Leadership, globalization and human sacrifice.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Ritual sacrifice has a long history in human societies and it has evolved into modernity to serve the age old purpose of presenting itself as a “greater good” for the majority of the population. The recent ritual sacrifice of innocent children in Manchester is a good example. An ascended aristocracy, the British leadership, is practicing human sacrifice by soliciting killers whose access to innocent victims should be historically blocked by border security as it always has been in civilized cultures.

The problematic obstacle of protective borders is overcome by implanting the instruments of sacrifice directly into the midst of vulnerable communities to accomplish the higher-ordered mission of an accepting, non-discriminating global social order. The remains of innocent children splattered on a concrete wall are the building blocks of a new world foisted on the general population by people who believe they think on a loftier level than common folk-for their benefit of course.

Let’s consider the game of chess where pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, queens and kings are valued and devalued for the goal of out-pointing an opponent into a stalemate or surrender. The chess player has only a superficial, utilitarian connection to the chess pieces and considers them only as tools to prosecute a winning endgame. So the pieces are routinely and strategically sacrificed in a planned way to outwit an opponent and produce a winning outcome. Chess, like socialism and globalization, is a game where the end always justifies the means-for the players, not the played.

When the rules of chess are applied to flesh and blood the result is de facto human sacrifice. Hitler and Stalin come to mind for many but they were overt in their evil. Today the truly wicked in our world are able to disguise themselves as doers of good like the globalist authority of England, most of the rest of Europe and increasingly the United States. The endgame of a world government can only be accomplished with the scattered remains of innocent men, women and children. The Boston Marathon and San Bernardino are nothing compared to what’s coming in the US.

Yes, the medieval murderers are horrible creatures but they are just the henchmen of the elitist, political hierarchy that uses them as enforcers of globalization. If we as a people wish to remain free and secure we need to recognize who the real villains are-the ones who practice human sacrifice.

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