Leave Berghdals parents alone!!!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Yanno......................I'm wondering what the problem is. I mean Berghdals parents did what any other parent would do.

He grew a beard. He only did it to try to show solidarity with the captors of his son. Who among you would not do so to try to save your child?

He learned their language. Sorry, but trying to speak the language of those who have your child is important, because if you are trying to negotiate, or ask for the return of your child, you should try to speak their language. It helps if you can speak a common language.

Would you leave your son or daughter in a foreign land?

Leave the parents alone, they don't deserve the death threats they've been receiving.
Yanno......................I'm wondering what the problem is. I mean Berghdals parents did what any other parent would do.

He grew a beard. He only did it to try to show solidarity with the captors of his son. Who among you would not do so to try to save your child?

Yeah, well, when the folks to whom the parent in question is showing solidarity just happen to be no less than a bunch of thugs called the Taliban, sorry, but that's a bit of problem.

ABikerSailor said:
He learned their language. Sorry, but trying to speak the language of those who have your child is important, because if you are trying to negotiate, or ask for the return of your child, you should try to speak their language. It helps if you can speak a common language.


ABikerSailor said:
Would you leave your son or daughter in a foreign land?

Leave the parents alone, they don't deserve the death threats they've been receiving.

Think of the Bergdahl parents situation like this:

After a homicide, the first thing at which the detectives investigating it look is the deceased's immediate family.

Were there any old grudges amongst them?

Was there life insurance money to be gained?

Who in the family stood the most to lose by way of the deceased's passing?

Who stood the most to gain?

Who had motive?

I'm not much of a fan of demonizing people who don't deserve to be demonized, myself. But the Bergdahl father has made some very strange, questionable moves. And because the safety of our country may well be at stake, it is certainly our right to question his motives.
Yanno...................I really don't care what the motivation of the family was (as perceived by the masses), but I do care that he was brought back.

Quick question for you who are calling for his head.......................did you ever serve? Do you know what the UCMJ is about?

If not, shut the fuck up. Bergdahl is back, he's been interviewed and checked out. We never leave a man behind.

Additionally, his parents have nothing to do with what you think he may or may not have done (according to your perceptions).

Why can't you be happy that he may be able to see his family again?

Yeah...................he may have left under dubious circumstances, but he's back.

Can't we be happy about that?
Yanno...................I really don't care what the motivation of the family was (as perceived by the masses), but I do care that he was brought back.

Quick question for you who are calling for his head.......................did you ever serve? Do you know what the UCMJ is about?

If not, shut the fuck up. Bergdahl is back, he's been interviewed and checked out. We never leave a man behind.

Additionally, his parents have nothing to do with what you think he may or may not have done (according to your perceptions).

Why can't you be happy that he may be able to see his family again?

Yeah...................he may have left under dubious circumstances, but he's back.

Can't we be happy about that?

Not under these circumstances. He left his post, aka Deserted it, in a War Zone. Please shut the hell up yourself about the UCMJ. You don't corner the market on that subject. We traded 5 high level scumbags for him. That BS. For a Traitor.
Yanno...................I really don't care what the motivation of the family was (as perceived by the masses), but I do care that he was brought back.

Yeah, well, I guess we should be thankful that we live in a free country where everyone doesn't have to see things the same way you do.

ABikerSailor said:
Quick question for you who are calling for his head.......................did you ever serve? Do you know what the UCMJ is about?

If not, shut the fuck up. Bergdahl is back, he's been interviewed and checked out. We never leave a man behind.

God bless you, and thanks for serving.

I am familiar with the Uniform Code of Military Justice; but no, I have not myself served.

I do, however, have family members in the double digits who have.

Odd that neither none of them nor anyone else I've ever met who's served has ever told me to "STFU."

To the contrary, they've always encouraged me to speak up when I feel a compelling urge about something that bothers me. And they've told me that they served to give me the First Amendment Right to do that.

ABikerSailor said:
Additionally, his parents have nothing to do with what you think he may or may not have done (according to your perceptions).

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's why we need an official Pentagon investigation into the ordeal to find out.

ABikerSailor said:
Why can't you be happy that he may be able to see his family again?

Yeah...................he may have left under dubious circumstances, but he's back.

Can't we be happy about that?

I don't know anyone who didn't serve with him who isn't happy that the kid is finally back home.

