Leave Berghdals parents alone!!!!!

Bergdhal walked away from his post, period. There are no excuses for that, none. He is guilty of desertion, period. I dont care if they say he had PTSD, he walked away from his post. He is guilty of desertion during wartime.

Yabut, there's that pesky guarantee of due process. Sorry, but you're gonna have to wait to pronounce him guilty and hang him.

you weren't' there and don't know what happened

Bergdahl's father is a radical Muslim and an Al Qaeda operative.

Sgt. Bergdahl is a convert to Islam and a card carrying member of the Taliban and spent 5 years training them in U.S. military tactics.

Pres. Obama helped the Bergdahl family because he is a secret muslim and wants to turn America into a muslim nation.

The father said Islamic words in the White House and now it's considered a Mosque by the worlds muslims.

Also, the father's arabic words at the WH briefing were coded messages to the Taliban.

True story........ :cuckoo:

No they were not code for anything. Watch this footage for the truth, or alternatively, keep right on repeating the same lie.
Pres. Obama and the Bergdahl family are all in cahoots to take over America and hand it to the Taliban.

How can you deny the obvious?? .. :cool:
Bergdahl's father is a radical Muslim and an Al Qaeda operative.

Sgt. Bergdahl is a convert to Islam and a card carrying member of the Taliban and spent 5 years training them in U.S. military tactics.

Pres. Obama helped the Bergdahl family because he is a secret muslim and wants to turn America into a muslim nation.

The father said Islamic words in the White House and now it's considered a Mosque by the worlds muslims.

Also, the father's arabic words at the WH briefing were coded messages to the Taliban.

True story........ :cuckoo:

No they were not code for anything. Watch this footage for the truth, or alternatively, keep right on repeating the same lie.
Pres. Obama and the Bergdahl family are all in cahoots to take over America and hand it to the Taliban.

How can you deny the obvious?? .. :cool:

Yeah, that's why Obama has killed so many taliban.

Actions speak louder than words..................Show me when he reverses course and takes back all the praise for our enemies.................

why does he have to say anything? it's kind of a non-issue. he's not a political figure. making him one in order to attack him is spinning your wheels.
Bergdahl's father is a radical Muslim and an Al Qaeda operative.

Sgt. Bergdahl is a convert to Islam and a card carrying member of the Taliban and spent 5 years training them in U.S. military tactics.

Pres. Obama helped the Bergdahl family because he is a secret muslim and wants to turn America into a muslim nation.

The father said Islamic words in the White House and now it's considered a Mosque by the worlds muslims.

Also, the father's arabic words at the WH briefing were coded messages to the Taliban.

True story........ :cuckoo:

No they were not code for anything. Watch this footage for the truth, or alternatively, keep right on repeating the same lie.
Pres. Obama and the Bergdahl family are all in cahoots to take over America and hand it to the Taliban.

How can you deny the obvious?? .. :cool:

you would love that if it were true. you'd feel right at home.

but it isn't... and you're still a creep.
Bergdahl's father is a radical Muslim and an Al Qaeda operative.

Sgt. Bergdahl is a convert to Islam and a card carrying member of the Taliban and spent 5 years training them in U.S. military tactics.

Pres. Obama helped the Bergdahl family because he is a secret muslim and wants to turn America into a muslim nation.

The father said Islamic words in the White House and now it's considered a Mosque by the worlds muslims.

Also, the father's arabic words at the WH briefing were coded messages to the Taliban.

True story........ :cuckoo:

No they were not code for anything. Watch this footage for the truth, or alternatively, keep right on repeating the same lie.
Pres. Obama and the Bergdahl family are all in cahoots to take over America and hand it to the Taliban.

How can you deny the obvious?? .. :cool:

Well, at least we'll have all the shawarmas and kebabs we can eat.:badgrin:
Bergdahl's father is a radical Muslim and an Al Qaeda operative.

Sgt. Bergdahl is a convert to Islam and a card carrying member of the Taliban and spent 5 years training them in U.S. military tactics.

Pres. Obama helped the Bergdahl family because he is a secret muslim and wants to turn America into a muslim nation.

The father said Islamic words in the White House and now it's considered a Mosque by the worlds muslims.

Also, the father's arabic words at the WH briefing were coded messages to the Taliban.

True story........ :cuckoo:

No they were not code for anything. Watch this footage for the truth, or alternatively, keep right on repeating the same lie.

