Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

Waved away by the next administration? You mean like what Joe Biden did with Trump's border Executive Order's his first week in office? Joe Biden opened the border with his EO's. Joe Biden has ALWAYS had the ability to close it! He's never needed the GOP to do so just as Donald Trump didn't need the Democrats to do so! So stop lying about this issue!
Can you post those EOs?
I'm fully aware of those bills, and they sucked.

The one with teeth, and actually contained border security, is 'HR2', a bill that the GOP House passed, and sent on to the Senate where it sits DOA on Chuck Schumer's desk!!

then the house should pass a bill that the Senate can pass and Biden will sign.

And by the way, stop deflecting from the ROOT of this catastrophe! Biden invited the third-world in when in 2019 at the very first Dim debate, he told the world to "surge to the border!"
Um, no, they come to the border because their own countries are a mess.

They didn't need Biden's permission.

The proof of the flood is in the #'s, he told the world to come in, and RIGHT ON CUE, we have been seeing record #'s flooding in!!!!!!!

Again I will say, you are either ignorant of this, or you are simply a liar.

Except that the number of border crossers increased under Trump as well. At least until Covid, anyway.

And by the way, the GOP bares some of the responsibility, but there's a reason we have been seeing record #'s since fossil Joe became president, and most Americans blame him for it!!

"Overall, 68% disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling immigration and 31% approve. Fifty-six percent of Democrats approve compared to just 9% of Republicans and 20% of independents."

Yes, it's a bad situation. But we've neglected this issue for 20 years.
Yep, we didn't need any NEW laws or policies. He simply needs to instruct law enforcement to secure the border, and not allow the flood to continue.
This of course was all for show, that's why he's waited until right before the election. Never, have we had a president so blatantly buying votes the way this piece of shit has been doing.

Except that these migrants ARE following our laws.

Our laws allow anyone to apply for asylum if they can claim a legitimate fear of bad stuff happening to them in their home countries.

Oh, every president buys votes. That's why we vote for them, to get stuff we want. Duh.
Except that these migrants ARE following our laws.

Our laws allow anyone to apply for asylum if they can claim a legitimate fear of bad stuff happening to them in their home countries.

Oh, every president buys votes. That's why we vote for them, to get stuff we want. Duh.

No they are NOT following our laws.
They ALL claim 'asylum', and millions of them know they are not eligible.
Those people are simply gaming the system, because they know it buys them time.
With Republicans doing absolutely nothing and stonewalling because they want to use it as a political weapon and please their Imperious Leader, what were you expecting? :)

I'm assuming you'd bitch either way.
What has Cackles been doing for 3 years that allowed the border to get to this point that Quid Pro needs Republican help to bail him out?
No they are NOT following our laws.
They ALL claim 'asylum', and millions of them know they are not eligible.
Those people are simply gaming the system, because they know it buys them time.
Well, then, it was pretty stupid of Trump to dismantle the system, then.

Our laws allow anyone to apply for asylum if they can claim a legitimate fear of bad stuff happening to them in their home countries.

And when they have no evidence their fear is legitimate, under our laws, they should be immediately ejected. Loudly. So their friends know Biden's open-door policy is over.
And when they have no evidence their fear is legitimate, under our laws, they should be immediately ejected. Loudly. So their friends know Biden's open-door policy is over.
Except that's not how our laws work.

They just have to show the country they are fleeing from is oppressive. In some cases, like Venezuela, we've already determined that it is.

By your logic, we should have sent all the Jews back to Germany, since there was no "evidence" Hitler was killing them until after the war.
Except that's not how our laws work.

They just have to show the country they are fleeing from is oppressive. In some cases, like Venezuela, we've already determined that it is.

By your logic, we should have sent all the Jews back to Germany, since there was no "evidence" Hitler was killing them until after the war.

They just have to show the country they are fleeing from is oppressive. In some cases, like Venezuela, we've already determined that it is.

The law says everyone from Venezuela qualifies for asylum? Link?

By your logic, we should have sent all the Jews back to Germany,

Maduro is killing all the Venezuelans? Link?
Build a wall and deport the illegals in this country. Problem solved.
He's still gonna let in 2500 a day.....That's around 375K more illegals up till election day.....Let that sink in.
Yup, it's a case of "sound and fury, signifying nothing"
No, but they would certainly be entitled to a hearing that they would probably win.

Why do you always do stuff like this? It's like you intentionally engage in dishonest arguments.

No, but they would certainly be entitled to a hearing that they would probably win.


Why do you always do stuff like this?

I always point out the idiocy of your claims, because you're an idiot.

It's like you intentionally engage in dishonest arguments.

Dishonest arguments, like comparing millions lying about asylum claims to the Holocaust?

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