But I understand that some of the guys in his unit have said that they certainly aren't happy he's back.

I understand that some of the parents of six deceased soldiers don't seem to be especially thrilled that he's back.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the American men who captured, detained and repeatedly questioned the five al-Qaeda lowlifes we just set free in exchange for the kid in a horribly bad deal aren't just tickled pink that he's back.

And I wouldn't think it very odd if some surviving family members of those lost on 9-11 aren't ecstatic that the kid is back, given that those five al-Qaeda lowlifes whose heinous plots killed their loved ones are again free men.

And again, thanks to soldiers like you who fought for this precious country of ours, everyone who isn't happy that Bergdahl—God bless him—is back with his folks has that right.

God bless America.
Yeah, well, when the folks to whom the parent in question is showing solidarity just happen to be no less than a bunch of thugs called the Taliban, sorry, but that's a bit of problem.

no one who takes your kid is a nice person. as golda meir said "who are you going to talk to? your friends?"

your reason for judging dad is silly.

I'm not much of a fan of demonizing people who don't deserve to be demonized, myself. But the Bergdahl father has made some very strange, questionable moves. And because the safety of our country may well be at stake, it is certainly our right to question his motives.

i'm pretty sure that he was terrified they were going to behead his son. i figure that excuses a bit of weirdness.

so i think you're demonizing him a bit prematurely.
Yeah, well, when the folks to whom the parent in question is showing solidarity just happen to be no less than a bunch of thugs called the Taliban, sorry, but that's a bit of problem.

no one who takes your kid is a nice person. as golda meir said "who are you going to talk to? your friends?"

your reason for judging dad is silly.

I'm not much of a fan of demonizing people who don't deserve to be demonized, myself. But the Bergdahl father has made some very strange, questionable moves. And because the safety of our country may well be at stake, it is certainly our right to question his motives.

i'm pretty sure that he was terrified they were going to behead his son. i figure that excuses a bit of weirdness.

so i think you're demonizing him a bit prematurely.

Actions speak louder than words..................Show me when he reverses course and takes back all the praise for our enemies.................
Yeah, well, when the folks to whom the parent in question is showing solidarity just happen to be no less than a bunch of thugs called the Taliban, sorry, but that's a bit of problem.

no one who takes your kid is a nice person. as golda meir said "who are you going to talk to? your friends?"

your reason for judging dad is silly.

I'm not much of a fan of demonizing people who don't deserve to be demonized, myself. But the Bergdahl father has made some very strange, questionable moves. And because the safety of our country may well be at stake, it is certainly our right to question his motives.

i'm pretty sure that he was terrified they were going to behead his son. i figure that excuses a bit of weirdness.

so i think you're demonizing him a bit prematurely.

The father didn't care about his son, he was a al Qaeda operative, or so many claim.......he shaved, as he said he would, and is a devout Presbyterian.
Yanno...................I really don't care what the motivation of the family was (as perceived by the masses), but I do care that he was brought back.

Quick question for you who are calling for his head.......................did you ever serve? Do you know what the UCMJ is about?

If not, shut the fuck up. Bergdahl is back, he's been interviewed and checked out. We never leave a man behind.

Additionally, his parents have nothing to do with what you think he may or may not have done (according to your perceptions).

Why can't you be happy that he may be able to see his family again?

Yeah...................he may have left under dubious circumstances, but he's back.

Can't we be happy about that?

Not under these circumstances. He left his post, aka Deserted it, in a War Zone. Please shut the hell up yourself about the UCMJ. You don't corner the market on that subject. We traded 5 high level scumbags for him. That BS. For a Traitor.

Where was the declaration of war in order to make it a "war" zone?
I see only a bunch of a far right suckers talking through their ass.

Leave the parents alone, get along with your lives, for you are looking stupid.
Right here was the declaration of War. We don't really declare War anymore. Haven't for a long time. This video shows the declaration of War.

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I see only a bunch of a far right suckers talking through their ass.

Leave the parents alone, get along with your lives, for you are looking stupid.

I'm not doing anything to the parents. I'm posting on an opinionated board. And I'm saying we got a raw deal for Bowe.
Bergdahl's father is a radical Muslim and an Al Qaeda operative.

Sgt. Bergdahl is a convert to Islam and a card carrying member of the Taliban and spent 5 years training them in U.S. military tactics.

