Leader & Members of Greek Neo-Fascist Golden Dawn Party Arrested

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
This should be interesting to follow. <my comment

Golden Dawn leader charged with heading a criminal gang | World news | The Observer

The leader of Greece's Golden Dawn party, widely viewed as Europe's most violent political force, appeared in court on Saturday night on charges of heading a criminal gang after police mounted an unprecedented crackdown on the neo-fascist party, arresting Nikos Michaloliakos and other key members of his organisation.

After a police operation in which anti-terrorism officers stormed the homes of Golden Dawn politicians across Athens, Michaloliakos and five of his MPs were seized. Fifteen other senior party activists, including a female police officer, were taken into custody accused of fomenting violence as members of a criminal organisation. Reading from a nine-page charge sheet, a public prosecutor accused the far-rightists of murder, extortion and money laundering.

The crackdown was hailed as "a historic day for Greece and Europe" by the public order minister, Nikos Dendias, who oversaw the operation, known only to three security officials before it was launched a little after dawn. "Golden Dawn tried to test the endurance of democracy," he said in a televised address, insisting that the inquiry into the party's illegal activities would continue apace. "Today it got an answer from state justice."
The status quo in the government are scared of Golden Dawn because the GD has a growing following in a time when the current politicial parties can't fix Greece's problem.

So, they have to get rid of the GD. And to do that, they file trumped-up charges against it's leadership.

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