Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

One of the more disturbing aspects of Biden's Presidency, both functionally and politically is the extremely low opinion he has of the American public. He says and does things that are transparently awful, and ASSUMES THAT NO ONE WILL NOTICE! He blatantly lies in every public speaking opportunity and now on his political ads for the campaign, ASSUMING THAT WE ARE ALL TOO STUPID TO SEE IT.

He, and everyone associated with him, are evil.
I think the usual trump haters/biden apologists on this forum will prove Old Joe correct when they defend his new border policy
I think the usual trump haters/biden apologists on this forum will prove Old Joe correct when they defend his new border policy
All of a sudden, they'll go from insisting they need Republicans to bail him out straight to he can do the whole thing himself and Republicans can't have any say about it, all with no pause whatsoever.

And no one will hold Cackles responsible for anything.
Suddenly, Biden discovers he can act on the border 'crisis'! Well I'll be darn!

Biden is the one who created this mess, and now, with five months to go before the election, and with every poll showing that Americans are sick and disgusted with this invasion, he decides he better do something.

I've never seen a president, who buys votes like this guy has.

He does this after quietly having the court days removed from hundreds of thousands of migrants so they no longer are tracked (if they ever were), no longer have to report to anybody (if they ever did) but aren't asked to leave.

He does this after allowing maybe as many as 15 to 20 million migrants into the country and blaming that on Trump who didn't need Congress to 'fix it' in order to stop the invasion?

Talk about closing the barn door after the horses have escaped. . .

Also as we saw in El Paso recently, migrants greatly outnumber the CBP and are quite capable of overwhelming and overrunning the CBP. I suspect if the border patrol tries to stop the massive caravans arriving at the border every day, they could b a significant risk. I hope I'm wrong.
Suddenly, Biden discovers he can act on the border 'crisis'! Well I'll be darn!

Biden is the one who created this mess, and now, with five months to go before the election, and with every poll showing that Americans are sick and disgusted with this invasion, he decides he better do something.

I've never seen a president, who buys votes like this guy has.

Biden is a corrupt motherfucker

The entire Democrat party is corrupt to the hilt. Nothing but a gigantic money laundering operation.
He does this after allowing maybe as many as 15 to 20 million migrants into the country and blaming that on Trump who didn't need Congress to 'fix it' in order to stop the invasion?
The numbers are nowhere near 15-20 million.

More like 6 million, many of whom have been deported.

Yet the border crisis confronting the Biden administration has left the most activist presidency yet on immigration accused of inaction by critics—to the extent that the House of Representatives this month launched impeachment proceedings against the administration’s Homeland Security secretary. The U.S. southern border has witnessed a record of at least 6.3 million migrant encounters at and between ports of entry since Biden took office in January 2021, according to data from the Office of Homeland Security Statistics, resulting in more than 2.4 million migrants allowed into the country. Most of these individuals are in active removal proceedings in immigration court, in which they can claim asylum as a defense against removal. Even some of Biden’s fellow Democrats have begun advocating for more stringent border control, adding a new dimension to immigration politics in a presidential election year when the issue is sure to be a defining one between the two political parties.

The speeded pace of executive actions taken by the current and last administration is, in part, a response to continued inaction in Congress, which has not passed a major immigration overhaul in nearly three decades. However, as of this writing, the president was engaged in negotiations with congressional leaders for a $110 billion package that would provide aid for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan in exchange for tightened border controls and asylum eligibility. These talks were also partly a response to the administration’s actions, as congressional leaders were discussing limiting the president’s ability to make certain immigration changes, especially granting immigration parole, which permits temporary stay in the country and work authorization.
Naw, man, I'm living it right now. My wife (a refugee from China) has been waiting seven years for her asylum hearing. We changed tactics and went for a relative sponsorship. that's costing us $4000 and taking a year to do, and has required me to submit 200 pages of documentation.

Our system is broken.
Run her through our southern border.
Naw, man, I'm living it right now. My wife (a refugee from China) has been waiting seven years for her asylum hearing. We changed tactics and went for a relative sponsorship. that's costing us $4000 and taking a year to do, and has required me to submit 200 pages of documentation.

