Laws Are for Little People- Nancy Pelosi Edition


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Pelosi's car was seen driving dangerously and then parking in front of a fire hydrant so she could go shoe shopping. A St Helena police officer sees them and does nothing. The police Chief of St Helena responds:

The St. Helena Police Department has received similar complaints in the past, and on occasion we come across a scenario like what is mentioned in the complaint. Unfortunately local law enforcement has no authority to prevent this type of activity. The U.S. Capitol Police and the U.S. Secret Service provide dignitary protection for certain high-ranking members of the Federal Government, and this protection comes with the discretion to violate some state and local laws (illegal U-turns, parking in a red zone) under the guise of providing the best possible protection to the dignitary. In the case of Congresswoman Pelosi, she receives her protection detail from the Capitol Police. As the Chief of Police in St. Helena I can assure you we don’t like or condone their behavior, but I can tell you from personal experience that while they sympathize with the position they put us in, they will not alter their tactics to appease us.

Anyone who wishes to lodge a complaint about Congresswoman Pelosi can email her at the following website:

You can also lodge a complaint with the protection agency at: U.S. Capitol Police Office of Professional Responsibility — [email protected].

Nancy Pelosi blows off traffic laws - to shop at shoe store! - The American Mirror
Are you blaming Nancy Pelosi for the actions of Capitol Police?
Are you saying Pelosi has no input as to the officers behavior endangering innocent lives?
Boy, that's a mighty fine straw you're reaching for.

I asked you a question. Don't respond with an anther question that does nothing but launch a tangent.
I don't answer dumbass questions. You're just a fucked up moron.

Are you blaming Nancy Pelosi for the actions of Capitol Police?
Are you saying Pelosi has no input as to the officers behavior endangering innocent lives?
Boy, that's a mighty fine straw you're reaching for.

I asked you a question. Don't respond with an anther question that does nothing but launch a tangent.
I don't answer dumbass questions. You're just a fucked up moron.

'Fucked up moron' does has a nice ring to it.
Are you blaming Nancy Pelosi for the actions of Capitol Police?
Are you saying Pelosi has no input as to the officers behavior endangering innocent lives?
Boy, that's a mighty fine straw you're reaching for.

I asked you a question. Don't respond with an anther question that does nothing but launch a tangent.
I don't answer dumbass questions. You're just a fucked up moron.

Moron claims Pelosi has no ability to control her driver. :cuckoo:
Are you blaming Nancy Pelosi for the actions of Capitol Police?
Are you saying Pelosi has no input as to the officers behavior endangering innocent lives?
Boy, that's a mighty fine straw you're reaching for.

I asked you a question. Don't respond with an anther question that does nothing but launch a tangent.
Learn to read what the police Chief said, Shitforbrains.

Anyone who wishes to lodge a complaint about Congresswoman Pelosi can email her at the following website:
There are the elitist and then the rest of us. I thought congress critters were serving the people, not the other way around.
Nancy Pelosi could be riding a horse in Manhattan, then allow the horse to crap right in the middle of the street, then get back on the horse and gallop along assuming that the little people will pick up the poop
another one,,,,,Nancy Pelosi could accidently blow up a neighbors house that had a gas leak and she lit a cigarette. Her excuse would be,,,"Well At The Time, I Didnt Smell Any Gas"...What difference does it make? its just a big house, just go buy another one.
Are you blaming Nancy Pelosi for the actions of Capitol Police?
Are you saying Pelosi has no input as to the officers behavior endangering innocent lives?
Boy, that's a mighty fine straw you're reaching for.

I asked you a question. Don't respond with an anther question that does nothing but launch a tangent.
I don't answer dumbass questions. You're just a fucked up moron.

Moron claims Pelosi has no ability to control her driver. :cuckoo:

I believe that every individual is responsible for their own actions.
Are you saying Pelosi has no input as to the officers behavior endangering innocent lives?
Boy, that's a mighty fine straw you're reaching for.

I asked you a question. Don't respond with an anther question that does nothing but launch a tangent.
I don't answer dumbass questions. You're just a fucked up moron.

Moron claims Pelosi has no ability to control her driver. :cuckoo:

I believe that every individual is responsible for their own actions.
Hilarious. Troll claims Pelosi is a victim.
I asked you a question. Don't respond with an anther question that does nothing but launch a tangent.
I don't answer dumbass questions. You're just a fucked up moron.

Moron claims Pelosi has no ability to control her driver. :cuckoo:

I believe that every individual is responsible for their own actions.
Hilarious. Troll claims Pelosi is a victim.


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