the Border Patrol endorsed the bipartisan bill.

Never mind that giving Biden more money to escort illegals into the country is a bad idea.

It is more important to Trump that the border remain a mess until after the election.

It's a huge mess. HUGE! So huge that Joe just signed an EO he could have signed 3 years ago.

The GOP and Trump own the border now.

Quick, Tell Pedo Peter, he's the only one who'll believe you.
I did no such thing, and it's no error!

Biden announced there should be an immediate "surge to the border", and right after he took office, we began seeing huge spikes flooding in! I guarantee you, the third-world knew what he meant!
He said WE surge to the border. Not THEY. Stop lying about what was said. If anything, people in the opposition media who like you lied about what was said amplified a false message to surge.

If you want to attack Biden for the rise in border crossings why don’t you point to his reversal of Trumps EOs. Or Harris being appointed to address the border and being ineffective. Something real…. Why lie about a statement he made?
I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware Biden submitted a border bill on DAY ONE of his administration, and the GOP killed it.

Dems held both the House and Senate.
And why would Republicans resist a bill that made 11 million illegals into citizens?
When did the Dem House and Senate bring it up for a vote?

I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware a bipartisan border bill was passed by the US Senate, and Donald Trump ordered cuck Mike Johnson to kill it

It didn't pass the Senate, idiot.

because the border is the only issue the MAGA tards have left to hit Biden with.

Biden's border failures are a huge issue. Even among dems in Chicago.

Never mind the Border Patrol endorsed the bipartisan bill.

Never mind that giving Biden more money to escort illegals into the country is a bad idea.

It is more important to Trump that the border remain a mess until after the election.

It's a huge mess. HUGE! So huge that Joe just signed an EO he could have signed 3 years ago.

The GOP and Trump own the border now.

Quick, Tell Pedo Peter, he's the only one who'll believe you.

Yes, indeed he could have signed an executive order at any time. Of course we know why he didn't, because he had already done the opposite, and INVITED them in!
He said WE surge to the border. Not THEY. Stop lying about what was said. If anything, people in the opposition media who like you lied about what was said amplified a false message to surge.

If you want to attack Biden for the rise in border crossings why don’t you point to his reversal of Trumps EOs. Or Harris being appointed to address the border and being ineffective. Something real…. Why lie about a statement he made?

You truly are an utter idiot!!

Watch the entire video, and tell me he wasn't telling them to come right in!! You probably do not have the balls, but in case you are able to muster up the courage, pay special attention from the 1:30 mark until 1:45. He was O-B-V-I-O-U-S-L-Y talking about the people coming here!!
My god, what have we got to do, beat you over the head?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly, Biden discovers he can act on the border 'crisis'! Well I'll be darn!

Biden is the one who created this mess, and now, with five months to go before the election, and with every poll showing that Americans are sick and disgusted with this invasion, he decides he better do something.

I've never seen a president, who buys votes like this guy has.

Yeah, he never needed a law..that’s just posturing. All he has to do is…follow the law and the border problem will solve itself.
Suddenly, Biden discovers he can act on the border 'crisis'! Well I'll be darn!

Biden is the one who created this mess, and now, with five months to go before the election, and with every poll showing that Americans are sick and disgusted with this invasion, he decides he better do something.

I've never seen a president, who buys votes like this guy has.

The only thing he's really doing is pushing to get the Lankford bill -which is a total disaster- crammed down, then blaming the republicans for "doing nothing" when it fails....Never mind that HR2 has been siting in Schumer's inbox for years.
The FACT is that Joe Biden never needed a "deal" with Congress...he could have done this all along and LIED about it to the American people! Doing it now in desperation because his poll numbers are so bad simply underscores how untruthful he was before!
Legislation is better than EO because it can't just be waved away by the next administration.

So Joe tried to work with tRumplings. A YUUUUGE mistake IMHO.

And when your side let him down, as expected, he does it himself.

Why do you guys want the border open?
Yeah, he never needed a law..that’s just posturing. All he has to do is…follow the law and the border problem will solve itself.

Yep, we didn't need any NEW laws or policies. He simply needs to instruct law enforcement to secure the border, and not allow the flood to continue.
This of course was all for show, that's why he's waited until right before the election. Never, have we had a president so blatantly buying votes the way this piece of shit has been doing.
Legislation is better than EO because it can't just be waved away by the next administration.

So Joe tried to work with tRumplings. A YUUUUGE mistake IMHO.

And when your side let him down, as expected, he does it himself.

Why do you guys want the border open?

You really look like an idiot, but go right ahead.

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