Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

He tried months ago to do a bipartisan deal and tRump had his lackeys kill it.

Facts, Son. You should get some.
The deal that required that we let in 4,000 illegals per day? Why the fuck would ANYONE sign that bill? Why was that put in the bill in the first place? Because democrats dont want to stop illegal immigration. Your party once again just lies to the voters.

Have you ever noticed how the GOP is always extremely straight forward with THEIR bills? When we say we want to do something, we actually mean it.
I guess his ACTUAL words mean nothing to you.

"We're a nation that says, 'If you want to flee and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.'"
Now you’re moving to a different quote?!?! Haha, funny way to concede, but I’ll play. This new quote is not much different than what’s written the Statue of Liberty…

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore”

Do you take issue with that as well?
Now you’re moving to a different quote?!?! Haha, funny way to concede, but I’ll play. This new quote is not much different than what’s written the Statue of Liberty…

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore”

Do you take issue with that as well?
So now immigrants are wretched?

Would you make up your mind please?
So now immigrants are wretched?

Would you make up your mind please?
The ones seeking help and asylum, yes absolutely.

Can you show where I’ve made conflicting statements or make an intelligent counterpoint or are weak insults all you have ?
Could have done it years ago, but it took an election that he's losing for his superiors to force his hand.

Exactly. The dishonesty about this crisis is off the charts, and it's absolutely stunning that Dimocrats have the gall to try and blame it on the GOP, when their piece of shit president is the one who started the historic flood in the first place.

I cannot come up with a better analogy, but it's the arsonist rushing in to save the day by trying to put out the fire!
Suddenly, Biden discovers he can act on the border 'crisis'! Well I'll be darn!

Biden is the one who created this mess, and now, with five months to go before the election, and with every poll showing that Americans are sick and disgusted with this invasion, he decides he better do something.

I've never seen a president, who buys votes like this guy has.

I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware Biden submitted a border bill on DAY ONE of his administration, and the GOP killed it.

I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware a bipartisan border bill was passed by the US Senate, and Donald Trump ordered cuck Mike Johnson to kill it when it came to the House because the border is the only issue the MAGA tards have left to hit Biden with.

Never mind the Border Patrol endorsed the bipartisan bill. It is more important to Trump that the border remain a mess until after the election.

The GOP and Trump own the border now. One hundred percent.

So, as a last resort, Biden has no choice but to use his EO power to do something while the GOP tells the rube herd the Mexicans are coming for them.
Now you’re moving to a different quote?!?! Haha, funny way to concede, but I’ll play. This new quote is not much different than what’s written the Statue of Liberty…

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore”

Do you take issue with that as well?

The 'New Colossus' is a sonnet, not a 'policy'.

We can't save the world, and we shouldn't even be trying.

As of January 2024, more than 7.2 million migrants had illegally crossed into the U.S. over the Southwest border during U.S. President Joe Biden's administration — a number higher than the individual populations of 36 states.

It is irresponsible to all American citizens who have to foot the bill, to be allowing this magnitude of a flood of the third-world to come in!!

Joe Biden, invited it, and you do not have the honesty to admit it!!!
I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware Biden submitted a border bill on DAY ONE of his administration, and the GOP killed it.

I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware a bipartisan border bill was passed by the US Senate, and Donald Trump ordered cuck Mike Johnson to kill it when it came to the House because the border is the only issue the MAGA tards have left to hit Biden with.

Never mind the Border Patrol endorsed the bipartisan bill. It is more important to Trump that the border remain a mess until after the election.

The GOP and Trump own the border now. One hundred percent.

So, as a last resort, Biden has no choice but to use his EO power to do something while the GOP tells the rube herd the Mexicans are coming for them.

You're a fucking idiot, and it's disgusting to watch you people make absurd attempts to deflect the blame!!

#'s DON'T LIE!!!!!
I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware Biden submitted a border bill on DAY ONE of his administration, and the GOP killed it.

I guess this poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware a bipartisan border bill was passed by the US Senate, and Donald Trump ordered cuck Mike Johnson to kill it when it came to the House because the border is the only issue the MAGA tards have left to hit Biden with.

Never mind the Border Patrol endorsed the bipartisan bill. It is more important to Trump that the border remain a mess until after the election.

The GOP and Trump own the border now. One hundred percent.

So, as a last resort, Biden has no choice but to use his EO power to do something while the GOP tells the rube herd the Mexicans are coming for them.

"So, as a last resort, Biden has no choice but to use his EO power to do something"

ROTFLOL!!! :laughing0301:

OMG, you people are fucking insane!!!
Works for me.

You guys have let it get this bad by letting Trump and Human Reptile Stephen Miller dismantle the asylum process, and now we have a huge backlog of a process that should only take 180 days.
The asylum process should be ENDED. Not fixed. Not adjusted. ENDED.

No matter how many allowable criminal invaders Biden Muchausen allows in, the minute the border or any part of it is closed, the entire border will erupt into gunfire. The cartels will not take that without a fight.

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