Jon Stewart debunks Fox News ?boobery? surrounding Bowe Bergdahl?s father

In reality, the phrase is a prayer, which translates to “In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful” in English. Not only that, but Stewart played footage of the phrase being used by several Middle Eastern guests of George W. Bush’s administration.

Why didn't anyone complain all the times the very same phrase was used during the bush regime?

When are the nutters gonna stop ignoring the facts?

Right here was the declaration of War. We don't really declare War anymore. Haven't for a long time. This video shows the declaration of War.


Yeah, why bother with legal technicalities when we want to go killing people around the world, just go and do it and fuck due proceedure, we aren't answerable to anyone after all. Which is probably why that happened in the first place.


Congress Authorized the Action, but not a full blown declaration of War. Which Country would you Declare War Against anyway.............Last I heard the AQ are not a country.

The people who died on 9/11 didn't get due process. So spare me.

The only reason we are still there is that we didn't fight it like a War. We should have never gotten into Nation building in the quick sand of the Middle East. Ruled by backwards goat herders with a 7th Century Mentality.

you should probably read the Iraq war resolution. congress did not authorize a full fledged attacked. they authorized military action in order to give the president the full weight of the government in his negotiations. (something the rightwingnut losers have never done for this president). in any event, congress required that the administration come back to congress AFTER exhausting all diplomatic remedies and dependent upon Iraq's cooperation with the UN Inspectors. the administration failed. yet I don't recall anyone shrieking that bush acted criminally

Perhaps it would help you to look at real documents:

1. Iraq war resolution:


2. final report of UN Inspector Hans Blix:

HBx/Draft 3
If the father didn't want flack he shouldn't have praised Allah on camera when referring to his traitor son. The boy leaned to be a turncoat from someone.
I can respect the OP's post about leaving the parents alone but at the same time the actions of this Soldier and his fathers words don't sit right with me, something stinks here.
If the father didn't want flack he shouldn't have praised Allah on camera when referring to his traitor son. The boy leaned to be a turncoat from someone.

For the gazillionth time, read the facts.

I've posted it twice in this thread. Why do RWs insist on ignoring the FACTS?
If the father didn't want flack he shouldn't have praised Allah on camera when referring to his traitor son. The boy leaned to be a turncoat from someone.

For the gazillionth time, read the facts.

I've posted it twice in this thread. Why do RWs insist on ignoring the FACTS?

We dont....Unlike you we dont rely on lies.

IOW, you didn't watch the video or read the quote.

Jon Stewart debunks Fox News ?boobery? surrounding Bowe Bergdahl?s father

Now, the low info RWs will say they won't watch a Jon Stewart video. Bet on it.
For the gazillionth time, read the facts.

I've posted it twice in this thread. Why do RWs insist on ignoring the FACTS?

We dont....Unlike you we dont rely on lies.

IOW, you didn't watch the video or read the quote.

Now, the low info RWs will say they won't watch a Jon Stewart video. Bet on it.
Luddly, you do realize that Jon Steward hosts a COMEDY show and that he isn't a real journalist. .. :cuckoo: :lol:
You almost gotta laugh that the radical left wants everyone to keep silent about Bergdhall when they brought Sarah Palin's family into the spotlight and made jokes about her Down's Syndrome baby. Bergdhals parents willingly entered the fray when they accepted Barry Hussein's invitation to invoke the will of Allah in the Rose Garden.
Yanno......................I'm wondering what the problem is. I mean Berghdals parents did what any other parent would do.

He grew a beard. He only did it to try to show solidarity with the captors of his son. Who among you would not do so to try to save your child?

He learned their language. Sorry, but trying to speak the language of those who have your child is important, because if you are trying to negotiate, or ask for the return of your child, you should try to speak their language. It helps if you can speak a common language.

Would you leave your son or daughter in a foreign land?

Leave the parents alone, they don't deserve the death threats they've been receiving.

Are you really suggesting that the Bergdahls were and should negotiate directly with the people who have their son as a guest in their homes?

Plenty of parents have children in foreign lands. Their children are there because they want to be there. Abdullah Bergdahl wanted to be with the Taliban. He left his unit to be with the Taliban.

The parents should not receive death threats over a decision made by their son. If Bob Bergdahl has committed any crimes himself in communicating with Taliban, that should be investigated and prosecuted if necessary.

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