Our system is broken.
In Liberish “refugee” means immigration cheater
Doesn't really change the problem.

Here's the thing. Our laws state that if you claim asylum, you are entitled to a hearing, and this should happen within 180 days.

We currently have about 2 million people awaiting asylum hearings, but only 1500 judges are working on the issue.
Then they need to wait in a friendly country till the docket clears.....Your party created the problem.

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.
He wasn’t talking about immigrants surging smart guy. Please learn how to read before you make posts like this.

WE immediately surge the border so the immigrant can be heard. WE means us, we surge the border. Agents. Support to process and hear people seeking asylum.

"What I would do as president is several more things," Biden said at the first Democratic primary debate for the 2020 election. "I would in fact make sure that there is… We immediately surge to the border, all those people who are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard"

This is your version of “good people on both sides”… very dishonest
Trump is going to have a field day on this issue during the debates. The worst policy on earth and it took three years to reverse the horrible decision to eliminate Trumps "Remain in Mexico" policy?

Too little too late? Not just for the election but for America...

President Biden is expected to announce executive actions on Tuesday to tackle the ongoing migration crisis at the southern border, as he faces significant political pressure from the left and the right, as well as from voters on the issue.

Details of what will be announced remain unclear, but Fox News reported on Monday that the order is expected before he leaves for Europe. Some outlets reported that it could involve a mechanism to prevent additional migrant entries into the U.S. once there is a rolling seven-day average of a certain number of apprehensions a day.
He wasn’t talking about immigrants surging smart guy. Please learn how to read before you make posts like this.

WE immediately surge the border so the immigrant can be heard. WE means us, we surge the border. Agents. Support to process and hear people seeking asylum.

"What I would do as president is several more things," Biden said at the first Democratic primary debate for the 2020 election. "I would in fact make sure that there is… We immediately surge to the border, all those people who are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard"

This is your version of “good people on both sides”… very dishonest
Are you kidding me? Biden opened the border on day one of his administration and has kept it open for 3 1/2 years, flooding the country with unvetted illegals and fentanyl. Now that he's up for reelection and his poll numbers on the border are crushingly bad...suddenly he's going to do an Executive Order to deal with the problem? One that he could have done all along?

What's "dishonest" is all of you on the left that claimed it was the GOP holding up action on the border! That was always a lie and what Biden is doing now PROVES that!
Works for me.

You guys have let it get this bad by letting Trump and Human Reptile Stephen Miller dismantle the asylum process, and now we have a huge backlog of a process that should only take 180 days.

"You guys"?

Why do you leftists insist on lying about this issue?

Joe Biden INVITED this invasion in the first place!

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

Then on day one, he not only ended the border wall construction, he struck down all Trump-era border policies, allowing millions to flood in.

Now, we're supposed to believe, it's been the GOP who have been the problem all along. Total BS!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Biden, is doing nothing today, but playing an absurd and blatant game of politics.
He'll now make a lying speech claiming it's been the GOP that has kept him from doing anything. It's a case of the arsonist running in to play the hero by putting the fire out!
He wasn’t talking about immigrants surging smart guy. Please learn how to read before you make posts like this.

WE immediately surge the border so the immigrant can be heard. WE means us, we surge the border. Agents. Support to process and hear people seeking asylum.

"What I would do as president is several more things," Biden said at the first Democratic primary debate for the 2020 election. "I would in fact make sure that there is… We immediately surge to the border, all those people who are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard"

This is your version of “good people on both sides”… very dishonest


Ok, whatever you say pal!!!!! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :biggrin: :laugh:
Are you kidding me? Biden opened the border on day one of his administration and has kept it open for 3 1/2 years, flooding the country with unvetted illegals and fentanyl. Now that he's up for reelection and his poll numbers on the border are crushingly bad...suddenly he's going to do an Executive Order to deal with the problem? One that he could have done all along?

What's "dishonest" is all of you on the left that claimed it was the GOP holding up action on the border! That was always a lie and what Biden is doing now PROVES that!
What does any of that have to do with misinterpreting a quote? That’s what my post was about.

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