Pres. Obama helped the Bergdahl family because he is a secret muslim and wants to turn America into a muslim nation.

The father said Islamic words in the White House and now it's considered a Mosque by the worlds muslims.

Also, the father's arabic words at the WH briefing were coded messages to the Taliban.

True story........ :cuckoo:
Right here was the declaration of War. We don't really declare War anymore. Haven't for a long time. This video shows the declaration of War.


Yeah, why bother with legal technicalities when we want to go killing people around the world, just go and do it and fuck due proceedure, we aren't answerable to anyone after all. Which is probably why that happened in the first place.
Right here was the declaration of War. We don't really declare War anymore. Haven't for a long time. This video shows the declaration of War.


Yeah, why bother with legal technicalities when we want to go killing people around the world, just go and do it and fuck due proceedure, we aren't answerable to anyone after all. Which is probably why that happened in the first place.


Congress Authorized the Action, but not a full blown declaration of War. Which Country would you Declare War Against anyway.............Last I heard the AQ are not a country.

The people who died on 9/11 didn't get due process. So spare me.

The only reason we are still there is that we didn't fight it like a War. We should have never gotten into Nation building in the quick sand of the Middle East. Ruled by backwards goat herders with a 7th Century Mentality.
Right here was the declaration of War. We don't really declare War anymore. Haven't for a long time. This video shows the declaration of War.


Yeah, why bother with legal technicalities when we want to go killing people around the world, just go and do it and fuck due proceedure, we aren't answerable to anyone after all. Which is probably why that happened in the first place.


Congress Authorized the Action, but not a full blown declaration of War. Which Country would you Declare War Against anyway.............Last I heard the AQ are not a country.

The people who died on 9/11 didn't get due process. So spare me.

The only reason we are still there is that we didn't fight it like a War. We should have never gotten into Nation building in the quick sand of the Middle East. Ruled by backwards goat herders with a 7th Century Mentality.

And by 9/11 you mean New York rather than Chile? Just to be sure.
Yanno...................I really don't care what the motivation of the family was (as perceived by the masses), but I do care that he was brought back.

Quick question for you who are calling for his head.......................did you ever serve? Do you know what the UCMJ is about?

If not, shut the fuck up. Bergdahl is back, he's been interviewed and checked out. We never leave a man behind.

Additionally, his parents have nothing to do with what you think he may or may not have done (according to your perceptions).

Why can't you be happy that he may be able to see his family again?

Yeah...................he may have left under dubious circumstances, but he's back.

Can't we be happy about that?

Not under these circumstances. He left his post, aka Deserted it, in a War Zone. Please shut the hell up yourself about the UCMJ. You don't corner the market on that subject. We traded 5 high level scumbags for him. That BS. For a Traitor.

They were so "high level" that in the years we had him, we couldn't come up with grounds to charge and try them.
Bergdhal walked away from his post, period. There are no excuses for that, none. He is guilty of desertion, period. I dont care if they say he had PTSD, he walked away from his post. He is guilty of desertion during wartime.
Bergdahl's father is a radical Muslim and an Al Qaeda operative.

Sgt. Bergdahl is a convert to Islam and a card carrying member of the Taliban and spent 5 years training them in U.S. military tactics.

Pres. Obama helped the Bergdahl family because he is a secret muslim and wants to turn America into a muslim nation.

The father said Islamic words in the White House and now it's considered a Mosque by the worlds muslims.

Also, the father's arabic words at the WH briefing were coded messages to the Taliban.

True story........ :cuckoo:

No they were not code for anything. Watch this footage for the truth, or alternatively, keep right on repeating the same lie.

Jon Stewart debunks Fox News ?boobery? surrounding Bowe Bergdahl?s father

In reality, the phrase is a prayer, which translates to “In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful” in English. Not only that, but Stewart played footage of the phrase being used by several Middle Eastern guests of George W. Bush’s administration.

Why didn't anyone complain all the times the very same phrase was used during the bush regime?
Bergdhal walked away from his post, period. There are no excuses for that, none. He is guilty of desertion, period. I dont care if they say he had PTSD, he walked away from his post. He is guilty of desertion during wartime.

Wartime you say? We've already worked out that no war had been legally declared. Is this wartime unoffical like playtime?

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