Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

Good, good. Now, since we agree that Cackles has done nothing to enhance border security, it is valid to ask why she was given that post and authority and why she should not be removed from office immediately, given that we cannot trust her to take the office of POTUS, having failed this miserably.
We agree no president for the last 50yrs has done anything. There was a bi partisan bill that was going to be signed, but coward ass Trump Humpers switched out on it.
We agree no president for the last 50yrs has done anything. There was a bi partisan bill that was going to be signed, but coward ass Trump Humpers switched out on it.
I don't know about that, because we have seen illegal immigration numbers fluctuate under various presidents. We do agree though, do we not, that Quid Pro Joe gleefully undid as many of TRUMP!'s initiatives as he could his first days in office and put his VP in charge of border security. Apparently, she has not done a very good job of overseeing something so vital to the health of our country, and it would behoove us to ask why. Why has it gotten so bad under her oversight and why did it take until campaign season for Quid Pro to decide he needed Republicans to bail him out?
Not really.

You would have to end all tourist, student, marriage, and work visas.

On the off chance that someone might overstay one.

As someone who is navigating the immigration system, the problem is that it's a mess with too much bureaucracy.
I was thinking about biden flying in alien scam artists, aka asylum seekers at our expense

But the visa overstays are a problem also

In their case if the visa has expired just deport them
Meaning Trump convinced republicans in Congress not to act on the border so Biden finally had to do something.
How did it get to the point that he had to "do something" when the VP has been in charge of border security all this time? Why did she mess that up?
I don't know about that, because we have seen illegal immigration numbers fluctuate under various presidents. We do agree though, do we not, that Quid Pro Joe gleefully undid as many of TRUMP!'s initiatives as he could his first days in office and put his VP in charge of border security. Apparently, she has not done a very good job of overseeing something so vital to the health of our country, and it would behoove us to ask why. Why has it gotten so bad under her oversight and why did it take until campaign season for Quid Pro to decide he needed Republicans to bail him out?
Oh, you don't know about that, but if Joe Biden farts you know what it smells like. Tell me what specific initiatives he did away with. The border is no worse than it was 4yrs ago, that is just right-wing propaganda.
All's he had to do was continue border wall construction, and keep Trump's border security measures in place, and we would have been mostly happy with this particular issue.

Instead, stupid fuck Biden, did just the opposite by inviting the invaders to flood in!

Isn't it interesting that he is just now, with five months to the election, trying to plug the flood?
In my opinion, President Biden is not trying to plug the flood, he is trying to make it look like he cares and is trying to plug the flood.
No he didn’t. He made a statement while campaigning, but his actions and statements in office have been different.

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